Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

"Yes I do. But what would you want with me." Danni said as she had fear in her eyes.
Alexis looked at Danni. "I'm sorry but I have to show you this." she took out a picture of the victim out. "I noticed that you and this man were having a relationship."
Danni looked shocked. "OMG! That's my Boyfriend Tidus Croft. Your saying his the one killed down there."
Alexis looked at Danni. She knew she was faking her tears. Those weren't tears of sadness. Those were tears of Anger of getting caught.
He looked at Alexis then at Danni "Uh ya" he looked at her, he could tell to she was faking "We have the idea you had something to do with his death"
Danni looked at Gil with the tears in her eyes still. "Mr.Grissom what would make you think that?"

Alexis just looked at Danni. This woman knew how to play that's for sure. She thought I'd bet yeah she makes most of the money for Heather.
"Well we have evidence that points directly at you, and as i say it the evidence never lies!" he looked at her "And you can stop the fake crying. Your not fooling enyone."
Danni then Got angry.She swung at Alexis and pushed grissom out of the way. And began to run. Alexis got up and tackled her to the ground and got her cuffs out and Cuffed Danni. "Girl Believe me I would have let ya chill in the car if you cooperated with us but Jesus did you really have to hit my Boss and hit me in the eye." Alexis looked at Gil. "You okay?"
"Ya... you?" he walked over and yanked her up "You try another stunt like that again i'll make sure you get a shit hole prison cell" he pushed her into the car.
"I'm fine nothing a little make up shouldn't cover up." She took a mirror out and looked at her eye. "Just needs some ice and It'll be fine." Alexis looked at Danni and saw her eyes burn with rage. She was ready to kick some Ass didn't matter whose it was.
He smiled and kissed her cheek "Good" he let her into the truck "I swear. Couldent they just make things easer and tell the damn truth" he looekd at Danni in the rearaview mirror.
Right Now she was beat red. She had to admit it was of him to return a favor. "It's our job Grissom it comes with our injuries and comes with our place in life." Alexis liked the thought of them together. It was nice actually to find someone to be with.
"You serious I didn't even Notice that I was red." she smiled at Grissom and then Took Danni out of the Car. "I think you can take care of Danni. I need to fix my eye. is that Good?" she asked. The perks of being a CSI. You work for the people and with the people. You follow what never lies. In the end you know who did the job.
"It's great" he smield and took her to the interigation room. He sat her down taking the cuffs off and sat down on the other side "Ok" he taped the glass so they would start recording "You can spill your gut's now or we will have to do things the hard way"
"Mister Grissom I'd would say the hard way but I guess that would be no fun either. So Yes I killed my boyfriend. Heather helped me with the murder because she was sing him as well. Anything else?" Danni looked back at his eyes. she was feeling sad "I didn't wanna do it though."
"What ever, but you did it. Why the hell did you kill him?" he got mad, there shouldent be a reason to kill man, unless he/she has done an unforgivible thing.