Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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That's my favorite 'cause it was... deep. The hands on the face thing is sweet. But the scene in PotTR is just more intimate in a way.
dragonqueen05 said:
That's my favorite 'cause it was... deep. The hands on the face thing is sweet. But the scene in PotTR is just more intimate in a way.

I agree, It completely was. :)
Another thing I liked about the PotTR scene was that it was dark. Both Gil and Lady Heather aren't happy, fluffy people. They're serious and deal with the darkest sides of people. They reflect that. And that scene reflected them. LH is the type of woman that's going to seek revenge. Gil knew that, but he also knew that he had to stop her and save LH from herself.
i'm reading all those ship comments on other boards about tonight's episode and one third of the people are just happier ever after, one third are more angry than ever before and the rest just doesn't care. i mean, it's pretty hard for the writers to balance the needs of all fans (or let me just say - it's impossible). whatever they'll do, someone will be complainig anyway. the worst i think is when the writers try to pair up the main characters (for example GSR). i went on the snickers board and people are just going mad. the atmosphere on GSR board is almost euphoric and on the TOYD thread people don't want any ships at all. the only and only way to solve this problem is to do how they already did with Warrick - give them partners out of the show! in Grissom's case i would suggest Lady Heather :D and i completely agree, do not show private lifes all the time, so the show won't change into soap oprah. on the other hand season 7th may be the last one (or the last one with WP) so they should really do a little ship at last. for 6 seasons there weren't any so that two thirds of the people were satisfied, as it comes to an end they can do something for the remaining one third. and to reconcile everyone, let the ships be crossed with others than main characters. but that's just my opinion. anyways G/LH rocks :D
Adzix said:
i'm reading all those ship comments on other boards about tonight's episode and one third of the people are just happier ever after, one third are more angry than ever before and the rest just doesn't care. i mean, it's pretty hard for the writers to balance the needs of all fans (or let me just say - it's impossible). whatever they'll do, someone will be complainig anyway. the worst i think is when the writers try to pair up the main characters (for example GSR). i went on the snickers board and people are just going mad. the atmosphere on GSR board is almost euphoric and on the TOYD thread people don't want any ships at all. the only and only way to solve this problem is to do how they already did with Warrick - give them partners out of the show! in Grissom's case i would suggest Lady Heather :D and i completely agree, do not show private lifes all the time, so the show won't change into soap oprah. on the other hand season 7th may be the last one (or the last one with WP) so they should really do a little ship at last. for 6 seasons there weren't any so that two thirds of the people were satisfied, as it comes to an end they can do something for the remaining one third. and to reconcile everyone, let the ships be crossed with others than main characters. but that's just my opinion. anyways G/LH rocks :D

I'm going to have to agree. I was telling Lynn earlier that I didn't enjoy the GSR scenes. And it WASN'T because it was "GSR." It was because they seemed so out of place to me. The camera and editing made a point of showing a "look" between G/S. And to me, it was the writers, director, editors, etc. trying for subtle but coming out over the top. I like that the show doesn't go into relationships and that there aren't relationships between the main characters. That's not CSI.

So, in short, I agree, Gil should end up in a mainly off screen relationship with LH :D

Aww. *gets teary eyed* I loved that. I don't have a comment because you totally nailed it.

Heh, I tried :). It's just how I see those two.
I agree on alot of that, because no matter what they do, somebody isn't going to be happy...And I really dunno about alot of the other boards, I hardly go on theirs. But I get your meaning..It almost pays them to do what they did with Warrick...But I'm a huge C/N so I'm not one to talk.

Yall better watch talking about *coughs* Not wanting ppl to hook up or similar to it *coughs*. I know you guys technically aren't..but thought I warned ya. before hand. Don't get mad or anything :)


And Nic, It was really sweet.
Yall better watch talking about *coughs* Not wanting ppl to hook up or similar to it *coughs*. I know you guys technically aren't..but thought I warned ya. before hand. Don't get mad or anything

I'm really not talking about a ship here. I'm talking completely about the way those in charge handled putting together the scenes. I don't care if that would have been Gil and LH or Nick and Cath. I woulda been like, "*blink* *blink*" It just wasn't the show. And as much as I like the idea of N/C or G/LH the writers and all the staff would have to handle it VERY carefully. They did it well with Warrick. His SO is off screen and so the show isn't soap oprah-ish when it comes to him. I like having a little personal life thrown in. But a little goes a long way with the show.

Anyway, *huggles the PotTR sceen* I can be sweet when I try REALLY hard Lynn ;)
I'm really not talking about a ship here. I'm talking completely about the way those in charge handled putting together the scenes.

I'm not saying that. I'm just saying the TPTB here, might think you are...


I don't care if that would have been Gil and LH or Nick and Cath. I woulda been like, "*blink* *blink

First off, just let me say LMAO!..But I agree, That will be me too.


And as much as I like the idea of N/C or G/LH the writers and all the staff would have to handle it VERY carefully.

I think both of those pairings could pull it off. ;) Could be the shipper in me, but I think as long as they wouldn't bring it all Personal and stuff, at work, mostly. They'll be fine :)


They did it well with Warrick. His SO is off screen and so the show isn't soap oprah-ish when it comes to him. I like having a little personal life thrown in. But a little goes a long way with the show.

They did very well with Warrick. I hate when the shows especially a huge Drama one like that turn into a similar SoapOperas. Its not good for them. It doesn't all fit, you know? A little does go a long way.


I can be sweet when I try REALLY hard Lynn

Color me shocked! lol


So what do you guys think would happen if Grissom left with Lady H? or if she came back?
as a former GSR fan i kinda liked the "exchange of looks". but it doesn't really matter, b/c this ship like any other involving main characters will always be very controversial. and when writers put controversial stuff into the show it means, that part of the fans may stop watching. that's the last thing we want to see. and just look at G/LH ship, LH was only in 3 episodes and we are STILL in it. that means, it's a strong bet that it would reconcile everyone cause it's easy to be liked. even some GSR shippers may be okey with it after all. for those who don't want GSR or any other grissom - involving ship, it won't be hard to swallow either, b/c it won't change the atmosphere in the lab at all.
I'm not saying that. I'm just saying the TPTB here, might think you are...

I know, hun. Just making sure it's clear to anyone that I was in no way bashing. Shipper wars are so not my thing (They get boring to quickly :lol:)

First off, just let me say LMAO!..But I agree, That will be me too.

Quickly followed by, "OMGOMGOMG*SQUEEEEEEEE*OMGDIDYOUSEETHAT???!!!" And 'lots of hyperventilating.

I think both of those pairings could pull it off. Could be the shipper in me, but I think as long as they wouldn't bring it all Personal and stuff, at work, mostly. They'll be fine
They did very well with Warrick. I hate when the shows especially a huge Drama one like that turn into a similar SoapOperas. Its not good for them. It doesn't all fit, you know? A little does go a long way.

If they could find a balance between completely on screen and being team members/reoccurring characters, I'd be a happy shipper!

Color me shocked! lol


So what do you guys think would happen if Grissom left with Lady H? or if she came back?

*coughcough* Umm, yeah, that's all I'm gonna say! ;)

as a former GSR fan i kinda liked the "exchange of looks". but it doesn't really matter, b/c this ship like any other involving main characters will always be very controversial. and when writers put controversial stuff into the show it means, that part of the fans may stop watching. that's the last thing we want to see. and just look at G/LH ship, LH was only in 3 episodes and we are STILL in it. that means, it's a strong bet that it would reconcile everyone cause it's easy to be liked. even some GSR shippers may be okey with it after all. for those who don't want GSR or any other grissom - involving ship, it won't be hard to swallow either, b/c it won't change the atmosphere in the lab at all.

EXACTLY! I love being a G/LH shipper. So much easier! And once upon a time, I kinda wanted to see GSR myself. I wasn't a shipper, just seemed like that's where things were headed and I didn't mind it. But I like the show too much as is to see atmospheric changes :)
See I gotta kind of agree with you guys (I think i'm getting the gist of what you say) I AM a Shipper as you know
and reading all the drama over in the Snicker thread is making me mad they believe spoilers and everything as if it were Gospel and HALF the time they arent YET Just last week everyone was all Giddy because of the amount of Snicker forshadowing we got in Rashomama .as for the Look I wasnt bothered because I didnt see it the way the GSRS and the Snickers saw it I just saw it as a her "I'm over you but i'll smile at you anyways" look and a Him liking her look BUT thats the Snicker in me
ANYWAYS however My point is I Half think they should Just do a Gil/Lady Heather thing Just to end the war between the two ships and well I think Gil and Lady Heather are better suited for eachother anyways
SaraSidleStokes said:
See I gotta kind of agree with you guys (I think i'm getting the gist of what you say) I AM a Shipper as you know
and reading all the drama over in the Snicker thread is making me mad they believe spoilers and everything as if it were Gospel and HALF the time they arent YET Just last week everyone was all Giddy because of the amount of Snicker forshadowing we got in Rashomama .as for the Look I wasnt bothered because I didnt see it the way the GSRS and the Snickers saw it I just saw it as a her "I'm over you but i'll smile at you anyways" look and a Him liking her look BUT thats the Snicker in me
ANYWAYS however My point is I Half think they should Just do a Gil/Lady Heather thing Just to end the war between the two ships and well I think Gil and Lady Heather are better suited for eachother anyways

With G/LH it doesn't have to be in the viewers' face. Any team member ship would be. Much harder to do things that right way and keep the show as is. It's hard to have a show about crime, etc if you've got to deal with a lover's quarl too. 'Cause if the writers go with a ship, then they have to deal with relationship problems. And I'd rather not see members of the team siding with one member over the other 'cause someone cheated, etc. At least with G/LH, they can spend 3 minutes and deal with whatever is needed to be dealt with. I've seen ships ruin shows, and I don't want to see it happen with this one. I'd rather have no ships then one (including G/LH) that was handled badly.
See these drama war fights are annoying. Everyone thinks their right and blah blah blah. Spoilers are always wrong. It's never going to go EXACTLY they way they say. Grissom/Lady H should seriously hook up to stop half of the wars...Then mine should hook up. (I can think this if I wanna)..Shesh its like the Bangels and Spuffys/Cordy/Angel's all over again. Who knows, how all of this is going to turn out?..Everyone cool theirselves off and chill out and wait..Patience sucks, but its the key at the moment.

And if any of you actually understand my rambling. Rock on!
iheartnickcath said:
See these drama war fights are annoying. Everyone thinks their right and blah blah blah. Spoilers are always wrong. It's never going to go EXACTLY they way they say. Grissom/Lady H should seriously hook up to stop half of the wars...Then mine should hook up. (I can think this if I wanna)..Shesh its like the Bangels and Spuffys/Cordy/Angel's all over again. Who knows, how all of this is going to turn out?..Everyone cool theirselves off and chill out and wait..Patience sucks, but its the key at the moment.

And if any of you actually understand my rambling. Rock on!

Oh yeah. Spoilers are sooo bad. One time they're spot on the next they're not. You never know. Gotta take 'em with a grain of salt and not as the law.

And hey, who am I to complain if the G/LH is chosen to make peace in the fandom ;)

Hahaha, sometimes I crack myself up!
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