Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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SaraSidleStokes said:
Thank You IHeartNickCath thats EXACTLY what I think but people Just annoy me *smirks* we might be on totally different ships (besides this one of course) But we totally think alike in the sense of spoilers and all that

People just annoy me too, so your not alone there..LOL. We're on different ships except this one. Because we both know all of these spoilers change everyday. Tomorrow it could be someone entirely different..Like people are starting to ship Wendy&Nick because of scene now (although hot)..But seriously, spoilers suck. And they probably aren't even true. When it happens, then we can scream and yell and throw things at the TV and possibly even come in here and kick my ass for saying it...But, Lets all calm.

*shakes all of you* k?

Again, any of you understand my babbling, Yay!
they will!!! ohhh ... and i'll have my finals and i won't be able to concentrate on studying!!!! how can they do such thing to college students!!??? :lol:
Adzix said:
they will!!! ohhh ... and i'll have my finals and i won't be able to concentrate on studying!!!! how can they do such thing to college students!!??? :lol:

Haha, this is my finals week. Thankfully, I'm done 'til Saturday with tests. So I can spend a little time on fandom.

Again, any of you understand my babbling, Yay!

I get ya.

Oh, and *is very proud of you* You know why :cool:
you've got semeters! i've got stinky quarters though :lol:

okey, back to G/LH, how do ya'll think they will meet again?? another case involving the dominion, or maybe THE baby or something else?? ;)
they will!!! ohhh ... and i'll have my finals and i won't be able to concentrate on studying!!!! how can they do such thing to college students!!???

Because they are so very evil!


Haha, this is my finals week. Thankfully, I'm done 'til Saturday with tests. So I can spend a little time on fandom.

*coughs* Like my cath/nick fic*coughs* Oh you mean your Grissom/Lady Heather?


I get ya.

Oh, and *is very proud of you* You know why

I'm glad somebody gets me.

Aww, Thank you! :)
Adzix said:
you've got semeters! i've got stinky quarters though :lol:

True, I'm outta here Sunday *starts singing "Schools Out"*

okey, back to G/LH, how do ya'll think they will meet again?? another case involving the dominion, or maybe THE baby or something else?? ;)

Hmm, I'm thinking it'll go slow. Maybe Gil saying he's going somewhere but then it shows that he's visiting LH. Checking to make sure she's doing ok after her daughter and all.

*coughs* Like my cath/nick fic*coughs* Oh you mean your Grissom/Lady Heather?

Haha, I've written a whole page tonight... which puts me at 1 and a 1/2... some how that doesn't sound like an accomplishment when typed out.
Haha, I've written a whole page tonight... which puts me at 1 and a 1/2... some how that doesn't sound like an accomplishment when typed out.

Hmm, for your first ficcieish. It seems like an accomplishment. *pats your head*

LOL. I think he'll meet her someplace. ;)
Hmm, that could work... well, meeting could work!

I just like to think he's been helping her out since PotTR.
are you writing a G/LH fanfic dragonqueen05 ??? are you gonna post it on the fanfiction forum?? i just updated mine :D

i really don't know how can they meet again! there are so many possibilities and in the same time i can't think about anything besides work - related ones. i would really like to see what the heck is in Grissom's mind!!!
Adzix said:
are you writing a G/LH fanfic dragonqueen05 ??? are you gonna post it on the fanfiction forum?? i just updated mine :D
I need more fanfics to ease my lh withdrawals!:lol:

lol hmm season 7 could start with grissom at the end of a case telling his co-workers he will be dropping by the dominatrix to rest or pick lh for a date :lol: Doesnt sound realistic but meh* after looking at the spoilers..everything is possible.

Or Grissom breaks up with *coughs* after he realises he still loves LH deeply.Lh gets aquitted from sneller's case and they live happily ever after :lol: :lol: Sounds dumb huh?
First of all let me just say this: It's ONLY a frickin' television show!!! :lol: :lol:

Why do people take it so serious?? :eek: :eek:

Oh I totally agree with the off-screen romo with the Main characters. Leave it to the imagination of the viewer. :devil:

You would think with so many beautiful people living in Las Vegas each of the Main characters could have a personal life without each other. :confused:

We need Heather back in Season Seven. :D

are you writing a G/LH fanfic dragonqueen05 ??? are you gonna post it on the fanfiction forum?? i just updated mine

*sigh* Currently I'm not. Lynn (iheartnickcath) got me to start a C/N fic... before she got me into C/N, LOL. But G/LH just might be my next project. We'll have to see.

You would think with so many beautiful people living in Las Vegas each of the Main characters could have a personal life without each other.

Hahaha, so true. Just more reason for G/LH!!
I'm really late to reply to this but my favorite G/LH moment is at the end of POTTR. Where Grissom rested his head on Lady H's, I ready to cry. It was a really beautiful ending.

I'm hoping LH returns for season seven. Surely the writers know better than to leave us hanging like that after POTTR. :D
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