Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

She smiled "I like the Cubs and if not I like the Mets." She said. She leaned on his shoulder a hugged him. She was comfortable. She had to admitt.She liked being around him.
(ok, hi! im now the new nick! been asked to play him by S.S.S, and um, im gonna hop in wright... NOW! no wait, ya... now!)

Nick walked up to Sara, "Hey Sara!"
(*smirks Technically You were the Old Nick but You're computer had broken so I had gotten a temp till you came back,since the snicker stuff Never got very far I"ve decided we'll just start that all over again)

Sara smiled as she wrapped her arms around him "Hi Nick" ,she had something to tell him,she had a hunch thatt maybe He knew that they all knew but everytime she tried to tell him something happened "can we talk later" she asked him questioningly
"that's a first!" he said frowning. "but uh, if you want." Nick was about to leave her alone, but instead he turned around waving a finger in the air aimlessly. "ya know, somthings going on here." he put his hand down. "i dont quite know what it is either." he stopped talking for a moment. "no offence, but you've seemed alot moodier latly! And..." he coughed out the word 'bigger' hopping she wouldnt catch it. He didnt want to flat out say she was fat. That'd just be wronge! So, he coughed out the word bigger again. He stood there waiting for a reply.
Her mood swings had gotten the better of her,she just sat down and cried "thats because I'm Pregnant Nick" she fought back more tears she knew he had to have figured it all out and she wished that she would have told him sooner,she eyed him "and before You even ask Yes its yours"
(here we go again! i like it! hows this for an approach...)

Nick ran up to Sara and placed her head on his chest. "this is good! this is good!" he rocked her back and forth. "honey... this is great!" he picked her chin up and had her look into his eyes. "We're parents! Can you believe this? We're parents!" he began to tear in the eyes. "How long have you known? does anyone else know? is it a girl?" he smiled greatly. "wow" he wispered.
(*laughs* If You can tell SL I like getting her Pregnant)
Sara eyed Him tears still in her eyes "I've known for awhile I just didnt know how to tell you and everytime I did try to tell you something came up" she took a breath "I dont know I guess the speculation is there I'm at five months so I'm obviously showing and its not that easy to hide But No one knows about us yet so if they do know they dont know You're the Father yet" she held his hand "I dont really know what the sex is (she will be a girl though I'll show you a pic of my inspiration later) but My next appointment is tommorow I really want you to be there" she gazed into his eyes
Nick smiled. "Im so excited!" he looked away for a second, then looked back at Sara. "Lets go back to my place and celebrate later tonite!" he said. "And i will definitly go to that apointment thing with you! What is it again?" he asked. "whats it for?"
She held his hand as they left the lab she was so ready to go home not that they'd be resting but she just needed to be with Nick alone without other people around,she was talking as they walked "Its my monthly appointment,They do a Sonogram so we can see the Baby and I think we could find out the sex if we wanted to basically though its just making sure Our baby is alright" saying our Baby nearly brought tears to her eyes all over again. it was Still hard for her to believe she was with Nick ,it was prooving even harder for her to believe she was having his child, it was as though she was living a beautiful dream
Nick smiled the whole walk back to the car. "sara, we should mention this to gill. We cant have him put you on case's to personal." he picked up his cell phone and began to call gill. Then stopped, "lets worry about this another time." he said smileing.
Nick got in the drivers seat and looked at sara. "who's house are we going to?" he asked. He smiled again. "Are we gonna move into the same house sooner or later?" he asked.

(are they married, i dont think so, are they?)
(No they arent married yet and No one really knows they are a couple though its suspected that she's with SOMEONE and they all know its not Grissom)
She Looked at him "thanks Nick I really wasnt in the mood to deal with Grissom or Ecklie right now I just want to go home" she also knew dealing with them Might cause a little Tiff with her and Nick she knew he would want her doing Lab work only and she didnt want to she Had to be out in the field with everyone else, she looked at him "I suppose since I live in a one bedroom apartment I should move in with you"
she stared out the window hoping against all hope he'd ask her to marry Her
('hoping against all hope' wait, im confused... she does want to be proposed to?)

Nick smiled AGAIN, "good" he said. Once they got to Nicks house, Nick took all there things, and put them in his room. "grab a seat and get comfy!" he said chearfully. Once she had plopped her butt on the one couch he had, he went over and sat beside her. And began Kissing her neck, and nibbling on her ear, and making out with the rest of her body just because this was his way of celebration with Sara. He would only stop once she said to stop.
(*laughs* Its an expression it means that she wants him to Propose and she wants him to do it now)

She didnt want him to stop,she loved the way he showed her love, it wasnt forced or Violent it was sweet and romantic and she enjoyed it,she Felt his Lips gently kiss the bump of her Stomach a Tear Nearly fell she was sure it was her Hormones that made her feel she also knew she Loved the Man