Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

Man the episode was wicked. Did you see the look Grissom gave someone for inturupting and lecturing. I don't think he was to happy with that person. Poor Sofia came to him for a reason even if she knew she shouldnt be there.
Man the episode was wicked. Did you see the look Grissom gave someone for inturupting and lecturing. I don't think he was to happy with that person. Poor Sofia came to him for a reason even if she knew she shouldnt be there.

Man, if looks could kill that Gophia interrupting person would be lying on the floor of the lab. :devil: ;)

WP and LL were just brilliant in the ep tonight. Hopefully now Grissom can comfort Sophia a bit. (I can hope!)
That would be nice, I think the reason Grissom did'nt go to Sofia and tell her he did'nt want anyone to think he was covering for her or showing favortisim. I mean everyone know him and Brass are friends. I'm glad it wasnt Sofia that shot the officer, I wish it had been someone else poor Brass I felt so sorry for him.

And did anyone catch the ET show tonight? Jan asked Billy about a romance for Gil. I'll have the whole thing transcribed for the morning (we were eating and I missed the exact words).

Like I said early tonight, waiting outside would have been a more appropriate action instead of barging in and attacking. God sakes, Sofia couldn't even talk to her mother (Captain Mom), the one person that is always her comfort. And what did she call Gil - her friend? Hmmm. And somebody knows a good shrink, well I think maybe not.

Damn I wish I could look that hot in a jogging suit - kudos to Louise!

PS -It's nice to see people in the general area above liking Sofia now. Later ya'll! Very sweet dreams for sure.
oh well grissom had the "please-knock-the-door before-you-enter and why-did-you-have-to-barge-in" kind of stare at the person tonight :lol:

And did anyone catch the ET show tonight? Jan asked Billy about a romance for Gil. I'll have the whole thing transcribed for the morning (we were eating and I missed the exact words).

Damn I didn't record the ET segment. :mad:
Oh Billy was so cute! :p

Hmmm is there a future romance for Gil?
Only time will tell. :D

Sophia and Brass were excellent!!

I'm wondering about the messages she sent Grissom.
I just wished Grissom had closed the door. :(

I just got to thinking about something. I think the episode proves that there is something going on btween Sofia and Gil why else would she have come to his office to talk or leave him messages.

Look at it this way she works with Brass why did'nt she just go to him first? She knows she could talk to him but instead she went to Grissom when she knew she shouldnt.

Then the look Grissom gave someone for inturupting and lecturing. I won't say what kind of a look but I don't think he was to happy with that person.
So to cover himself in case it was noticed he was nicer to that person later.
WP so right – close the frick’n door, so people don’t just waltz in like it’s their office.

Here’s the ET segment.

Jan – “Amidst the chaos I was wondering if WP’s loner character is about to get a little less lonely.” (show close up of Sofia).

Jan talking to Billy on location in the street – “I still think people would love to see you in some kind of a relationship. Now how do you feel about that?”

Billy – “You & me?”

Jan – “I don’t know, I mean….”

Billy (with big smile) – “What kind of relationship?”

Jan – “Well, we’re talking about romance here.”

Billy (still grinning like an opossum) – “I like that.”

Jan- “He’s such a tease, but you know I did feel some heat between William & Louise.”

I say we can add Jan as Gofia Shipper!
Thanks Tazzer I was wondering what I missed. I still think there is something going on between those two. Why else would she go to him.
Kira if you listen to some people, Sofia was getting him in trouble, like he ever cares about that.

So much for showing a fellow human compassion when they are an emotional wreck. Thank God for Gil & Jim, even though they are knuckle-head guys sometimes, they are always gentlemen and demonstrate more empathy then some ladies can. Still working on the screencaps, and there are tons from the two shows. It will be hard to narrow down how many to go with. I do love the shot where Sofia is mirroring Gil’s stance with hands clasped in front of her.
Well I think it was just jealousy that made someone mouth off a friend who is not a shipper doesnt even like the idea said that. I think I have to agree with her. Makes you wonder what would have happened if they hadn't been interrupted.