Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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yup, i mean, when Sara and Grissom just glance at each other, it's considered as a MEGA GSR moment! and it happends once every two seasons or something!! when LH is in the episode there is always a REAL attraction and/or flirtation between them. during only 3 episodes with LH things actually HAPPENED between them (possibly even a night together!). Grissom wasn't scared to risk his whole carrier for her (and as we know from butterflied he was scared to risk it for sara). guy is lonely for long now though, so he can give sara a chance but their relation is for sure weaker then with LH. AND as far as i know there are no anti-G/LH shippers like in GSR case. summarizing G/LH rocks :D
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Thanks. Now, lets get back to some Grissom/Lady Heather loving.
Adzix said:
yup, i mean, when Sara and Grissom just glance at each other, it's considered as a MEGA GSR moment! and it happends once every two seasons or something!! when LH is in the episode there is always a REAL attraction and/or flirtation between them. during only 3 episodes with LH things actually HAPPENED between them (possibly even a night together!). Grissom wasn't scared to risk his whole carrier for her (and as we know from butterflied he was scared to risk it for sara). guy is lonely for long now though, so he can give sara a chance but their relation is for sure weaker then with LH. AND as far as i know there are no anti-G/LH shippers like in GSR case. summarizing G/LH rocks :D
OH I know and the funny thing is I glance at my Dad that way
to me that ship is just father daughter because well he's WAY to much like my dad (and i'M WAY to much like Sara) thats why i say the looks mean nothing
but shoot in Pirates of the Third riech alone You could see how much he cared about Heather
Like that scene at the end where she was whipping that guy
he ran over to her wrapped his arms around her and let her cry ,being who he is he could have easily had her cuffed and sent to Jail But he didnt because he cares about her
as for some anti G/LH I know a few who are GCR that are very anti this ship but they dont really stoop to immature measures
as for some anti G/LH I know a few who are GCR that are very anti this ship but they dont really stoop to immature measures

LOL, I know some of those too, except their anti-alot of ships, but their cool.


Alrighty. We need a moment. Like Seriously. We really do..Alright, here we go. What do you think would happen if she came back at the 2 hr finale? :p
iheartnickcath said:
Alrighty. We need a moment. Like Seriously. We really do..Alright, here we go. What do you think would happen if she came back at the 2 hr finale? :p

OMG i would DIE!!! it would be THE MOST amazing and unexpected thing ever!!!! it would kinda make sense for writers to bring her back in the last episode, b/c it would be such a surprise for everyone (esp. b/c they kept it as a secret). i would be as happy as GSR fans are now :)

maybe SHE is the one to spend night at grissom's house!!?? i know it's probably not true, but that would be so awesome. just think about it - all those GSR fans misleaded, and G/LH fans happier EVER after!! :lol: *sigh* a have this little hope ;) it would be a huge surprise to everyone, esp. after those looks Sara and Griss gave each other in TOYD

as to a possible scenario with LH in the last ep i think they would definitely hook up! heck yes!!! this time griss would be under huge stress, so LH would comfort him, using her psychological skills!! :D
I think it would be really cool if she came back in the finale! Not that I have anything against the GSR shippers but I would LMAO if they had been led on like that and it turned out that LH was coming back to give us some G/LH! Ooh, I would be one happy girl... :lol:
CatherineWStokes said:
Lynn suggested I stop by and say hi *waves*

I really like Grissom/Lady Heather, I'd really like to see Lady Heather come back :)

KELLY! *huggles* I'm glad you found your way over here!


I think it would be really cool if she came back in the finale! Not that I have anything against the GSR shippers but I would LMAO if they had been led on like that and it turned out that LH was coming back to give us some G/LH! Ooh, I would be one happy girl...

I know that would be like a HUGE turn around and surprise everyone. It would be great!..
I actually Know who will be going to Grissoms house and its not Sara
I heard this from quite a few reliable sources so I believe it to be true (if i'm wrong oh well *shrugs*)
But I hear Michelle Rodriguez comes on as Grissoms new Love interest SHE'S supposedly from Lady Heathers Dominion so this COULD be a good thing for us because maybe we will see Lady H again AND we'll also get the G/LH angst we love
SaraSidleStokes you don't know what a BATTLE a fought NOT to read your freakin' spoiler!!! :lol: i just glanced for half a second but didn't read it actually!! YOU ARE SO MEAN!! :lol: (as you know i want to stay spoiler-free but it's SO HARD!!!). i'm hanging on, i'm still hanging on, it was close though ...
yeah and it would actaully fit alot of whats been happening on the show
(FYI in case You dont know who Michelle Rodriguez is she use to play Ana-Lucia on LOST)
SaraSidleStokes said:
yeah and it would actaully fit alot of whats been happening on the show
(FYI in case You dont know who Michelle Rodriguez is she use to play Ana-Lucia on LOST)

Michelle kicks ass, she was on Resident Evil, right? and SWAT?

It really would.

Aww you know you wanna read it! la la la
hey i DIDN'T read your spoiler!! ;) but actually when i glanced i saw her name there, so it's ok :) i put her on google graphic search - she's very pretty and young!!but please i don't want to know anything else!! :lol:
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