Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"Grissom. Heather's a suspect, actually the main suspect. I want you to work this but Ecklie would be on our ass if you do get involved." She touched his face and said "Grissom you know I don't wanna do this."
"But I do... this isnt your decsion now is it, and I am on the case" he took some of the papers and walked to his office.
Alexis sighed. SHe knew she pissed him off but she didn't want Ecklie to stick his nose where didn't belong. She looked through the papers that Grissom left behind. She realized Grissom had the summary of what Heather was being acused of and address of the Crime Scene. She puched in Grissom's extention number and picked up the reciever. "Grissom so what is Heather being acused of." She knew this wasn't going to be a great day. She knew he was going to suffer as much as he did with what happened last."
"The address." She said as she was lost in thought. Then she asked. "DO you wanna come with me to the scene or you rather stay hands off like I asked you." She was giving him an option she knew which one he would say though. She had much respect for Grissom and she honored him as well and the fact they may become more than friends maybe lost forever.
"he stayed quiet, he then showed up in her dorway "I'm going" he handed her the address "Let's go" he started to walk out.
"You're driving." She threw the keys at him. They got into the car. "Grissom I'm sorry if I sounded like a jerk back when we got the file. I mean we're both supervising the shift and you have seniority so your decsion counts. I'm Sorry."
"It's fine" he looked at her then at the road, he put his arm on the armrest, he looked around "This is it" he looked at the house as they pulled up. He got out and got his stuff and walked up to the door step, and waited for Alexis.
Alexis Knocked on the door. She saw the door creek. SHe saw hazel eyes look at her. It was lady Heather alright Grissom's descrition was with out a beat. "Lady Heather pleasure to meet you. I'm Alexis Acevedo and this is my Colleague Gil Grissom I believe you two met.
Heather nodded. "Yes I've met Mr.Grissom before. Miss Acevedo I'll show you and Grissom to the scene." She lead them Downstairs. " I didn't touch anything once I saw what happened. I called and waited for you to come."
Ecklie just looked at Sara and Nick wonder why they were looking at him. He went back to his office and started to kiss ass again once his phone rang.
He looked at Heather. He really didnt like her now. 2 deaths she was convenced of. He looked around blood was everywhere "Did you have enybody over or friends, like a party" he asked her setting his stuff down and opening up the case.
(*smirks* Newflame I was gonna say I think it would be funny if Ecklie called Nick and Sara on thier relationship and the afforementioned baby.....You dont have to do it now because Nick isnt around and I have to go soon but whenever *smirks*)
HEather looked at Grissom. "Gil you know my place is strictly business. Nothing else and nothing more. I don't like being personally involved with anyone."
Alexis felt the friction between these two. She knew some how there was gonna be a bump on the road. Alexis just went and opened her kit to start processing. She started to analyze the body. She found a pink fiber on his lips. She tweezed it. She thought Must send to Hodges. Then she started to look at the neck she noticed ligercher marks on the mans throat. She took pictures and then took a mental note. Guy must have died from suffacation. She waited for Gil to do the rest.
"I find that a little hard to belive" he walked over to Alexis "What did you find?" he asked bending down and looking over the body.
Alexis looked at Grissom. "Ligacher marks on the neck and A pink fiber so far." The she looked at the head and found blunt force trama. "And a BFT. There are also abraisions on his arms and face. Some whip marks too."She said as looked into those eyes of his.
Heather looked at Grissom. "Suspecting me of murder again Doctor. It seems like your going back to your old ways again." She looked at him. She glared at Alexis.