Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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Adzix said:
they ARE evil, i agree! :lol:

you know, i'm so desperate that i don't care anymore who will griss end up with. i mean i would completely die if it was LH (that's what i want the most of course) but i'll be satisfied with whatever girl they'll give him (well she has to be pretty (!) but all the girls on CSI are pretty so whichever works for me). i just wanna see some emotion from him. i think it would be the best with our dom, but since she's not there, i'm good with Sara, Sofia or that Michelle person (i'm kinda against cath, cause i think they're relationship is more bro-sis). *sigh* yup, that's what i think :D

You already know I back you up on Cath (bro-sis thing). I like your answer, and I agree with you *g*
I actually use to ship him with Cath
I dont neccaricily see it as Bro/Sis BUT now that i'm a G/LH shipper I see he and Cath as just really good friends
I thought about shipping him with Cath, but..N/C took me...So I'm slowly going G/LH. (thanks to Nic)
i started shipping only a couple months ago. i wanted to ship griss with someone but i didn't really know who would fit him the best. so in a moment i was confused, i shipped him a little with cath (!!), and then with Sara. but after i saw "Lady Heather's Box" for the first time i was completely stunned, but in a good way ;) and from now on i knew who is his real soul mate ;) besides i love the characer of LH :) she rocks :D
I thought about shipping him with Cath, but..N/C took me...So I'm slowly going G/LH. (thanks to Nic)

You're very welcome;)

I shipped G/LH since the first time they were on the screen together :)
You know, I honestly wouldn't care if they didn't hook her up with Grissom, I just want her to come back. Spice it up!
for me My changing of the GC ship to this one was in part because of my ex gc shippers and how mean they are to me and in part because of the chemistry I saw between He and Lady Heather
I could definetly see this ship sailing
I came to the shipper thread last summer when Season 5 was over. The WP thread was slow(of course I live in that thread :lol: :lol:) and I was curious about the Shipper Central. I had no idea what a shipper was at that time.
And what really caught my attention was the LH/GG thread.

My two favorite characters from CSI!

So... re-watching Pirates of the Third Reich on Channel 5 (UK tv) and I've noticed something.

In the conversation between Gill and Lady Heather in the Car park, Lady Heather gives Gill the semen sample and tells him sex has been used for much less.. and then "You may not approve Grissom…"
It is the only time in the entire episode she calls him by name.. (to the best of my recollection anyway.) Does anyone else think she does in fact want his approval?? Or am I just reading too much into it?

And the more I watch POTTR the more I think it’s the best Melinda Clarke performance as Lady Heather. I love her in the other two episodes and I wish there was more Gill/Lady Heather scenes in the same vein as the those episodes.. but as a single performance it's brilliant.
hi, I just watched POTTR on tv too, and I never really saw all of the other two episodes Lady Heather was in, so I never knew how Grissom and Lady Heather interacted, but I really loved how much Grissom let his emotion show with Lady Heather in this episode. I've primarily shipped Grissom with Catherine, but I'd love to see Lady Heather come back again and see more scenes with Grissom and her.
The other two episodes, Slaves of Las Vagas and Lady Heather's Box are worth watching, as i'm sure everyone else will tell you.
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