Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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your welcome hun! :)

And love the blog!

OT: You know what I just realized. Buffy ended at season 7. 7 is bad...
I bookmarked the blog. I'll definitely will be checking it out!

Lets hope the 7 will be lucky for G/LH! And CSI in general.
Totally hoping for some C/N here too. Haha, I should make a C/N & G/LH banner.
We'll see what I come up with. I've changed my moving out date to tomorrow. So now I'm cleaning every square inch of this room! But I think I'll make time for a pretty banner:)
dragonqueen05 said:
I bookmarked the blog. I'll definitely will be checking it out!

Lets hope the 7 will be lucky for G/LH! And CSI in general.
haha, thanks :) done a lot of stuff there already. i don't know what to really think about how long CSI will last. i mean it mostly depends on WP. if he leaves it will mean the beggining of the end :( BUT let's stay positive. if the next season is the last with him - it will be the most kick @$$ season ever, with heather coming back of course!! :)
You guys are so right about shipper wars
Off topic real quick I've got a girl PMing me saying I shouldnt be Ignorant cause she knows for a fact the GSR spoilers are true and that I just need to be happy for the gSR ship (shee claims to be a Multi but she's not) but I mean that is harrasment right there (I ignored the pms and will continue to do so)
thats why I love G/LH so much no one around here would ever stoop that low we are all Mature (i'd say Mature adults but some of you arent *smirks*)
speaking of fanfictions You all need to read Jenna's (CatherinesMyIdol) fanfic its so good and she's a talented writer
You guys are so right about shipper wars
Off topic real quick I've got a girl PMing me saying I shouldnt be Ignorant cause she knows for a fact the GSR spoilers are true and that I just need to be happy for the gSR ship (shee claims to be a Multi but she's not) but I mean that is harrasment right there (I ignored the pms and will continue to do so)

Okay. Tell her if she does it again, to leave you alone, that if a Snickers (you) and Catnip (me) can get along, then she should just shut the heck up that its not going to get you. She just wants to rattle your chain. Seriously Don't let her. I say if the spoilers turn out to be false, laugh in her face, and say, you said what?


thats why I love G/LH so much no one around here would ever stoop that low we are all Mature (i'd say Mature adults but some of you arent *smirks*)

Because we don't bring our ships in here, (unless we happen to bring it up, but hopefully nothing war-ish)


speaking of fanfictions You all need to read Jenna's (CatherinesMyIdol) fanfic its so good and she's a talented writer

So I've heard, but haven't read any.
oh, it's so wrong what you are describing that she did, SaraSidleStokes. i mean, the idea of this whole web site is to gather all biggest CSI fans so everyone can talk about the show and ships which he/she likes the most, with people who feel similar. there is NO point in arguing and starting shipper wars.

btw, Catherinesmyidol, writes amazing, i agree :)
Because we don't bring our ships in here, (unless we happen to bring it up, but hopefully nothing war-ish)

Exactly. Shipper wars have never made sense to me. It just ruins the fun of being a shipper. Whatever happens on the show is going to happen no matter how much any ship want X vs Y to happen. So pitching a fit now, before ANYthing has happened is just pointless. It's been in the can for a while now (weeks-months) and nothing said is going to change that. Whatever ship (if any) gets fed in the finale is going to, and the opposing ships are just SOL.
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