Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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*Laughs* dont worry Adzix wont say anything else (If I do it would be in spoiler spaces)
and IHNC all I know about her is she's on Lost (My second favorite show... well if you dont include CSI NY)
No worries I dont trust spoilers anyways
I'm actually not even sure if I believe that one BUT it would make more sense then the GSR stuff
(again thats ALL i'm saying)
I love NY too....I don't watch Lost that much, but I'll icon it.

lol A.

Its hard to tell with all of these spoilers going around, which are truth and which are false...hell, they all could be wrong for all we know.
gimme a G/LH spoiler and i'll forgive you the earlier one :lol: !!!! ohhh ..that freakin' grissom!! he should have a wife and case closed! MAN! this is exhausting!! :lol:
Adzix said:
gimme a G/LH spoiler and i'll forgive you the earlier one :lol: !!!! ohhh ..that freakin' grissom!! he should have a wife and case closed! MAN! this is exhausting!! :lol:

Awww *huggles*...Just think, maybe we'll get to see her!
hmmmm ... maybe ... that would be SO cool and so kicking a$$!! LH come back in the finale!! :D okey i forgive you :lol: i'm in good mood again!!
SaraSidleStokes said:
I actually Know who will be going to Grissoms house and its not Sara
I heard this from quite a few reliable sources so I believe it to be true (if i'm wrong oh well *shrugs*)
But I hear Michelle Rodriguez comes on as Grissoms new Love interest SHE'S supposedly from Lady Heathers Dominion so this COULD be a good thing for us because maybe we will see Lady H again AND we'll also get the G/LH angst we love

omg issit true??
why would they HIRE a fellow dominion to come back and not ASk LH to return personallY!!!Lol sad to say i wasnt ever a lost fan :( and i didnt like ana lucia in lost..Too many dominatrix-like characters spoil the shoW! But on the other side,it would be really cool if everyone was mislead and LH/Michelle Rodriguez went to gris house instead.I would be ROFLing at erm those happy finale shippers instead
Wow a lot of reading :lol: I'm with you guys, I WANT to see these Two in the finale. :p :p

I'm actually not sure if its true or not
all I know is a few of my friends had read it in a reliable Magazine (not one that is tainted with GSR and is known for lying about it)
but heres MY thoughts on it
I had thought that MAYBE this new Domintrix isnt a girlfriend for Grissom at all But she acts out his Fantasy like perhaps she Plays Sara since it seems that Sara is over Grissom and IF this happens the GSR spoilers (which I still say arent true) would kind of make sense I also think that in the end his REAL Girlfriend would be LH .Artutle I do LOVE Lost but I agree with you I didnt like Ana Lucia much I was glad when they killed her off
Yeah Me to I dont know if I want it to go that way because if they did it as a cliffhanger the GSRS might think its Sara BUT if they did it on the actual show itself and not a cliffhanger it would be good
(PS I wrote a Fanfic about all this MIND YOU its partly Snicker though)
It'll be a cliffhanger. THeir evil. It'll be a complete cliffhanger. Dangit, My cliffhanger better be in there too.

LOL - Did ya?
they ARE evil, i agree! :lol:

you know, i'm so desperate that i don't care anymore who will griss end up with. i mean i would completely die if it was LH (that's what i want the most of course) but i'll be satisfied with whatever girl they'll give him (well she has to be pretty (!) but all the girls on CSI are pretty so whichever works for me). i just wanna see some emotion from him. i think it would be the best with our dom, but since she's not there, i'm good with Sara, Sofia or that Michelle person (i'm kinda against cath, cause i think they're relationship is more bro-sis). *sigh* yup, that's what i think :D
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