Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"We were getting Married and then I find out he's sleeping with my boss. Anything else you want me to add?" Her tears coming down her eyes.

Alexis just came out of the bathroom and went to look at what's going on. She saw Danni crying. She guess she knew where she was after all Alexis did Vow to never see another guy because of her previous relationship. But she suddenly changed her mind because of Grissom. Love one of life's crazy feelings.
"that doesnt give you the privilage to kill the guy" he looked at her "Your just coldblooded" he looked around "Why did Heather help you?"
"She was the one having the affair. I'm a shame you couldn't put two and two together. Mister Grissom." Danni saw him and smiled Devilishly. "Now is there anything else."
Gil looked at her "What the hell are you smiling at?' he sat there. He had all he needed. He turned around "Alexis lets go and talk to Heather" he pointed to the door. He turned back around to Danni "Thanks for your copreration" he walked out.
Alexis looked at Grissom and Nodded."I guess Danni was as psycho as we though she was." Alexis with a bit of nervousness
"We'll she likes it when you talk to her. She likes to be open around you. So you should talk to her." Alexis looked at Grissom now really close. He had a cut on his cheek. She wiped some blood off and kissed his cheek. "Good luck and after being with Her come to my office I have a bandaid in my office it your name on it."
*I'm a be off i'm tired We'll continue tomorrow k.*

He smiled, and pulls her back kissing her on her lips. He smiled again and walked into the room. He taped the glass so they would start recording, and he sat down. He looked at Heather "Ok, you friend Danni told us everything, and how you helped kill an innocent guy"
"I guess your disappointed in me Grissom. Your possible think that I am extremly Cold Blooded and that i have no sense of heart. But I do have one warm spot. That spot is for you right here." Heather Grabbed his hand and placed it on her heart. "I hate Alexis for the fact she can be with you. Letting her in your Heart. Knowing she can possibly break it and leave you alone again. Grissom do you trust her so much that your willing to throw that all away?" She said with Love in her eyes.
He snatched his hand away "Trust me I am willing" he got a little ma "And that has nothing to do with the case" he threw Danni's picture on the table "She is spilling everything, and she said you helped her murder this man" he put the other picture on the table "Do you have enything to say?"
"Arrest me then. You have the evidence. And a points all toward me and Danni. And what is it that you say best...The evidence doesn't lie. Then follow what you believe." She said while smirking. "You normally don't trust easily,Gil what makes her so special honestly what is that she has that I don't?" She wanted to play with his head for a bit before she get arrested.
"Well for one she doesnt help kill people, and I say it as The Evidence NEVER lies" he stood up and walked behind her "Well Heather you are under arreest" he pulled her up and put hancuff's on her. "And she just has that wormth o her, he smiles makes you feel like your flying" he looked at her "Nothing like you"
"I guess it's the end for us. But Gil I'm warning you ooks can kill and they also lie." Heather said as she looked at Grissom one last time. With her Cold hazel eyes." But sometimes I guess a man can fall for a woman who just can find her way around a couple of lies." She turned around and said "GO a head and take me away."
"Trust me that will not be a problum" he handcuffed her and walked her out the door "Officers" he turned her around "I really did thought you changed" he shook his head. 2 officers took her. "I hope you rot in hell!"
"Now Grissom those words would bite you in the ass. You should have known better." Heather said with a smile as they took her away.

Alexis came back from her office with a band-aid at hand and saw Heather. "Umm I guess she cooped to the murder." She handed the band aid to him. "Here put this over your cut. It's still bleeding." She said with Care. "Well where are the files so we can close this case? Maybe afterwards we can have lunch and since I'm broke today I'll cook at my house." she said with a smile.