Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

well seven o clock came and greg had to go home quickley and change, he wanted to look his best for her

greg "are you ready"

wendy looks up and down at greg

wendy "did you change"

greg "i wanted to look my best for you"

wendy thought he was so sweet

wendy "im sorry im dressed in my work clothes"

greg "c'mon you look great"

wendy grinned
Sara finally found Nick in the AV Lab talking to Archie about a pending case Sara smiled she couldnt help but stare at him although she was a bit nervous it wasnt the fact that she was carrying his child, it was more or less the fact that she waited so long to tell him, He had to know Heck everyone had to know after all at 5 Months it wasnt that easy to hide,she took a deep Breath and spoke "Hey , Sorry to interrupt but I really need to talk to Nick"
Archie looked over at Nick who shrugged.
"Sure. I'll be right back," Nick walked over to Sara, following her outside of the AV lab.
Sara took him to the break room making sure the door was locked behind them so they could be alone, she was a nervous and it was obvious "Nick you know I love you right? and nothing will ever change how I feel about you, but somethings happened and I'm scared" she looked into his eyes sensing He was afraid she was breaking up with him "Oh God Nick No its not what You think I could never leave you, I guess I'm afraid you'll leave me" she stared off into space for a few minutes as she continued "remember the night we had here oh about 5 months ago? *she frowned not waiting for him to answer* I'm Pregnant" she looks at him she cant believe it took her 5 months to tell him she was carrying his child
Nick's mouth hung open as he took in what Sara was telling him. She was pregnant. Five months along. It was unbelievable.
"Sara, are you sure?" he whispered. "I mean, I wouldn't be upset or anything, you know I love you but... wow."
He noticed her slightly rounded belly. Of course she was pregnant. He felt like such an idiot.
"We should talk about this. I mean a serious conversation."
He looked around and poked his head into the AV lab.
"Hey Archie, I'm going to have to get back to you on those tapes. Talk to you later."
Nick grabbed Sara's hand, leading her outside to the nearest restaurant he could find.
somehow they Managed to wind up at their favorite Spot, she liked to call it Thier Diner, she Looked up at him witht Love in her eyes "I guess we're going to have to tell everyone about Us ,the fact that we've been seeing eachother, after all I dont want them thinking this is Grissoms baby" she shuddered at the thought What had ever possessed her to go out with him about a year and a half ago was beyond her
Sara looked at Nick,they were very obviously sitting intimantly and Sara was holding his hand, she wondered if Greg could tell ,she frowned oh who was she kidding of course he could tell "um well Nick and I have something to tell you"
She squeezed Nicks hand "Nick and I have been seeing eachother for awhile now" she gazed lovingly into Nicks eyes "and whatever you've been hearing about Me being Pregnant, well its true" she Looked at Nick allowing him to speak to Greg as well
greg "thats amazing congratulations"

he hugs sara

greg "me and wendy have been hiding something to"

wendy "do you really think i should tell them"
Alexis looked at Ecklie too "Yeah why didn't you just say it over the machine."
Ecklie then said "See Days has a case and since you two are..." Ecklie bit his lip. "The best we have I need you two to work it with your teams."
Alexis smiled "that must have taken alot out of you Ecklie."
She smirked and said "we'll give me the case file and I'll work on it. Grissom can go back and get some sleep."
Ecklie shook his head. "No you two are gonna have to stay here and work together on this. No independate working got that. You have too..."
Alexis Cut Ecklie off "I think we get the Idea." Alexis took the file and walked towards Grissom. "we can work this in my office."
Alexis looked at Grissom "Well that's it I can't get any sleep forever Now." She started to go over the files. She was looking through and found something that diffently brought her attention."Gil I thinl I was right at first I can't let you work this Case. Conflict of interest." She looked back at Grissom. "I'm gonna only have to borrow Nick,Sara,Greg,and Warrick."