Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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Catherinesmyidol said:

I hope someone here can help me. I read a story a while ago where Heather was 16, her father was abusive and Gil was there for her. I cannot remember the title and can't find the link. I'd like to reread it and am hoping that someone here knows the story I'm talking about. :)

Sorry, I don't read fics. :(

Now that BP has shaved the beard, thank god he did one ep with Heather and the Hot beard.

At least I have pics to treasure.

I'm sorry I'm not too crazy about Grissom with no beard. :( Hopefully if Heather does come back this season maybe the beard will be back too.

Catherinesmyidol said:
I agree with you, WP!

I hope someone here can help me. I read a story a while ago where Heather was 16, her father was abusive and Gil was there for her. I cannot remember the title and can't find the link. I'd like to reread it and am hoping that someone here knows the story I'm talking about. :)

Have you tried the Crimelab, or LadyHeathers Dominion? they have links to Lady Heather fics
and she is smart, and beautiful, that is why Grissom likes her and wants to be with her...
I'm praying right along with you there, WP. I have to say, I don't like the no beard either. I used to seeing it!

Now, why don't you read fics hun?

If it isn't linked, maybe its there.. hehe
iheartnickcath said:
I'm praying right along with you there, WP. I have to say, I don't like the no beard either. I used to seeing it!

Now, why don't you read fics hun?

Why don't I read fics? :rolleyes:
Well, I'm just not interested in other people's fantasy. :D I mean, that's what it is, right? :rolleyes:

All the power to those who write them!! And may you continue to write them. :D
Someday I think I'll eventually get around to reading them if these stories are still around. On second thought . . . maybe I should read them now. :lol: :lol: They may be lost forever. :)

Anyway I have a question about Zoe?
If Zoe never had two different eye colors, would she be a victim? Would she still be alive? :rolleyes: What do you think?
I'm forever watching POTTR. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ok, for the fic, I like to read them, they are a way of other people expressing themselves. And isn't it interesting to see how other people interpet the GLH relationship?

And for Zoe, I'm not sure. I have only seen Pirates once.
I'm not even sure how she got the two eye colors.
From what I can understand, she was the victim because she participated in the "medical study".
After searching for a while I finally found the fic. Thanks for the help! Somehow Lady Heather's Dominion led me to the correct link, but I'm not entirely sure how. Um... it doesn't give a rating, it just says adult themes. Just to be safe I won't post the link but you can PM if you want it. :)

hhunter I hope I can tell you how Zoe got the 2 different colored eyes without sounding like too much of a nerd. It's called Heterochromia iridium and was once believed to be controlled by a single gene but is actually a polygenic trait. This is assuming that the picture Grissom was looking at in Zoe's apartment (the one of Zoe and a man) was taken BEFORE Sneller did experiments on her.

Again, I'm with you, WP; I'm not too crazy about beardless Grissom either. He just looks so much hotter with The Beard. :D
hhunter said:
but ladies, he DID NOT have his beard with Lady Heather, but he is MUCH better looking with it...

Yes he didn't have the beard, a bit younger and he was so cute in SoLV and LHB. Can you imagine how Hot he would have looked during the first 3 seasons with the beard? Whoa! :eek:

From what I can understand, she was the victim because she participated in the "medical study".

Then why did Sneller remove one eye from both victims?

Maybe Cat was right about Sneller looking for the perfect german woman? :confused:

I thought Heather has green eyes? Or is it blue? I'm thinking green. :confused:
Because Grissom does say one brown eye, one blue eye when looking at the pic of Zoe. Hmmm. :rolleyes:

Probably, especially since Brass said that Mengela (sp) lives in the desert... meaning the doctor from Hitlers era was now living in the desert..
I agree, he was trying to create the "perfect" person
and Zoe apperently fit the mold to be created from...
I guess I have to go watch Pirates again..
I have mentioned this before as a way to have LH return is that they have a call to the desert where her grandchild is found.. just MHO :)
hhunter said:
I have mentioned this before as a way to have LH return is that they have a call to the desert where her grandchild is found.. just MHO :)

If the grandchild is found in the desert that would mean the child died? :eek: Is that what you mean? :rolleyes:

I saw a little tidbit about our Lady this morning and apparently Grissom isn't the only one that would like to be with Lady Heather? :eek:
Forgive me, I don't want to mention the other cast member. :rolleyes: Just thought it was interesting.

I'm gonna run off to watch this. :p
no, not quite, I mean that the child is alive so they have to call Lady Heather ( well, it gets complicated from there) It was just a thought I had about bringing her back
and who else wants to be with Lady Heather besides Grissom?
:eek: :confused:
I could see that thought, that they find the child out in the desert (maybe been kidnapped or something) and Grissom stumbles upon it, and then they call LH.

Yeah who was it? If its Nicky, I'll hurt you. But who is it?

Wow. He didn't have a beard when he saw her before..
That is right iheartnickcath, that is what I had in mind to bring Lady Heather back...
And now that Grissom doesn't have his beard, does this mean she'll be back for an episode or two?
They need to bring her back anyways, they have so many unanswered stuff, and if Griss is leaving. They need to answer them. Its only fair.

Him without a beard still.. doesn't seem right to me for some reason, but.. I can see her saying, "What happened to it?"
OMGosh, I see her looking at him, saying something like..
"What happened to the beard Grissom, too much for you to handle?" Or something like that in her cool, collective way
Maybe we get to see his clean-shaven face upclose.. next to hers :D
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