Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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I think he would be jealous!
He blew it with her, and he knows it...I think WP you are right if Pirates would have been 90 minutes like LHB then maybe we could have seen them 'talk' or whatever ;) :devil:
and now I'm sure he would be jealous.. and it does sound sexy :) :p
I think he would be jealous and that would make great angst. what? I'm an angst whore what do you expect? Anyways, I think he would be really jealous to see her with someone else, he'd have that whole, someone not me, thing going on. And that could lead to fluff and smex.
In order to see a sexy jealous Gil, we got to have Heather come back. :(
I have faith she'll be back. :D

You hear us TPTB, bring the Lady back. :D We want our "Losing our balance" man back. :lol: I had to watch LHB just to watch him touch her face . . . Wow!

again and again and again
yes, just to see him touch her face again..
and I too will watch LHB to see that scene.. :eek:
and as Catherinesmyidol said, anyone with a brain could tell that was 'loosing his balance'
Do you think now that Grissom is going to have some 'flashbacks' that Lady Heather will be in them too?
she was a part of his life for a while
he was obviously more than just attracted to her
I just can't believe that they would leave her and him this way...
what do you guys think?
and does this need a spoiler?
^^ I hope so! Flashbacks would be nice; maybe then we could see a bit more of what went on in Lady Heather's Box... :D I don't think it needs a spoiler, but don't take my word on it. Wouldn't want the mods on both of our cases. ;)

I do hope this is allowed here. My muse has returned but I have so many ideas for stories that I can't choose just one. Would anyone like to give me a suggestion or two? :)
write about what happend in between the 'face touching' and the next morning
it doesn't have to be.. **achem** above the PG-13 line just a good discussion between both of them..
how their true feelings come out about each other
what happens if he does go back inside (the end of Lady Heather's Box) the Dominion to her..

How about those suggestions?
Those are great, Heather! I'll get started on them once I finish this blasted French paper. C'est une telle charge de merde ;)

If anyone is interested, I wrote a fanfic about William Petersen's comment on Lady Heather. It's against the rules to post it here :)D) but if you'd like to read it just PM me and I'd be glad to send you the link.
In order to see a sexy jealous Gil, we got to have Heather come back.

How about we knock down some doors and bring her back?

again and again and again
yes, just to see him touch her face again..

I like it when he looses his balance and the touching her face is really cute. I loved that.

and does this need a spoiler?

Don't think so, but I would like to see the flashbacks of them. I'm sure it would be a hot ride. ;)

. It's against the rules to post it here :)D) but if you'd like to read it just PM me and I'd be glad to send you the link.

Evil you, you know we do!

Me: I'm William Petersen and Melinda Clarke's illegitimate love child.

I love that in your siggy!
Evil you, you know we do!

Heehee, I know. I just like asking questions. :lol:

Heads up ladies! Lady Heather's Box is being aired on Spike October 15th at 5 PM. :D Anyone else up for a little "Losing his balance"?

I found a fanfic on livejournal just a moment ago. I didn't write it, but the person who did is genious. And although it's short, it's still very good.
she's good she's on the dominion too
and thanks for the heads up on LHB
yes I am into Loosing my balance again and again and again
Wow! Thanks for posting the link Catherinesmyidol.

Me: I'm William Petersen and Melinda Clarke's illegitimate love child.
My friend Claire: WHOA! That's cool. We all knew they were hiding one somewhere.


A theory on flashbacks . . . . involving Gil. I'd give anything to see those LHB flashback moments as well as the hug in POTTR.

We know there's more . . . . do ya hear me TPTB??? Do you?????

of course there is more, why do you think HE of all the CSIs and cops was out there in the desert calling to her
he could have sent Catherine.. or Brass ( just my theories) but HE went out to Sparks to stop her
and he used THEIR word.. STOP .. HEATHER.. I'M TELLING YOU TO STOP !..
(PS-I love it when he says MY name.. he he he)
OMG how frickin' sexy is that saying your name "Heather" you're so lucky. :D

I'm wondering how long Gil waited before calling Brass and Co.? :rolleyes:

Or better yet, how long did he hold Heather? :D Intriguing minds want to know? :lol:

*chanting* Flashbacks. . . flashbacks. . . flashbacks

Hey. You never know, TPTB may take up Our suggestion. :D

I KNOW!!! That is one of my favorite parts of the episode
how long did he hold Heather? FOREVER.. er.. I mean as long as she let him I suppose :D

Lady Heather flashbacks... Lady Heather flashbacks...
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