Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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dragonqueen05 said:
Do either of you have LJs that you post your fics in. Or websites? I'd like to read some quality G/LH fics.

I have an LJ but I don't post my stories there so I'll give you the link to my ff: My Stories They are NOT all G/LH but I do have a few posted there.

speaking of fanfictions You all need to read Jenna's (CatherinesMyIdol) fanfic its so good and she's a talented writer
btw, Catherinesmyidol, writes amazing, i agree
Aw! Thank you!! *Huggles*

hey can i get a cookie??? i definitely deserve one :lol:

:lol: Sure thing! *Passes any cookie of your choice* :lol:

btw but ot, get well soon, Melissa!
I have an LJ but I don't post my stories there so I'll give you the link to my ff: My Stories They are NOT all G/LH but I do have a few posted there.

Ok, I've bookmarked that and I'll take a look :)
wow i was out for a while and yet there were already 28 new replies :D.
Anyway i bookmarked the blog too,looks awesomely good.And if you need me to do a layout for it,I'll be more than willing to help :D

and nice fics jenna .

SaraSidleStokes -Thos harassments..Its turning into a cult among them *roll eyes*
I know it is this might be out of line for me to say but I'm kind of mad about all this ANYWAYS I think the reason they Harrass other people who Dont ship thier ship is because they realize thiers wont happen and they have to lash out cause they are immature
but oh well *shrugs*
Jenna No problem hon I love your G/LH fics they are really good and I meant it when I said you were talented
omg Arturtle , :eek: would you really help me with that???!! it would be so awesome!!! i'm not a html genius or any other computer master, so i would appreciate your help so much!! thanks a lot!!!! :D
Hi guys, this thread is jumping! Good to see especially after that sharkfest episode Thursday night. I've been a Gil/LH shipper since SoLV. Just to let you know a friend of mine (Griss/Sofia shipper) also received PM's hassli'n them. My my who could be sending them out!!
Welcome to the thread Grock.

I can't believe that people are harassing others through PM (ok, I can, it is fandom after all). It's just sad people have to act so childish when it comes to things (especially things that are not REAL!)
Well just FYI this particular person has been reported I dont know if she's the same person Harrrassing all of you but she did Harrass all My Snicker Friends and one of them got fed up and reported her
by the way welcome Grock this is a very cool thread (PS I'm not worried about the past ep because to me I saw no GSR in it at all to me the smile at the end meant nothing)
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