Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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you are funny
that's on the adjenda next after I finish watching Early Rollout on Spike ...right now...

I'll be back shortly to discuss Pirates
finally get a chance to see it again!
Ooooh god I really, really, really miss the beard.

Let's say Heather does come back this season, okay?
How would you feel if she came back engaged or married? :eek:

I would have no problem with Heather having a boyfriend/husband. :p
Since this is BP's last season, maybe a couple of guest appearances in season 8, I would love to find closure with Heather's character.
What do you guys think? :rolleyes:

yes totally since Pirates provided NO CLOSURE at all
engaged or married, HHHMMM
I'd have to think about who... who she would marry?
and yes, the beard.. nice....
off to watch Pirates..:)
hhunter said:
yes totally since Pirates provided NO CLOSURE at all
engaged or married, HHHMMM
I'd have to think about who... who she would marry?
and yes, the beard.. nice....
off to watch Pirates..:)

Had POTTR been 90 mins, I'm sure there would have been closure between her and Gil.
As for marriage, some gorgeous rich man is my choice. :lol:
Perhaps a client.
I just want to find closure for her character. Possibly pulling up stakes and moving on. :)

How long do you think she's been a Dominatrix? Hmmm . . . wouldn't we all like to know?

I just finished watching...
well agreed, if it were 90 minutes we would have seen some kind of 'goodbye' possibly another 'intimate moment' :eek: instead of the way they left it.
I forgot how good this one is too, I loved it when Catherine said "how did she get from Harvard to this?"
Grissom, "how do you know she went to Harvard?"
Catherine: "Lady Heather told me, she's real proud of her too."
That showed to me a special bond between the two women and how Catherine said she would have done the same thing regarding her daughter..

and yes closure for her character, like Catherinesmyidol said, she has a huge fan base...
but obviously that is not the way they want the show to go...:devil:
Hiya guys! *snuggles you all*

How long do you think she's been a Dominatrix? Hmmm . . . wouldn't we all like to know?

How old was Zoey?

Yeah, Cath and LH seemed to have had a bond in that ep, especially over their kids.

I want closure too, especially if its his last year there.
THERE YOU ARE! iheartnickcath
she has probably been a dominatrix since she was in her 20s
I put LH at 40 or close too...
so the years between her and Grissom don't make any difference to me
but she had to have learned it from somewhere
and wouldn't Grissom like to know.. :lol:
makes you wonder if she tried to **dominate** him? :eek:
makes you wonder if she tried to **dominate** him? :eek:

I think she tried, but whether she suceeded or not is another story. :D
I'm with you all, closure would be lovely. But at the moment I don't have much faith in TPTB.

Anyone read any good G/LH stories lately? :lol:
Catherinesmyidol said:
makes you wonder if she tried to **dominate** him? :eek:

I think she tried, but whether she suceeded or not is another story. :D
I'm with you all, closure would be lovely. But at the moment I don't have much faith in TPTB.

I'm willing to pay top dollar to see her dominate him. :lol:
Closure. That's all I'm asking. :D

Imagine this, we know it's Grissom's final year(I know it's not official yet) :rolleyes: why couldn't TPTB let Gil flirt with all the lovey Ladies through the whole season and tease us? Can you imagine Gil flirting all the time and really happy? :D
Keep us guessing who he'll chose in the end. :devil:
That would have definitely kept my interest in CSI. :D

Film several different alternate endings for the finale with each Lady and having Billy choosing the final one.
Of course OUR choice is with the Lovely Lady Heather!!!!

If only . . .
I feel TPTB blew it big time. :mad:

OMG WP I love it..
I do want to see Heather .. er..umm. DOMINATE him too! :devil:
and flirt, he did used to flirt and smile alot :D
and flash those blue eyes... HHMMMM

yes TPTB blew it in many way.. this one especially...
Aww, Was I missed? :D

I say she's dominated him a few times, but do you think he dominated her? :p

I wish TPTB would bring her back. :(
of course you were missed iheartnickcath:D

let's see Heather married, I don't think so
maybe a boyfriend or something or 'a man in her life'
and she probably dominated him....
TPTB don't listen to me...
iheartnickcath said:
Aww, Was I missed? :D

I say she's dominated him a few times, but do you think he dominated her? :p

I wish TPTB would bring her back. :(

Yes iheartnickcath you were missed. :D
Hmmmmm . . . . Gil dominating Heather?

I consider Gil to be an alpha-male so . . . yes he could. But, I'm betting he'll always let the Lady do the dominating.

Do ya think Gil would be jealous seeing Heather with another man? :rolleyes: Is he the jealous type?

WP, I love that banner of Melinda's eyes!! :D

I think Gil might be jealous of seeing Heather with another man. I'm not really sure why, I just get that impression from him. :lol:
Catherinesmyidol said:
WP, I love that banner of Melinda's eyes!! :D

I think Gil might be jealous of seeing Heather with another man. I'm not really sure why, I just get that impression from him. :lol:

Imagine Heather and Gil having a child :p since hers are green and his are blue, what color would the child have? :)

Hmm, I guess Zoe had her father's eyes, right? :rolleyes: One blue and one brown.

Anyway, Gil getting jealous just sounds so sexy. :lol:

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