Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I hope we get to see some conflict. I love how Grissom says "she was with me." Like it was so normal and natural that they would be together. I'm glad Cath got to say something to him too. Please don't let us down PTB :D
Like I said before, at this point all I want is screencaps of the sexy Lady :D

I haven't been this excited about a CSI show in a long time, well, since POTTR. :lol:

Please I got my fingers crossed TMTB will give us closure IF this is her last ep. :)

I want to know what happened at the end of Pirates. I want to know about her grandchild and her ex-husband. That doesn't look to promising to me. I wonder if Grissom is protecting her against him (her ex) That would explain why he said "she was with me" Her ex could be the sadistic client. :confused:
^^ I'm totally with you! I wanna see those things too!
BTW, here's a couple of pics of the house they used in Cali for LH's Dominion. A friend of mine sent it to me.
WOW, thank you! That's an adorable little house. It doesn't look as dark and spooky in the broad daylight now, does it?

It's this week! This is the episode I've been waiting for!!

Oooh and thanks, guys for the promo! I love what Cath says and Heather looks gorgeous!!
You know, Grissom could be just protecting her, but I would like to think it was something more along the lines of they did it or somethng, but.. eh, We can wish on that one.
back at you Lynny

I want something to happen too. But maybe they just sit and talk all night. She tell him hopefully what happened to her at the end of Pirates. And possibly that they found her grandchild. That is what the spoilers are telling us. I hope they just talk and the next morning the cup in his hand is TEA :D ;)
kissmesweet said:
WOW, thank you! That's an adorable little house. It doesn't look as dark and spooky in the broad daylight now, does it?

It's this week! This is the episode I've been waiting for!!

Oooh and thanks, guys for the promo! I love what Cath says and Heather looks gorgeous!!

You're welcome Kissmesweet. :D

Yep, it doesnt' look as spooky during the daytime. :lol:
ITA, this is the one ep I've been waiting patiently for all season long and it's just a few days away.

What Cat has to say to Gil is priceless!

^^ It totally rocks that you got to take those photos of Lady H's beautiful house!
I REALLY love the idea of them staying up all night and talking and Cath is right, the only woman to ever sway Grissom IS and always will be Lady Heather! Take that, GSR! If someone can have an effect on GSR, it's definitely Heather! I also hope that she finds her grandaughter. That would be a beautiful, emotional scene.

*edited to add spoiler code*
Told ya spoiler tag doesn't like, Cordy. :p

I think Pirates should have an ending, and I think they should do something about the whole grandchild storyline, and I'm hoping Grissom realizes how great Heather is. and maybe he'll see that he DOES miss her.Things should get explain dangit!
the thing that i love about GLH is that even though they've had like.. i dunno 4? episodes together and they dont even see each other every year, they still have AMAZING chemistry. like, GSR.. they've been working together this WHOLE season and their chemistry isn't as great as GLH. can't wait for this episode!!
I'd like to know too whether or not Zoe had the baby. I mean the Doc couldn't tell if she gave birth.

And even if she didn't I'd still like to know.

If Zoe did have a baby, I'd like for Heather to have a granddaughter. I just do. :D

I think that is what the spoilers say that not only are we going to hear about the grandbaby but also Heather's ex-husband. I'm convinced (until I see otherwise) that HE is the one Grissom is protecting Lady Heather from.
Ooh did you see the sides? Sara's taken aback when Grissom gets personally involved in LH's case. Hmm.. What could this whole thing mean for GSR too? and GLH? I smell drama!
I smell drama too. They said it's going to impact GSR. We'll see. I hope it's in a way that Grissom has to realize he not only still cares for her.. but still loves her.
What sara expect Grissom to be all, "I don't care about Heather" Not going to happen, and if he does, its him being a dumbass again. I hope he does realize that he still loves Heather.