Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"I'm still wondering why the hell he called this meeting for. We're all doing our jobs. I still haven't seen Dayshifts Supervisor too. I wondering if this involves us only. Man I would so be mad at Ecklie for this if it is about us two only." Alexis said in a tone. "We'll I guess you didn't die of shock when I kissed your cheek." She said with a smile and then she sipped her Coffee.
He smiled "Well it took every part of me not to" he looked around, he sat on the couch and waited for Conrad.

(( Do you want to play Conrad b/c I've never played him before ))
(Sure I'll play Conrad.)
She laughed "Grissom if you only knew what I really wanted to do." She said with a smirk wanting to see how he would react.
Conrad then entered. "I see you two had a good night."
Alexis turned around. "Conrad it's nice to see you." She said in mild tone.
Conrad looked at Alexis and did a half assed smile. "We'll it's good to see my two favorite Supervisors."
Alexis knew what was coming."What do you want Conrad."
Conrad said "what do you mean what do I want."
Alexis smirked." Well you would be kissing ass to the 2 supervisors you wanna take down from the lab. So what do you want."
Conrad took a chair and sat waiting for more comments.
Gil looked at Alexis when she said that and smerked, then at Conrad "Why did you call us, and it seems like we are the only ones" he got kinda mad. He hated him.
(can someone double up as Nick? I dont know what happened to the girl that said she'd play him My guess is that maybe her Net got down or something but Sara really needs her Nicky and when the girl who said shed be Nick comes back she can have him back)
Alexis looked at Grissom proud of his observation.
"Really Eckile whats up only calling me and Grissom."
Ecklie looked at Alexis and Grissom. "I need you two to run Days."
Alexis was fumed. "what happened to the dayshift supervisor."she said demandly.
Ecklie looked at both. "Alexis and Gil, The dayshift supervisor quit. I can't tell ya the reason though."
Alexis said "so we have to take your word for it."
Ecklie nodded.
well greg was getting tired of waiting for nick, he couldn't find him, but then someone called him from across the hall

(do we have a wendy)
(oh ok thank you for telling me :D)

wendy "greg i have a problem"

greg turns around

greg "what is it"

she jestures him to come over to her

wendy "im doing a case with a big plane accident and there was blood very where"

greg "and"

he looks at her wondering what she is going to say

wendy "i know you worked in the lab before the feild so i was wondering becuase i have another case can you help me with the plane crash"

greg "it's been a while i dont know"

wendy "please"

greg sighs and looks down

greg "fine but if i screw up"

wendy "you wondt screw up"

she smiles

greg "you owe me lunch"

wendy "better yet how about you get me dinner"

greg "but im doing this"

he gets what she's trying to tell him

he blushes

greg "when do you get off work"

wendy "six"

he smiles at her

greg "ill pick you up at seven"

she laughs
(Who did you have in mind to play Nick, SaraSidleStokes? If it isn't too much to ask, I can take over until stokeluver comes back. :))
Hestia said:
(Who did you have in mind to play Nick, SaraSidleStokes? If it isn't too much to ask, I can take over until stokeluver comes back. :))
You can that would be GREAT You're good at him (speaking of I forgot to tell you I posted as Sara in our other one Late lastnight ...I had totally forgotten to till then)
(Here I"ll PM You and just link you it will just be easier) as for this one I'll start it off Basically Sara told Lady Heather that she's been seeing Nick and that she's Pregnant (yet no one knows about it... Lady Heather told Sara she needs to tell Nick ,the Last time Sara came on she was looking for Nick)

Sara finally found Nick in the AV Lab talking to Archie about a pending case Sara smiled she couldnt help but stare at him although she was a bit nervous it wasnt the fact that she was carrying his child, it was more or less the fact that she waited so long to tell him, He had to know Heck everyone had to know after all at 5 Months it wasnt that easy to hide,she took a deep Breath and spoke "Hey , Sorry to interrupt but I really need to talk to Nick"