Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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WillowsWannaBe said:
People, I need to share this with y'all.
I was coming home from I don't know where and a car was going in front of ours. And guess what was on its licence plate? 167-GLH!!! :lol: I started laughing so hard and noone else understood why. :lol:

Ooooh how cool, I'd be laughing too. :lol: GLH hmm was that on purpose? :rolleyes: Perhaps fans of the two. :p

angeldreams said:
Looking up pics of Billy I had not seen these before. From the ep Pirates of the Third Reich. You probably seen 'em but here are they anyway...

Talk to me



I'm saying Stop

Hi Angeldreams and welcome. :D
Thanks for posting those great pics. :D I never get tired of looking at those two.

Yay I finally got my LH/GG fix on spiketv. :D
I caught both eps of POTTR and LHB yesterday.

I love the article David Steed wrote in TvGuide earlier this year:

February 10, 2006: A Little Freaky-Deaky anyone?

This is my first trip to the Watercooler, and I must say it feels good. For once I can talk about my favorite shows and not be considered a geek. It actually feels like I've got some friends now. I can suppose that's how Grissom feels as well, though his relationship with Lady Heather has seemingly reached crush status at this point. It's great to see Melinda Clarke reprise the role of the sexy dominatrix. This is the third time we've seen her, and each time we get a greater glimpse into the soul of Gil. I know this show is about the cases, but how could getting to know the personal side of William Petersen's character not intrigue you? Maybe it should be another spin-off instead — "The Secret Lives of Gil Grissom" — or something cheesy like that, but I say keep bringing Lady Heather back. We need her, not only to learn more about Gil, but because she's hot and owns whips. (Oh c'mon, who doesn't need a little freaky-deaky in their lives now and again?) It's a shame, though, that every time we encounter her, it's because someone died. This time it's her estranged daughter, Zoe. Sara described this investigation perfectly as being "on the train to Crazyville." We find a doctor who freezes his own brother, performs genetic modification experiments on humans and cultivates corpse flowers to hide the stench of decomposing bodies. That's one to look for at your next flower show. I swear I'm going to have nightmares for weeks in which people pull out my eyeballs. As long as there's no lobotomized pirate in them, I think I'll be OK. If not, I'll just look up Lady Heather to take away my pain. — Dave Steed

I got a question about Heather in POTTR:

Let's say Gil doesn't find the necklace and Heather
kills Sneller out in the desert, would she have gotten away with murder? :eek:

That's a great article,
I only got to watch the last part of Pirates, my in-laws are in town and I would feel weird watching Lady Heather whip Dr. Sneller with my 83-year-old mother-in-law :eek:
So I DVR'd it, along with Lady Heather's Box, again for the same reason :D
SO TONIGHT I get my GLH fix :D

and to answer your question WP...
The way he didn't hesitate to call in her meds in LHB, it makes me think he would have a SERIOUS decision to make
we all know how he feels about her.. but he could ignore the evidence right there infront of him? HHHHHMMMM?
I'm NOT SURE! :eek:
Imagine a spin-off of "The Secret Lives of Gil Grissom". . . . of course Heather would be in every episode. :p

I'm always losing my balance just thinking of those two.

I don't blame Heather for being so pissed-off at Gil in LHB. :mad:
Is it just me :rolleyes: whenever I watch POTTR, it seems Heather was trying to avoid Gil? :rolleyes:
She obviously didn't forgive him after two years. Like I said, I don't blame her.

I don't blame her either for being pissed off at him!
I've only seen Pirates once, but at the end, she reminded me of a woman from a Pedro Almdovar film ( look him up if you are not sure who he is.. hint.. Famous Spanish Indie Film Maker)
and I'll say it again, if Brass or even Catherine were out in the desert calling "Heather, Heather, STOP!" I'm not sure she would have
She stopped for HIM! That's just my opinion
hhunter said:
and I'll say it again, if Brass or even Catherine were out in the desert calling "Heather, Heather, STOP!" I'm not sure she would have
She stopped for HIM! That's just my opinion

That moment reminds me of the line she says in LHB:

LADY HEATHER: Unfortunately, the language we speak in here doesn't necessarily translate to the world out there.


Would she have stopped had it been Cat or Jim? :eek:

I just think it's cool how they used the word "Stop" between the two.

I think STOP became "their word"
from LHB when I think it was he who said it first, "You can always say stop"
and I think SHE was the one who said, "SO can you" as he touched her face
I think it had more meaning to them.. That's why HE was the one at the end of Pirates saying...
"Heather, I'M TELLING YOU STOP!" because it was something between just them
LH/G fans we have a little over 180 posts to go before a new thread. Come on . . . we can do it. :D

Ok, we've seen Grissom several times at the Dominion, right? Do you think Heather has ever been to his place? :rolleyes:

One of my favorite pics! :p
??? I'm not sure
maybe in the scene in Pirates when they were in the parking lot, ( I sorry, I can't remember exactly what she said) something about advice
Makes me think that she and he MAYBE had MORE THAN ONE intimate encounter? Maybe at his place?
do you think he cooked for her?
For some strange reason, I can't picture Grissom cooking. :rolleyes: He looks like the type that goes out to eat.
Heather on the other hand, with her diabetes, I'm pretty sure she cooks for herself. :)

I can see Grissom cooking something very simple. Perhaps some Mac & cheese. :lol: :lol: I love Mac & cheese. :D

It's the thought that counts, right? :)

I can't picture Grissom eating Mac&Cheese but I'm sure if Grissom served it to Heather, she would enjoy it
you are right, it's the thought that counts
and I'm sure she does have to watch what she eats
but when it comes to Grissom, she would let some stuff slide
"a little indulgence once in a while is acceptable, don't you think Mr. Grissom" :D

by the way... I WROTE that :D
Put yourself in Heather's shoes, what would you cook for Grissom? :rolleyes:

Let's see . . . I'd go with one of my fave, spaghetti with sausage meatballs, and a side salad. Something very simple to make.
Heck if I want fancy, I'd just go out to eat instead of slaving over a hot oven. :lol: :lol:

Let's see,
he seems more of a "meat and potatoes" kind of guy, right?
so, even though it sounds hard, I'd (Heather) would cook him steak, easy to do on the bbq or in a grill pan
salad, baked potato, something like that..
and agreed, if I wanted something superfancy, I'd go out too
maybe some red wine, although neither one seems to me much of a "drinker"
Catherinesmyidol said:
EDIT: Oh my God I had this HUGE post typed up and when I clicked submit it all got deleted! :eek:

Well, until I can remember what all I said, here's a picture that I thought was awesome. Filmstrip type picture I'm not sure who made it but it's really awesome. :D

God, doesn't that just piss you off when it gets deleted. :mad: :mad: I've got burned a couple of times and you can't remember what you wrote? :rolleyes:
Whenever I have something very long, I use my notepad, cut-n-paste before posting. :D

I love that film strip.
Man, I wish we had more behind-the-scenes with MC and BP from POTTR. Wouldn't that be soo awesome! :eek:

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