Gil <3 Cath #29: PureJoy–Enough Chemistry to Power Vegas

Title for the next Gil <3 Cath therad?

  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Ready for a Tequila Holiday

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – How 'Bout That Roll in the Sack?

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Partners at Work and at Play

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Back in the Sack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – God, Just Kiss Already!

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Because It's Been Brewing All Along

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – The Definition of Chemistry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexing Up the Sin City

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Chemistry Since Day One

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Because They Have a Healthy Relationship

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Thanks for the banner compliment, Steph. I also think my icon's pretty nice too.;)
No problem. *Blushes* Aww, that's sweet, I'm very glad you like it. :D

As far as I know, Anne has been producing great PureJoy smut. I love that Cath and Gil always have a lot of fun in Anne's fics hehe. They must love her for getting them so many hot scenes that they can't have onscreen. :lol: Speaking of fanfics and good smut, I'm not sure if you guys go to and check PureJoy fics regularly. There's this piece of fic titled Whipped. It's pure PureJoy smut and it's quite well-written. VERY hot, I tell ya. :devil: You might want to check that one if you're in need of a PureJoy smut fix. Because it's an adult fic, I can't direct link to it, but you can use the search function on to look for it. :)
Oh, that's good to know, glad to hear Anne is hard at work producing more smut, she does it so well. :D Thanks also Erica for the heads up about that fic, next time I'm on, I'll have a little look about for it. :) I'm sure it's great, I always love the fics you recommend. :D
I bet Gil and Cath are so dedicated, that they've already begun rehearsing.

*snickers* I think they're doing just that at the moment... *listens outside rehearsal* Yep... think we should give them privacy or should I sneak a camera in there? I might be able to use some of the material later on... that oughta give Anne some ideas for her next PureJoy smut fic.
*snickers* I think they're doing just that at the moment... *listens outside rehearsal* Yep... think we should give them privacy or should I sneak a camera in there? I might be able to use some of the material later on...
Go ahead and sneak one in there. They would never know it I'm sure considering they're pretty occupied....and we do need to capture them at their best. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Just be careful that you don't put the camera somewhere that it's going to get destroyed...the ceiling might be the best place for that.:lol:

*runs off to read Whipped*
Just be careful that you don't put the camera somewhere that it's going to get destroyed...the ceiling might be the best place for that.:lol:

*snickers* Come to think of it, that could happen... thanks for the warning! Maybe I should set it on the ceiling... I think someone in the thread wants a gratuitous shot of Gil's ass. *hears faint thud!* Looks like I just made somebody's day!
A camera in a ceiling? Hello plot bunny...Who's filming? And why? ;)

Hmm, maybe Cath set it up there... I think she wants a gratuitous shot of Gil's ass too. No seriously, I think she wants a picture of it for when she doesn't get to see it. Any other ideas on who's filming and why?
Any other ideas on who's filming and why?
It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Gil didn't set it up himself.:lol: I think it would also be up Greg's ally of course, so he could use it as blackmail...although, I think he'd use it more against Gil than Catherine cause she would beat him up. I could see Gil telling him now, "Don't make me send Catherine after you!":lol:
I vote for Gil on this one. Because we all know that he likes to watch hehe. He'll also need something to help him hang in there when Catherine is away from home and he feels lonely. :devil:

I think I've read too many fics involving Catherine, Gil and cameras. :lol:
I vote for Gil on this one. Because we all know that he likes to watch hehe. He'll also need something to help him hang in there when Catherine is away from home and he feels lonely. :devil:

I think I've read too many fics involving Catherine, Gil and cameras. :lol:

*dies laughing* I just got an image in my end of it being a webcam and Gil watching Cath and...ROFLMAO. :guffaw:
I think it would also be up Greg's ally of course, so he could use it as blackmail...although, I think he'd use it more against Gil than Catherine cause she would beat him up.

Yeah, that does sound like something Greg would do... of course, he'd want to deal with Gil 'cause Cath can be damn scary when she wants to be. Greg would get the hell out of there if Gil tries to sic Cath on him! Or maybe he's filming it for Gil... after all, he needs something of Cath when she's away.

*dies laughing* I just got an image in my end of it being a webcam and Gil watching Cath and...ROFLMAO. :guffaw:

*spits out her apple juice* Can you imagine if Cath found out about it? I don't think she'd mind but then she'd probably recruit poor Archie to film Gil and get a more recent gratuitous shot of his ass!
Once again, I'm gone from this tread for a while and look where the conversation is going.... :guffaw: :devil:
and... I LIKE IT!
Because I know somehow Gil and Cath would videotape themselves together. I can see them watching it afterwards criticing each other. :lol:
They would just have to keep it away from Lindsey. ;)

Poor Archie would be saddled with trying to hide all the Gil/Cath sessions from the rest of the lab. Poor guy. ;)
Because I know somehow Gil and Cath would videotape themselves together. I can see them watching it afterwards criticing each other. :lol:
They would just have to keep it away from Lindsey. ;)

Yeah and I'm pretty sure they'll discuss what to do next time and plan the important details! Hmm, where should they keep the tapes though? Not in the lab obviously 'cause poor Archie has enough on his plate already and they wouldn't want the others knowing about their escapades. Maybe they should keep them in one of those wall safes behind a shelf with a hard combination. Lindsey would never find them there and Gil and Cath can access it whenever they're at home. Any other ideas?
Poor Archie would be saddled with trying to hide all the Gil/Cath sessions from the rest of the lab. Poor guy. ;)
Well, ya know, we could always help him out.:lol:

I'm thinking if they wanted to hide the tapes somewhere, Gil would probably put them in a cage with one of his spiders...yeah, it would probably be in plain site, but what better way to hide something than to put it in plain site. After all, most of the CSIs and lab rats would make it too complicated. They'd never think it would be that easy.:lol: Besides, who's going to stick their hand in a cage with a big spider....aside from Gil, of course.
They'd never think it would be that easy.:lol: Besides, who's going to stick their hand in a cage with a big spider....aside from Gil, of course.

*snickers* That's so typically Gil... and it's genius! They wouldn't have the guts to mess with a tarantula... they know better than to touch any of his pets! Maybe Gil would teach Cath how to handle the tarantula so she can get the tape too.
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