Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

Heather looked Down. "Gil I never wanted it to end this way I know it may seem that i'm cold. Gil I wanna let you know I care for you."
Alexis looked at Grissom and Heather. SHe knew they had some shape of history. SOme reason why they were like this. Some reason that heather was mean too her. They were romantically involved before. She sighed and went to her office. She went through the files and then found another person that was connected to this that worked at heather's her name was Danny Lee. She smirked and waited for Grissom.
"Well I dont care for you" he looked at her then walked by Alexis "Who did you find?" he looked at her then at the folder she held.
(Oh shoot! I was supposed to be Nick! Sorry, SaraSidleStokes! :eek:)

She squeezed Nicks hand "Nick and I have been seeing eachother for awhile now" she gazed lovingly into Nicks eyes "and whatever you've been hearing about Me being Pregnant, well its true" she Looked at Nick allowing him to speak to Greg as well

Nick agreed and after they finished their lunch, they walked back to the lab to do some work. He tried not to seem so nervous, but as soon as he met up with Archie, the young lab tech could sense something was up, and he called him on it.
"Fidgety? I'm not fidgeting. Listen, Archie, I gotta go. I'm... planning on helping Sara with her case."
(Its okay Half of the RPs I'm in i've forgotten about as well so no worries... I'll take Archie for a few as well)
Archie raised an eyebrow at Nick "You two have been spending alot of time together and People are starting to talk" he had heard all the rumors and He had a hunch on who had gotten Sara Pregnant

Meanwhile Sara had been working a case with Sofia and Ecklie the two stared at her, she gave a fake grin "I"m fine really " she rubbed her stomach "I'm just hungry" that was partly true after all she was eating for two now
"You seem to sense what I was doing." Alexis said. "See another one of Lady Heather's employes Danny Lee. She was in a relationship with the victim for about 6 months. As so it seems. 1 hour before our vic died guess who called his cell phone." She said with a grim smile."Oh and there's more it looks like Danny was working the same room as the one our Vic was found in." She said as she leaned against her table and crossed her legs. "You wanna go and find her?" she asked knowing his anwser for sure.
"You bet" he smiled putting on his hat and walking out to his car. He couldent wait to find this person and put her and Heather away. "Well who's driving" he held up the keys.
He smiled back at her "Ok" he took the files and looked at the address, and started up the car "Lets go" he backed up and drove off to the house.
She had one thing on her mind. It kept bothering her. She knew she promised to drop it but She guessed that it couldn't be held out longer. "Grissom what's the whole story between you and Heather. I've got the point that the second case she was involved in you acused her of murder. And that the third time her daughter was murdered. I guess what I'm really asking is were you at anytime romantically involved with her? But you don't have to anwser that now or ever." She said as she looked out the car window and sighed.
"Well I thought we were, but no we wasnt" he looked at her then at the road taking a turn "See I regret everyday that I we went out" he looked around 'Well here we are" he pulled up and got out, he meet up with her "And not to be rude I really dont want to talk about it enymore."
(Alright I'd be ecklie for now.)
Ecklie looked at Sara."You go ahead and grab something to eat Me and Sofia will handle this til you get back." He bit his tounge after say that. But he did promise the two supervisors that he'd be nice to the Shift.
Sara smiled as she Looked at him, Did Conrad Ecklie have a heart after all, "thanks I'll be right back" was all she could muster to say, she then sauntered off in search of Nick
(thanks NewFlame I can take Sofia for a bit but I couldnt really do all three)
the minute Sara was out of earshot Sofia turned to Ecklie "I'm beginning to wonder if those rumors about her I'm hearing are true" Sofia thought aloud
Sofia shrugged "well it cant be Grissom because I hear they broke up along time ago" a thought gets to her head as she looks at Ecklie "I saw her and Nick pretty Uh Shall we say close together the other day You dont think its him do you??"