Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

I need to add more artwork to the site I may just go through the transcripts and do what I did for Gil and Cath and set up a section for any converstions between them.
Barbarella that pic is Sweeeeet! Thanks for sharing, we do love are art here (I do believe Gil's mom would approve).


Guys, I love this scene on so many levels….

First is the whole philosophy from St. Luke - “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” As Sofia had to investigate any wrong doing by Gil last year, it is now the reverse.

Next is the camera angle, it is from within the office looking out instead of looking in. A clue that their private conversation is not secretive as anyone walking by can see them. Neither is hiding from the outside world and especially Sofia who is there to bare her awful suspicion of being the one that kill Officer Bell. A foreshadowing of how the other cops will see hear as soon as the rumor spreads around the department (and just how did that happen? Gil told Wendy not to tell anyone of the DNA finding, but I remember someone before that scene saying the names of the 4 cops that carry 9mm guns out loud in ballistics).

Then their body language is mirroring each other (both have their hands clasped in front of them) with depicts symmetry. Remember what Gil said in The Hunger Artist about how insects are drawn to symmetry for their mate. I saw a dating show and they talk about when the people demonstrate the same posture, it means an equal attraction.

In the metaphysical language, with Catherine, Gil has the Yin & Yang relationship (they support each other). With Lady Heather, he looses his balance. With Sofia, he has symmetry, since she was introduced as his equal in both intellect and status. While we have the obvious feature of male/female, he is tall & broad while she is petite, he’s the scientist while she is the cop, and he internally thinks while she externally thinks (still love that about her)

Gil & Sofia’s interactions have always been harmoniousness and don’t we find ourselves attracted to being around someone that is easy to be around? Who is pleasant, who can make us smile and share our deepest thoughts with?

I see only good things in the future for these two.
Well put Tazzer. One of the scenes that I've found so adorable this year was in Bodies in Motion. When Gil said, "I guess you won't miss the lab" he said it that way that really means 'will you miss me?'. (I've totally done that hinting/flirty/guilt thing enough. *g*) Can't get enough of his reaction when she tells him that she'll miss *some* things. :D

I really hope they take this somewhere this season - those two just light up the screen.

And another turned into something other than what I started off shooting for but it's stilly pretty. ;)

Barbarella, awesome, beautiful prezzies! thanks!
Tazz, terrific sum-up of Grissom & Sofia's relationship. I never thought of that before, with the Ying/Yang (Cath), losing his balance (Heather), and perfect symmetry (Sofia). Excellent, thought provoking points! And I nearly danced with glee after reading your transcription of Jan's TV conversation with Billy. Hee!!! (He is a tease, isn't he?) I'm now a Fan of Jan, knowing she's a fan of Sofia, and better yet, of Gofia! Go Jan!
"stilly"?? Wtf?? Note to self: proofread dammit. ;)

I have a couple more pieces in progress currently. I'm exploring my new graphics software, heh.
Hey Barbarella great to see you really getting into the graphic art mode, if you need any help just ask I'll be glad to help.

I'll transfer that ET segment over to DVD so I can make a Jan the Gofia shipper pic.

Now for that Bodies in Motion moment, do you mean this one where like you say, he's hinting/flirting 'did you miss me while you were in Boulder City, NV?' Come on Gil, it's only like 30 miles from Vegas, it wasn't on the other side of the country. Typically guy pout.

Or when he first sees her and his eyes lights up.

Or how about when she's walking away and he turns his head to watch cause Kira and I know he's a tush man and he likes what attached to this tush.
Thanks Tazzer :) I've done a fair bit of Billy stuff in the past since I'm such a huge fan of him - this is the first 'ship stuff I've done though. I'm just such a sucker for these two. Hopefully poor Grissom gets a little action this season. It's very unnatural to see Billy in a role where he isn't at least partially naked... :devil: ;)

Nice caps btw. He's so very cute in that scene trying not to let on that he's got a crush on Sophia. I'm currently trying to come up with a pic of Gil with his hands up, either in front of him or over his head. The only one I've come up with that's close right now is the "I need fifteen minutes to think" vibrating bed one. This new graphic software is really fun. :D
How about this one Barb? He's caught talking to himself, tying out Sofia's method mind you, when Cath walks in on him, oops. He's so damn cute when he's guilty.


I can send you the raw version if you like. Ha, ha I said raw in reference to Billy.
Hey guys, just a quick reminder to ensure that you don't post more than 50-60k of pics per post - as a courtasy to those with dial-up and slower internet connections. Many thanks ;)
That one's *perfect* Taz. I've got a few pieces currently on the go (three day weekend and lousy weather *g*)
The fun of doing artwork, I love doing it and I love looking at other peoples.

Raw in refernce to Billy what trying to seed me back to the gutter. It's so much fun down here. :devil: :lol:
I just saw the 2nd half of the Bullet episode all I can say is wow that was so good and poor Sofia I loved how she went to Grissom for comfort instead of anyone else just goes to show that there is something going on between them, or why would she risk going to the lab. Sara had no right to what she did it's Grissom's office, it wasn't what she said as as the tone of voice she used when she said it. She wasn't trying to protect anything, it was very much the spurned girl and jealousy. The look that Grissom gave her was a kind of discussted look and did you notice how he was nice to Sara the rest of the night so she wouldnt get catch onto the fact that there was somthing going on between Him and Sofia.