Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"Maybe... maybe not, and who asked you for your comment's" he looked back at Alexis "Take pictures of these if you havent" he stood up and walked over to the wall and looked at the blood spatter.
Alexis started to take pictures of the scene again. She took the pictures of the body. When she was done. She noticed Heather Glaring at her. Heather went back upstairs to tend to her clients. Alexis thought we'll this is warm and cheery. Heather hates me just by one look. Grissom isn't gonna try to make a mends with Heather til this case is solved and I get stuck right in the middle. Alexis then went to Grissom. "Notice anything unusual with the Pattern of Blood spatter, Grissom?"
"This is where he was hit well not right right here" he walked back where the body was "So we can x off that the body was moved b/c it wasent" he looked around and noticed a hammer under a chair in the corner. He walked over and picked it up, he looked at Heather "Whos hammer is this?" he held it up.
Heather said "Well the hammer is used for maintence. I don't know what's it doing here."
Alexis then said "But hey Grissom don't you noticed there's a part of the blood spatter pattern missing. Someone was holding our victim. Which means someone has a bloody red outfit." She said as she smirked.
He looked over at Heather "We will need to see the clothes you wore last night" he looked at the hammer then put it into a evidence bag.
Heather said "Well your looking at them Gil. I haven't slept last night to busy doing inventory. There were girls working here last night. But they are at their homes right now."
Alexis then looked at Heather and said "Heather we're gonna need you're clothes still." She took out and evidence bag and said "I have a Jumper you can wear for now."
Heather took the jumpsuit and changed out of her Black lacy Dress. And put the clothes in the evidence bag. "Anything else you guys want for now."
"Nothing yet" he looked at her then put the clothes into his case. Then he stood up and walked around "See enything else before we go?" he looked at Alexis.
"No Grissom. I think we got everything we needed." Alexis said as they left. "Well that was a nice welcome. Grissom I got a feeling Heather would be more open around you than me with the evidence. Did you see the way she was looking at me. I think I should work and process while you question and take evidence from her."Alexis said Grimly know what he was going to say.
"Alexis" he looked at her "I will but that shouldent interfer with the case, even if she fliped you off you shouldent care" he looked away "But I guess I will be the one to queston her"
Alexis smiled "You know her well enough Gil. you can do the questioning. It's not that it bothers me Gil. I think she's a little upset that she sensed that you and me are close. I just don't wanna affect the case in the way."
He looked over at her "Ya I guess" he smiled and looked out the window as they pulled up at the lab. He got out and grabed his case.
"To the layout room we go then." She said with a smile. She knew that some how and someway Heather and him were going to find so ground. But she had a bottomless pit of nothing, she felt that way. Her hopes weren't that high she just wanted to get this case over with. And that's it. She wanted to go home and sleep. she didn't get that much sleep because of the stupid call and the well dinner she had with Gil. She just wish she could get that time from the call to sleep.
"Let's go" He looked at her from time to time from the corner of his eyes. He did like her, but he wasnt sure how much. They never got to know each other, and he did like that night they had together. He thought of the clothes Heater was wearing and took them out.
He smiled "Why yes I would" he turned the lights off putting on his protective glasses. He walked up to the table, and looked.