Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I wonder what meant Carol Mendelsohn when she said "“Lady Heather’s appearance actually changes that relationship (GSR) in a way that is unexpected. She won’t have the effect you assume she’ll have.” I'am looking forward to knowing what she means and I'am a little anxious about it. What effect could we assume she will have ? What does it mean ? :confused:

I'll put this in the spoiler box but I'm asking again if we need them ???
Ok, I wonder too. I wonder what she meant by that. I wonder if she meant that Gris is conflicted by his feelings for LH when he sees her although he's in a relationship with Sara??? HHMMM
So we remove the spoiler tag, when we are just giving our impression ? If I do wrong, don't hesitate to tell me.

hhunter, I have the feeling it will be the opposite. As we may all hope or fear (it depends which side you are on ! :D) that they will still be attracted to each other, maybe it will just be the opposite, maybe Lady Heather will be happy for the romance between Sara and Grissom and help them in a certain way (I don't know how). But it's just a feeling.
Oh, I hope next weeks ep spells out good things for these two and that she plays into next season... though my loyalty to watching is on the border line due to spoilies
OMG its Fray!!

Aww poor Fray. You know I'm hoping they have something sparkle again between them or I'm putting them up for adoption.
Ok, so did anyone here in Canada other than me catch it? "Where were you last night, Heather?" "Here. With me" Wooooo! I'm hella excited. This episode looks like it's going to be absolutely awesome! I can't wait. This has me all stoked for next week.
hey Gris and Lady H shippers... better get excited:p

after the leaping lizards episode... the promo looks really good. I'M REALLY EXCITED!! i have a Gris/Lady H part in me and i can't WAIT to see their chemsity. and yes, as Reeble said, cath asks lady H: " where were you last night heather?" and then grissom comes out of a room with a coffee cup and hand and says: "Here, with me" LOOKS REALLY GOOD!!! I CAN'T WAIT!
Reeble said:
Ok, so did anyone here in Canada other than me catch it? "Where were you last night, Heather?" "Here. With me" Wooooo! I'm hella excited. This episode looks like it's going to be absolutely awesome! I can't wait. This has me all stoked for next week.

Your BSing me aren't you little witch? :lol: {{its okays, she's one of my witches}} That sounds really hot, I'm really curious now. You little witch got to see it before me. I'll get you!
CathStokes said:
Your BSing me aren't you little witch? :lol: {{its okays, she's one of my witches}} That sounds really hot, I'm really curious now. You little witch got to see it before me. I'll get you!

I shit you not, Lynny. =D And as csiemily said, he comes out with a coffee cup and says it so firmly, I loved the line. Also, the look he gave Catherine when she said, "I would slap you but you look like you'd enjoy it" was priceless. Anyone see the CBS promo? I'm curious as to what that one was like.
ARE YOU SERIOUS????? Thanks Reeble :D

--do we need the spoilers boxes---

that is HUGE!!! is it really true??
I have to wait another three hours before CSI comes on
Reebs the promo's the same for us too. It had LH in the hospital, then it showed western stuff, and then it showed LH again. and then it shows Brass and Catherine talking to LH asking where she was, and Grissom comes out with the cup and says "she was here..with me" and then it cut to where Catherine said she'd slap him but she thinks he'd enjoy it. but It didn't really show his reaction, because it looks like Catherine says it at the office, because she's in a different outfit and then his reaction is with the cup in his hand.
WOW! Thanks everyone for the previews! This looks like it's going to be more interesting that I thought. I'm not sure how they are going to do this but at least TPTB are acknowledging Grissom still has feelings for her and hasn't completely turned into a robot. :eek:
Well I hope they do show him conflicted. I'm glad they have her back and this episode looks really good. I mean Gris and LH sizzled up the screen in just the few seconds they were together, I wonder what will happen during the entire episode. :devil: NOW, teasers are just that, teasers to get us to watch. I am referring to Cath saying "What are you doing there,I'd slap you if I didn't think you'd like it." That could be something competely different OR she could be referring to Grissoms dilema between LH and Sara. This should be interesting, I hope TPTB don't let us GLH fans down!!!