Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"I notice things like that." She said with a smile. "I actually saw you at an amusement park a while ago. You rode a rollercoast 3 times for the hell of it." She laughed a little.
"Ya... I dontknow why i love to ride them so much, but i just do" he looked at her "So what do you do on your time off?"
She smiled "I have my Video Games and my laptop." She laughed. "If Not I shop. I'm very typical for a girl." She looked at him. "Sadly I'm one of those girls that can actually tell you what button to hit at the right time while playing a football video game."
He laughed "I'm not realy into those games, I mean I guess i will. I played Splinter Cell one time but i would still rather work on a case or something" He gave a smerk.
"I've got you. I play alot of shooting games just to relieve my stress. Then I just go shopping. Hey It's my way of relaxation." She laughed. "It's just nice just to be normal you know. We meet people on the worse day of there lives everyday and we work those cases to help them. But to actually take a load off your shoulders is Great too."
"Ya.. I get told all the time that I am a workaholick" he smiled.

( Hey I have to do something so it will be a while 10 min that most. )
( Ok see ya )

"Ya i guess" he smiled "Well tonights been fun!" he looked back at her "And thanks for taking me out"
"It has hasn't it." Alexis Smiled. "I never thought we would have so much conversation in so little time." Alexis looked at Grissom. "I guess it's time to go home. Swing starts at 4 and I don't want Ecklie on my back." She said with a light laugh. "Well let's get to the Car and drive off."
"Ok" he smiled and walked her over to the car and let her in, he drove her to her house "Well here ya go" he looked over at her with a smile.
She smiled."well I guess this is good bye til we see each other at work." She kissed his cheek and left the Car. She waved at him and then she opened the door to her House. "She couldn't believe that she actually spent time with the Guy. But yet kiss his cheek. She then Went to her Answering machine and played the missed messages. One of them was Conrad. He said that he needed to Speak with the supervisors early today so she had to Come in at 1 instead of 3. She said "OH Gosh now I seriously need to get some sleep quick."
He smiled and waved back. He touched his cheek where she kissed him and drove to his house. "Wow!" he said to himself waling into his house, he also had a message from Conrad, but he just went to sleep.
It was an hour before the meeting with Conrad and Alexis was already at HQ. She didn't get any sleep. She was in the break room drinking some of Greg's coffee. She was sitting there looking through her laptop wondering why the hell Conrad called the meeting. Then she heard footsteps walking into the breakroom. She looked up and Saw Grissom. Alexis smiled. "We'll good afternoon sleepy head. Looks like your well rested."
He smiled "Ya... just a little" he walked in and poured him some coffee. He took a sip "Man thats good" he smiled at her "Well I am not ready for that meeting"