Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

Grissom seems to spend a great deal of time and effort trying to make sure no one notices his attraction to Sofia. Be interesting to see who figures it out first - Cath or Brass. :D

In the meantime, thanks to the cap from Tazzer, I made this piece this afternoon. I'm in a goofy mood. :devil:

I think Brass already has a hint that there is something between then look at what he said in the first episode this season. Surprise and then left them alone. He may not be a CSI but he does notice things. He's the only one who noticed Sara's drinking problem.
Hey Welcome Spyder to the Gofia Love Boat ! It's alwasy good to see more happy cruisers walking on board.

Barbarella you have outdone yourself with your latest creation. I can so see these two playing cop & robber games in the bedroom. We know from Lady Heather, Gil is not put off by kink and Sofia can so bring that out of him, she has that touch (and the cuffs, ha).

Now just look at how Jim acted in Bodies when Gil almost runs into his back when he sees Sofia, a guilty "Surprise." Jim soo knew last year Gil was smitten by her and I say he's the one that called Sofia when she was in Boulder City and said come on over her we got a spot open. He's such a good bro to Gil, always has, always looking out for him and giving him the heads up on things. Always there with dating advice (sport car Gil not a dom). And the biggy, singing Gil's praises to Soifa - "I love this guy!"

Jim Brass Gofia shipper for sure.
Barbarella, love your newest creation, it rocks!
Spider, glad to see you here!
Jim Brass...Gofia Man. Yep, I definitely agree. He knows Grissom in ways even Cath doesn't, seeing as guys often reveal things to eachother, sometimes in ways without words, that they wouldn't reveal to a woman. Brass "knows" Gil. He has protected him before from a relationship he thought might hurt him (Heather). I've never seen or sensed signs of Brass giving any other romantic possibility for Gil the "nod" except for Sofia. Even Brass's growing friendship with Sofia leads me to think that, too. He wants her to be happy there, he wants her to stay. Part of that of course is she's a good cop and he could certainly use her on the force. Part of it is also that he is likes her as a person and enjoys having her around. Part of it though, also, is that he has seen Grissom through the years grow more and more inside of himself, we can see that even from season 1, and Brass has known Gil much longer than that. I think Brass sees Sofia's level headedness, strength, sense of fun and fairplay as, finally, a perfect match (once again, that perfect symmetry thing!) for his best buddy Gil. He could never come out and say anything to Gil, that's a bad way to go about it, especially with Gil. But his approval is there, even if it is largely unspoken, and I think Gil knows that, too.
Boy everyone is so on target about Brass he'll watch out for Gil. He's kinda like poppa bear and big brother rolled into one. Wonder if he's also going for the role of match maker?
Wow - I just came back from a rough first official day at my new job (training time not included) so I decided to make myself feel better by finishing another Gophia piece. (Btw - be really nice to the people you call about your cell phones. I'm just sayin' *g*)

That is very nice you really know how to do some nice work.

Sofia's mentioned in the credits for next weeks show but not sure if that means much could only be a min or two.
Thanks! :) That piece of poetry just lends itself so well to them.

I really hope we see more of Sofia, Grissom and Brass all dealing with the aftermath of Bullet. I'd love to see it bring her and Gil closer, plus I'd like to see Brass and Grissom talking about it as the buddies they are.

I just may have to do a "Brass as Gophia shipper" thing now... ;)
I was looking at some of the screencaps from last episode and poor Gil when Sofia was talking he looked so torn like he knew he had to tell her she shouldnt be there but wanting to put his arms around her he even had to close his eyes to regain himself.
Hey-just wanted to say hi(i´m actually a gsr-shipper)
I want to say I can see the tension between GG and Sofia!(but once a gsr always one!)
I was looking at some of the screencaps from last episode and poor Gil when Sofia was talking he looked so torn like he knew he had to tell her she shouldnt be there but wanting to put his arms around her he even had to close his eyes to regain himself.

I noticed that also and he was'nt to pleased with the person who barged in the look he gave her, I think I would have turned and walked out on that look.
But I agree he had to be nice to her later to cover himself can't let anyone know that there's something going on with himself and Sofia.