Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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Totally, I hate that too :mad: and I've done that a few times too :eek:
I wish there were more extras from LHB and Slaves
I have to watch Pirates again ( still haven't done that yet) to witness more GLH

PS-Catherinesmyidol, have you been to Lady Heather's Dominion to check out the fan art?
I haven't been sleeping well lately so each morning when I wake up, usually around 4 AM, I watch Lady Heather's Box and Pirates. It kinda sucks thought because they're not on DVD, I taped them and they don't have any sound. But hey, it's GLH none-the-less. :D

Yep, hhunter, I go there all the time! When I'm not working on assignments or anything that needs done right away I'm over at Lady Heather's Dominion. I love all the fan art/wallpapers that are over there! I keep changing my desktop wallpaper because there are so many and I want to use them all. :lol:
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I was watching Pirates of the Third Reich again last night and did anyone else notice the expression on Gil's face after Heather said, "You forfeited the right to give me advice some time ago. But thank you." The look on his face just seemed like he realized he REALLY messed up in Lady Heather's Box. :D
Am I nuts or just couldn't find the topic??? Catherinesmyidol, I love your avatar, that's a really shocking scene, I would never thought Heather could do this.
I do believe Heather's gonna get a role on season 7... at least I hope so. IF Billy leaves they have to end up this "relationship".
Now I'm imagining Sara and Heather arguing. Seeing Heather on your avatar, Catherinesmyidol, Sara would be a biiiig biiiig trouble :p
I couldn't find it either! I kept looking and finally resorted to using the Search button. :lol: Thanks! I love my icon too; Erica made it for me and I swear she's my icon idol for doing so. :D

I hope she returns for season 7 too. LH has such a huge fanbase and she always increases the ratings. One would think TPTB would want higher ratings but I don't know... :rolleyes:

I've been thinking about writing a fanfic that has Heather and Sara fighting. Oh yeah, Sara would be in trouble. If that happened in an episode it would be rather amusing. :lol:!
Sorry I've been negecting this thread
HHMM I posted this a whle ago about Heather and Sara meeting
He ( Gris) still needs to tell Sara about his feeling for Heather
I still haven't seen Pirates again
I love their chemistry (GLH) and yes to bad TPTB can't figure it out
Ooops sorry I got off topic. Thanks for the reminder 1CSIMfan. :D

Catherinesmyidol said:
I was watching Pirates of the Third Reich again last night and did anyone else notice the expression on Gil's face after Heather said, "You forfeited the right to give me advice some time ago. But thank you." The look on his face just seemed like he realized he REALLY messed up in Lady Heather's Box. :D

Yes, I notice that. She really burned him with that comment.
What a great line.
The first time I heard that line, it just blew me away. :)

WillowsWannaBe said:
Catherinesmyidol, I love your avatar, that's a really shocking scene, I would never thought Heather could do this.
I do believe Heather's gonna get a role on season 7... at least I hope so. IF Billy leaves they have to end up this "relationship".

It's a very cool avie Catherinesmyidol COOL!!!

ITA, IF Billy leaves I don't want her character to continue.
Because I can't see Lady H with any other guy on the show. Heather and Gil have a very special connection to each other. :)

I agree with you, WP, if William leaves I don't want TPTB to continue Lady Heather. It just wouldn't be right.

Heads up; September 25th at 9 PM, Pirates of the Third Reich is going to be on Spike TV. :D
I just got around to watching last episodes of Season 6 last night (Rashomoma) so Pirates Huh? Still need to watch again :eek: I know I know
Yes, I have a few concerns for TPTB! BRING BACK LADY HEATHER
just once more, PLEASE!!!!
Catherinesmyidol said:
I agree with you, WP, if William leaves I don't want TPTB to continue Lady Heather. It just wouldn't be right.

Heads up; September 25th at 9 PM, Pirates of the Third Reich is going to be on Spike TV. :D

Thanks for letting us know. :D I've marked my calendar. :D
I hope there's an audio commentary when the Season 6 dvd set comes out. I would really love to hear what Melinda have to say. Billy would be nice too. :p :p

hhunter said:

Yes, I have a few concerns for TPTB! BRING BACK LADY HEATHER
just once more, PLEASE!!!!

If she does come back, McDreamy would have to step aside. :lol:

Did you guys read the tvguide and what BP says about LH? :p
Spanking? :devil: I'd pay money to see that. :lol: :lol:

Have yet to read it :eek: but I want to know what he says about Melinda also.
Spanking, can you imagine... :devil: sorry, this won't go over the PG-13 line :eek:
that's up there with the Liquid Latex :lol:
I want audio commentary too! That would just be so awesome! :D

I read the TV Guide article and, for some reason, I got really mad at WP's comment on Lady Heather. But at the same time, I found myself thinking, "Hmm, he must be overdue for his spanking." :lol:

Heehee I'm watching Pirates again. For the second time today. It's just such an awesome episode! :)
Catherinesmyidol said:
I read the TV Guide article and, for some reason, I got really mad at WP's comment on Lady Heather. But at the same time, I found myself thinking, "Hmm, he must be overdue for his spanking." :lol:

You know some fans got pissed-off at his comment about Lady Heather. :rolleyes:
Look, Billy has a sense of humor, so I don't take his interviews about CSI seriously. :lol:
Some day when he finally does leave the show, I'm pretty sure he'll give us his honest opinion. And I look forward to that.

If it was just BP on the cover I would have bought it. :rolleyes: Oh well, I did buy the PD cover. :p

Oh, I sometimes watch POTTR a couple times myself. :lol:
I miss his beard. :( Thank God he made one ep with Heather and the beard. :lol:

Hey LH/G fans

It's Monday night and I did remember POTTR on spike. Unfortunately I love watching Prison Break and Vanish.
So I had to switch back and forth with PB and POTTR. :lol:

Can you believe Spike has aired POTTR 3 times this month? :p That's way cool!

Waiting for Gil.
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