Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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Catherinesmyidol, I love your earrings, I want some :D

let's see favorite LH moments..
well I said before, the liquid latex in Slaves ( I said before I have this image of Lady Heather/Grissom and Liquid Latex ) :devil:
I think we all have the same favorite part in Lady Heather's Box... THE KISS!
and from Pirates. the end... when he's begging her to stop, my theory, it that were Brass out there, she wouldn't
and then when he's holding her...
I love those earrings! Great job on them :D

I liked the whole liquid latex in Slaves for two reasons/ships really.

Second that in LHB :D

I agree, I like that scene between them, such an emotional scene for her, and them too.
Thanks for the pics! :p

That's a cool earring. Is there a necklace with those earrings?
I just love her necklaces, WOW!!!!! They are totally cool!!!

Oh gosh, my favorite moments from all:

SoLV: When Gil returns and has tea. :) :) :)

(LADY HEATHER enters her room carrying a tea pot. She walks over to the table set for tea. She pours the tea and puts the tea pot on the table. GRISSOM is standing off to the side. He turns around when she walks in.)

GRISSOM: Afternoon tea. How nice.

LADY HEATHER: I like a bit of civility before dark ...when all the needy little boys show up.

GRISSOM: Well, I'm a little needy myself today. My lab pulled skin cells from Mona Taylor's straws.

LADY HEATHER: A DNA sample? I have several clients in law enforcement. X-X or X-Y?

GRISSOM: They're male.

(GRISSOM shows LADY HEATHER a photograph he brought with him. It's of CAMERON and EILENE NELSON at a formal function. Both are speaking with a man.)

GRISSOM: Have you ever seen either of these two people?

LADY HEATHER: Not the wife, but I have seen the husband.

GRISSOM: I didn't say they were married.

LADY HEATHER: It's obvious. Look at the way he's clenching her hand with both of his and leaning toward her. And see how she's twisting away presenting herself to the wealthy alpha male? She's insensitive; he insecure. That's a
setup for matrimony, not passion. She wants the dominant male to choose her so she can stop being dominant.

GRISSOM: You're very good. You could work for me.

LADY HEATHER: You want to be my boss?

GRISSOM: You never know. We both might learn something.

LADY HEATHER: Oh, I'm sure of that.

(They both sit down at the table.)

LADY HEATHER: I can read anyone who walks through this door and know their desires. Sometimes even before they do. Why do you think I selected china and table linens?

GRISSOM: You like fine things.

LADY HEATHER: Or maybe I knew you'd like them. Same way I know you enjoy most of the superficial trappings of civilization.

GRISSOM: I'm that obvious, huh?

LADY HEATHER: Only because you try not to be. You spend your life uncovering what goes beneath the surface of civility and acceptable behavior. So it's a release for you to indulge in something like high tea when it seems, if only for a moment, the world really is civilized.

(GRISSOM doesn't respond.)

LADY HEATHER: The most telling thing about anyone is what scares them. And I know what you fear more than anything, Mr. Grissom.

GRISSOM: Which is?

LADY HEATHER: Being known. You can't accept that I might know what you really desire, because that would mean that I know you. Something, for whatever reason, you spend your entire life making sure no one else does.

GRISSOM: Lady Heather, you're an anthropologist.



LHB: Of course the "Losing my balance" moment.
My All-time favorite moment on CSI :p :p :p

(LADY HEATHER and GRISSOM continue down the hallway. She stops in front of some unlit candles that should be lit.)

LADY HEATHER: Our work enabled him to marry.

GRISSOM: But he chose a woman who didn't understand the dynamics of a Dominant-submissive relationship.

LADY HEATHER: Unfortunately, the language we speak in here doesn't necessarily translate to the world out there.

(She takes a match and lights the candle.)

GRISSOM: No, in here, the submissive has the power. All he has to do is say the safety word and everything stops.

LADY HEATHER: Very good, Mr. Grissom.

(She blows out the match and turns around.)

GRISSOM: I'm just repeating what I've heard.

LADY HEATHER: You're a good listener.

GRISSOM: Part of the job.

LADY HEATHER: So this is work?

GRISSOM: Yes. But I value your insight.

LADY HEATHER: (smiles) I'm flattered. But you already seem to know the answers to your questions. You keep me in proximity when I walk away and when I'm close ... (she takes a step closer to GRISSOM) .... you watch my lips. Are you losing your hearing?

GRISSOM: I'm losing my balance.

LADY HEATHER: Your sense of self?

GRISSOM: No. I know who I am.


GRISSOM: (nods) (quietly) Yes, I do.

(He reaches out a hand and brushes the hair away from her face. She closes her eyes for a moment. She opens her eyes. GRISSOM reaches out to her with both hands framing her face.)

GRISSOM: You can always say stop.

LADY HEATHER: So can you.

(Camera holds on GRISSOM and LADY HEATHER looking at each other.)


POTTR: Her return was great. My we see her again real soon! :) :) :)

(Grissom takes the turn onto the dirty road and drives toward Lady Heather's car.)

(In the spot where her daughter's body was found, Lady Heather unleashes her rage and grief on Leon Sneller. Sneller is bound to the front of her car as she whips him. His face and chest are cut and bloodied. He cries out with pain at every crack of her whip.)

(Behind her, Grissom parks and gets out of his car.)

(Lady Heather doesn't let up.)

GRISSOM: (shouts) Heather! Stop it!

LADY HEATHER: No. Let me finish.

(Beyond reasoning and out of control, she continues to whip Sneller. She pulls her whip back to continue, but Grissom steps forward and catches the end of the whip.)

(She whirls around and tugs her whip, trying to get it out from Grissom's

GRISSOM: (shouts) You cannot do this!

LADY HEATHER: No! Let go! Let ... !


LADY HEATHER: (begs) Please ...

(The whip between them, she continues to struggle to get it free from his grasp.)

GRISSOM: Stop. (firmly) Heather.

LADY HEATHER: (begging) Please ...

GRISSOM: I'm saying stop.

(Lady Heather stops and looks at Grissom. She gasps deep, heaving sobs.
Grissom pulls the whip closer, bringing him closer to her.)

(Dissolving into tears, Heather cries as Grissom holds her.)


And there you have it.

I have a question to about Pirates...
do you think that was supposed to be the "loose ends" episode with her and him. Do you think that episode was supposed to "tie everything up" between Lady Heather and Grissom? I don't !
I think they left a WHOLE LOT of open questions to be asked, so she will come back.
Don't you?
As long as BP is still with CSI their storyline will definitely continue. :D

And why not? TPTB brought her back for a reason, right? :D

Thanks so much for the feedback on my earrings! PM me if you'd like a pair.... ;) WP_Rocks_MY_World, I don't have the correct beads to make a GLH necklace, but when I buy the right type there will be one! :D

Lovely fave moments by the way, WP.
She gasps deep, heaving sobs.
That particular line may inspire a few fan fics from me... :lol:

Two of my favorite moments from LHB:

[at Lady Heather's front door]
Gil Grissom: May we come in?
Lady Heather: Say the magic word.
Captain Jim Brass: Warrant.

Gil Grissom: I owe you an apology.
Lady Heather: Apologies are just words.

I think a shirt with the last quote on it would be cool.
"Apologies are just words" would be great on a t-shirt perfect for any scored woman or man :D
and you are right WP_Rocks_MY_World , as long as Grissom is on the show, they will always have some connection...
Anytime the two appear together is my favorite moment. :p
The ones I mention stand out though.

Lady Heather: Apologies are just words.

Love that quote!

And this quote will always stand out too . . .

LADY HEATHER: You forfeited the right to give me advice some time ago. But thank you.

And she's right too! He really hurt her feelings. Bad Grissom. :mad:

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Ooooh, I just seen SoLV, as Heather wanted me to :D I don't know, I expected something better, I mean some more tension or hotness from Heather. And it was shocking when she mentioned Zoe, because for the first time I heard of her on PotTR.
Heather.......? :)
I know, but she did say.. "What you see and what I feel are two different things." And I was shocked to see she had a daughter also.
I saw the hottness, when Catherine asked him, "SO, where will you be, and he said.. With Lady Heather." I knew he was into her, but I wasnt' sure if she was into him until the end
WP_Rocks_MY_World quoted in her favorte scene
Dang I had a problem trying to get to this site yesterday. I was on early in the morning then had problems later. :(
Gee, and it was Grissom's birthday. :( And I couldn't post in this thread. :mad:

Anyway, I'd like to think Gil spent the big 5-0 with DaLady.

I mention in another thread that I would give Grissom a Roman mythology book on Romulus and Remus. :lol: Obviously he didn't know about the myth and Heather did. The Lady has brains.

And that's why I love her character. Beauty and brains!

I agree with you, WP! She most definitely is beauty and brains. Perhaps that's why Gil's so in love with her (in my opinion).

I hope someone here can help me. I read a story a while ago where Heather was 16, her father was abusive and Gil was there for her. I cannot remember the title and can't find the link. I'd like to reread it and am hoping that someone here knows the story I'm talking about. :)
You know WillowsWannaBe I've missed you. I really have. Wow, I haven't been here in awhile. Nice little discussion going on.

Hunter I think she'll come back, They left those questions unanswered for a reason. and I agree with WP as long as BP is still there. they'll run with it.

Shocking, WWB finally watched SoLV. Good little girl. You gets a cookies.

Sorry honey. I really dunno what fic it is. Was it on
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