Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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:lol: That's hilarious. But I can see her asking that too.

And he'll be like, "I wanted you to come back"

In a kiss, perhaps?
hhunter said:
OMGosh, I see her looking at him, saying something like..
"What happened to the beard Grissom, too much for you to handle?" Or something like that in her cool, collective way
Maybe we get to see his clean-shaven face upclose.. next to hers :D

That was a cute answer. :lol:

I can hear her saying "I thought the beard made you very alpha male" :p

Oh-la-la . . . clean-shaven and next to her face oh yeah!!

Oh my, I'm losing my balance.

All of these lines are definetely things I think Heather would say. Perhaps TPTB should trade places with us all for a few days; They play the rabid fangirls (are we not? :D) and we get to make some changes to the show.

Back on topic. Ladies, September 5th at 7 PM, Spike TV will be replaying Pirates of the Third Reich. If I remember correctly this is their first time airing that episode. And it will also play again at 11 that same night. The fun doesn't stop there! The next day (Sept. 6th) at 6 PM, they will be showing Lady Heather's Box. I can't wait!

I almost forgot! Just for fun, here are the descriptions of these two episodes from LHB: "Grissom is attracted to a dominatrix until she becomes a murder suspect". POTTR: "The CSIs investigate the gruesome murder of Lady Heather's estranged daughter, Zoe, who was found in the middle of the Vegas desert."
WOW, that must be part of the Labor Day marathon SPIKETV is running of season 6
And since I have only seen Pirates once so..I'm THERE!
and Lady Heather's Box, a chance to see them "loosing balance" YOU BET
yes, Catherinesmyidol , we are rabid fangirls :devil: at least of GLH :D and TPTB should take a cue from us once in a while!
Catherinesmyidol said:

Back on topic. Ladies, September 5th at 7 PM, Spike TV will be replaying Pirates of the Third Reich. If I remember correctly this is their first time airing that episode. And it will also play again at 11 that same night. The fun doesn't stop there! The next day (Sept. 6th) at 6 PM, they will be showing Lady Heather's Box. I can't wait!

Oh Thank you Catherinesmyidol

I'll be watching for sure I haven't been watching CSI this summer, so I'm thrilled to hear Spike airing POTTR!

And what can we say about LHB :p and Gil losing his balance. He needs to lose his balance again. It's just so sexy watching that moment.
Thank God for DVDs. :D

We're rapid fangirls? .. thats a nice way of putting it really.

Spike's airing POTR?? Seriously. Wow. I can't wait!

Which episode do you think is their best one?
SPIKE is running season 6 on Labor Day
and Lady Heather's Box then next day....
it's a whole GLH fest :p
and best one... well you know the answer to that :D

ETA- iheartnickcath, Pirates is on Sept. 5th according to Catherinesmyidol and the next day Sept. 6th is Lady Heather's Box
knowing you your best way is Slaves. *nods* Am I right?

ah, thanks :D .. I can't wait to watch them! (Again)

GLH!fest is fun. I'm really glad Spike has decided to show them.
Let's give a hand for Spiketv . . .

Of the 3 my fave is . . . hands down . . . LHB

Can you imagine if LHB was 2 hours long instead of 90 mins ? :eek:
Fans have talked about BP being in a bathrobe and he refused. :mad: No fair. :lol:

Yeah, if only? :rolleyes:

what do you mean he refused? And what would actually be in that extra half-hour? HHHMMMM :eek: :devil:
Obviously it was done very well, LHB , very sexy, and sexual and SENSUAL without being "over the top" and not to "mushy" either
one of the best 'love scenes' without seeing a lot of anything, just by the way they looked at each other...
WELL , **achem** now I can't wait... :D
Yes, I heard he refused to wear the bathrobe at the Dominion when he slept overnight(?)
Of course to this day BP insist that he didn't stay the night? :rolleyes: Whatever BP???? :lol:

The writers and I agree He did! :lol:

My god what would that half-hour contain? Hmmm. :rolleyes:
It would definitely be in the Dominion. :devil:

People, I need to share this with y'all.
I was coming home from I don't know where and a car was going in front of ours. And guess what was on its licence plate? 167-GLH!!! :lol: I started laughing so hard and noone else understood why. :lol:
THAT'S FUNNY WillowsWannaBe :lol:
I think I would do the same thing

and in the Dominion, he did stay the night, where he slept... well???
and in a bathrobe? HHHHMMMM there was some "intimate" moment we all know that :D
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