Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"You know you'll never be in the way, Gil." She said with a smile. "If you wanna get your hands dirty than you can help."
"Well you can get the rice from the Cabinet over there and get it ready." She said politely."After that you get a bowl and fill it with water and clean the rice." She said again with her smile.
"Sunds good to me"First he washed his hands then he got the rice, then the bowl. He walked to the sink and fillild it up with water and put the rice in it, and started toclean it "Hope im doing this right"
Alexis defrosted the Steak and saw Grissom. "You're doing fine. You act like you haven't been in a kitchen before you know that." She chuckled a bit. Then she started to cook the Steak.
"Well I've been in the lab so much i just order or cook something small" he looked at her "But you sure do looked like you know what you'r doing" he smiled.
Alexis laughed. "I cook when I'm off. I have fun and cook alot. It just comes to me. I'm not a chief but I'm a pretty good cook." She said with a smile looking at Gil.
Alexis laughed "It's not that hard. You just need to know what put and at what time. And understand the tools you have. It's as simple as that. Just make sure you hae time and you're good." she realized the steak was finished so she got the Steak and placed it on a plate. "Grissom you can give me the rice now. And then Dinner would be set I'd have to for about 15 minutes tops for the rice to cook and then you can have food."
"We can have food" he smield at her, and handed her the rice "Here ya go" he watched her, he leanded up against the counter knowing he didnt do much. he watched her do most of the work.
"There I got everything set just remember in 15 minutes that I have to come back here and get the rice out." She said."Now what do you wanna Drink? I have soda,juice and water." She said as she opend the fridge again.
"Ill take soda." he thought for a second. he hasent had a soda in like 3 weeks, just water "Ya soda sounds great!" he smiled and looked at her.
She grabbed two sodas. And gave one to Grissom. "Here. Anyways at least we can relax together. You can turn on the TV and watch if you want to. While we wait. Okay?"
"Okay" he smiled and took her hand and took her to the couch "Well I never watch t.v so you can choose what we watch" he handed her the remote.
"Wanna watch a ball game?" She asked with a smil. "I know I may never come out as the Girl that likes sports but I'm diverse." She said as she looked at the Kitchen to make sure nothing was a mess.