Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Patience, Anne. ;) We can't do them all at once, can we? We've gotta spread out the PureJoy love so we can give each piece its true admiration!! :lol:

Cath admiring her handiwork :devil: in Bad to the bone:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

kaylyne said:
Patience, Anne. ;) We can't do them all at once, can we? We've gotta spread out the PureJoy love so we can give each piece its true admiration!! :lol:

Cath admiring her handiwork :devil: in Bad to the bone:

Haha! Cath's handiwork. I like it :devil:

And I will do my best to curb my patience. *kicks it* Stay patient!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

csiemily I see you're completely down in the gutter.
Welcome on board girl! :lol:

Another one to the " I want you here and now " serie.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

good one Dardeile Grissom vs the Volcano is a good C/G episode
the line .."that was YOU." is priceless :D

here is another from Slaves of Las Vegas

Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

i just can never get enought of PureJoy!! haha:p did grissom comfort cath in Built to Kill (part 1 and/or 2)?? i know warrick and sara did but did gris?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

No, we didn't see a GC comfort scene in BTK (at least not on camera). Couldn't have the REAL story shown. That would cause disarray. So, here's my theory on that:

We know that Cath knew Gil wouldn't be at the club - "not if he thinks he has to dance" - so I'm guessing GC had a little disagreement at home first, so Cath went anyway. Then Cath got involved in the roofie/kidnapping plot, tries to hide it from Gil because she "didn't want a sermon". They found out she wasn't raped, got Lindsey back safe, Sam was shot in her arms. (camera goes dark - so the others can't see the REAL story) Gil arrives only minutes later. He was already on his way to her because he had a "sixth sense" that she was in danger. They both go with Sam to the hospital, only to have him die. (Cath & Gil know that it's only a hoax, so Sam can get his enemies off his back, and that he is still alive and living on a remote island that he owns!) Gil & Cath go home to comfort Lindsey. They put her to bed after a quiet storytime (Gil reading some weird Shakespeare scene) and then have a little comfort session of their own.

There you go. Case solved.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

haha, i love it! but, i'm not sure if it's just a comfort session... lol, i dont think i should go furter:p

you know in Sweet Jane when nick and catherine find out that grissom has a girlfriend... they are probably both mad. because cath and grissom love each other and nick and sara do. nick and cath should team up and break gris and sara up:p haha, that'd be something to watch!! :p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Hey gals, thanks for your 'how long they known each other' theories.

kaylyne omg that scene, look at G's face. Daaaamn. The pic says it all. Oh what a face.

Emily I like Sara with Nicky too.

I think we can add Quentin Tarentino to the old G/C ship list btw ladies. I watched the CSI:Tarentino style documentary thingy last night and it showed the scene were G/C meet Nicky's parents and Quentin said, 'They represent an older, different generation of Grissom and Catherine' Quentin knows!

If Jorja leaves at the end of S7...who knows?! ;)

Hands in To Halve & To Hold
VERY close in Table Stakes
Comfort in Gentle Gentle
Slighty touching in Feeling The Heat
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

you know.. I never liked Built to Kill. Sure Marg's acting was FANTASTIC and she did rock the house but besides the action there was nothing to that episode. Ok so the miniature crime scenes started showing up.. but there was no rhyme or reason for all of the 'cath' drama.
First she gets potentially raped (don't get me wrong, a very powerful story)

then ...
her daughter gets kidnapped????????
SAM DIES!!!!!!!!!!!

COME ON!! how much can she go through and NOT have Grissom do or say ANYTHING to her about it.????

Sorry for my little rant :eek:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Hhunter - I could not agree more. I was REALLY pissed off with BtK, like you said, Marg was absolutly outstanding but honestly, how much drama in a short while can a lass go through. And absoutly no contact/comfort from G. I was so shocked when she rang Sara and not G. Wtf was with that?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I finally saw the whole of BTK2 last week. I loved all the Cath drama, and I too was disappointed that Grissom was not there to comfort her more, as she was always there for him when he needed her, like when she came to see him before his surgery. But i did love the concern for Lindsey :D

I think under the circumstances Catherine did the right thing phoning Sara, seeing as she knew Gil's stance on going to bars and socialising and knew that he would disapprove and i suppose she didnt want to have to deal with that aswell. Like she said, she didnt want a sermon. But i think it was very revealing that Grissom looked quite hurt by that comment.

And love all these touchy picture moments :)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I can see why she rang Sara, her being a girl and all that but still, she always usually runs to G when shes got trouble and I was gutted when she didn't. I was shocked, mouth on floor and everything!

I got to watch Weeping Willows the other night, he was SO jelous/pissed off with C. Gotta love the angst. He was well off with her becuz of that fella.

Watched Grave Danger, found some nice moments in there, G/C dealing with Sams donation and Nicky's parents. A really good episode, it made me cry. Props to George he was amazing in that.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I AGREE!! i couldn't believe that George didn't get an award for that!! i cry every time i watch it :(

as for BTK, with grissom and everything, i probably would phone sara too. not that i didn't want grissom to come (believe me, i REALLY wanted grissom to come) but, i wouldn't really want to talk about me being raped to my boss/a guy. i just wish that grissom some how comforted her. As you guys have said, she's always been there for him and he's always been there for her... what's with this time?

and i have to agree with you guys again, i didnt really like the story line for that episode. yeah, it was action packed but it still has to be real. name ONE person in real life that that has happened to. almost being raped, have daughter kiddnapped and threatened, and have your dad being shot. i dont know about u guys but, i wouldnt be able to go on if that happened. like, still doing that job, with it not affecting up? if that was actually real, cath would probably be off the job for a little. come on, three of your worst nightmares coming true with in a few days? that's crazy.

ps: haha, yeah.. i'm a snickers and purejoy! :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Off, dude she'd be on suicide watch!! I know Cath's a strong woman and all that but seriously, very unrealistic IMO. I think if I was her I still woulda called Griss, they don't *usually* hide things from each other and can basically tell each other anything and everthing. Somthing about BtK just didn't sit right with me.

Emily My first couple is PureJoy, always will be, but I kinda like Sandle and Snickers too. I can't see GSR or YoBling though. No offence meant, just, nothing there IMO.
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