Gil <3 Cath #29: PureJoy–Enough Chemistry to Power Vegas

Title for the next Gil <3 Cath therad?

  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Ready for a Tequila Holiday

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – How 'Bout That Roll in the Sack?

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Partners at Work and at Play

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Back in the Sack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – God, Just Kiss Already!

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Because It's Been Brewing All Along

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – The Definition of Chemistry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexing Up the Sin City

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Chemistry Since Day One

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Because They Have a Healthy Relationship

    Votes: 3 18.8%

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Well maybe if Cath or Lindsey had something to do with it we would, I can imagine them conspiring, and Linds soaking him with a hose... I reckon Cath would just stand and giggle... That would be a cute scene... :lol:

That sounds like something they would do... I think that Lindsey would hose him down to get back at him for something and after Cath makes one of her famous snarky comments, both Gil and Lindsey could hose her down. Hey, do you think they have family water fights by the way?
Aww, yeah that would be so cute, I can also imagine them turning on Cath after she made a sarcy remark... That would be hilarious, then Gil and Cath coudl team up and soak Lindsey aswell... Gosh that would be priceless, I'd love to see a scene like that... I'd love to see any type of family scene between them, I hope we get to see a goodbye between Gil and Lindsey, it seems to me like she's been forgotten of late...

maybe Cath could should him some of her old dance moves, I reckon it might go a little further than just a dance though... *Thud* Again, a scene I'd love to see... :devil:

*smacks forehead* I've gotta stop making you guys faint... though I'm pretty sure that Gil and Cath would like my suggestions.
Oh now, we like all of your suggestions Karu and I'm pretty damn sure that Gil and Cath would like them too. :devil:
Oh now, we like all of your suggestions Karu and I'm pretty damn sure that Gil and Cath would like them too. :devil:

Thanks! Anyways, I do like the thought of Cath and Gil teaming up to hose Lindsey... that oughta teach her for hosing down Gil. Hmm, maybe Gil and Cath could have their own water fight afterwards... in private of course. You can guarantee that the two of them are doing something gutterville worthy when there's no one else around.
Hmm, maybe Gil and Cath could have their own water fight afterwards... in private of course. You can guarantee that the two of them are doing something gutterville worthy when there's no one else around.
Oh of course, when it comes to Gil and Cath you never know what might happen... :lol: Now that would be a scene I'd love to see... I think Cath and Gil should make their own show... That's one that we would all love to watch... Although it would probably have to be shown very late at night... :devil:
I think Cath and Gil should make their own show... That's one that we would all love to watch... Although it would probably have to be shown very late at night... :devil:
And of course, it would probably have to be shown on never know what those two might do....well we know what they'd do, it's just you'd never know where. I guess that phrase 'any place, anytime, anywhere' would definately apply here.:lol:

I bet a water fight between them would be great...complete with speedos and all.:lol: Of course, they'd eventually both have to be hosed down.:devil:
Gil. Cath. Water. Hose. WATERFIGHT!

Dear tptb. I would like an episode of CSI where Gil and Catherine have a waterfight because that would be just awesome :D Then they'd get soaked and then...other things would happen :D
LOL you girls crack me up. Where did all those brilliant ideas come from?! :lol: Cath and Gil on pay-per-view would be so nice...and so hot. Well, they're already hot, but you know what I mean. :D Anytime, anywhere. That sounds just awesome, and I bet they'll be happy to comply. :devil:

Water that's an image. Cath and Gil...water...pool...
WOW Haven't been here in a while and look what came up??? :evil: :devil:
Cath and Gil in a water fight :lol:
That would be very fun to watch. They could revive some of their sexy, fun, flirty relationship while pummeling each other with water ballons.

I'm not opposed to having something happen afterwards as well, because I mean, they will both be wet and out of breath... :devil:

OOO I see a fic coming out of that scenario. ;)
Oh I darling fic writers please make us a fic from this scenario... :lol: That would be priceless... Gosh if only we could actually have a scene like this... :devil: I think Cath might feel the need to punish Gil for soaking her... Now that is something we'd all love to see... :devil: *Goes off into a day dream*
Gil and Cath on pay-per-view? That oughta make a lot of money!*pokes TPTB* And it's not like it's gonna hurt the ratings either... hey, is anyone up for writing a water fight scenario? I'm pretty sure that we'd be able to brainstorm a few ideas, though they'd all probably be gutterville worthy...

LOL you girls crack me up. Where did all those brilliant ideas come from?!

No idea... they just come out of nowhere for us girls. I think that Gil and Cath have this effect on us where we come up with these zany ideas. Then again, those two are pretty inspirational to use PureJoy fans.
I think writing a water fight scenario would be fun and of course it would be gutterville central. I mean, come on, this is Gil and Cath we're talking about here. I think the ratings would be pretty high if a scene like this was ever shown because there's a lot of people who want to see it. Heck, I'd definately pay to see it!

It's pretty easy for us to come up with the ideas we come up with cause Gil and Cath make it so easy...they just ooze sex appeal and are the perfect pair. What better could we ask for?
I remember watching a TV show where two characters ended up doing it underneath a waterfall...

Hey Gil...Cath...want to go on a vacation??
^ lol that's...wild, but I don't think Cath and Gil would mind. :devil: Remember? Anytime, anywhere. :lol: And now that we have such great ideas, who's gonna write them into a fanfic? *winks* I think everyone's already gotten an answer? Haven't we? :D
Oh I agree with you Erica, I think we already know who we know you we wanna write this fic for us... *Looks at Anne* Please..? *Puppy dog look* I agree Erica, anytime, anywhere, that's what makes G/C so easy to come up with these little scenarios about... :devil:
HEHEHEHE I'm sure Anne would come up with a very great and very HOT fic for that scene.
Cath and Gil dripping wet... ooo the possibilities.
It's a shame TPTB went the way they did with 'the relationship'. Gil and Cath have such great chemistry, they can turn any situation into something fun to watch.

And speaking of fics....

The CSI Fanfic Awards are taking nominations until Sunday. This is our chance as a PureJoy fan/writer to nominate our favorite fics.
The only catch is that you can't nominate yourself. ;)
So go here to nominate your favorites. And by the way, there are NO Cath/Gil fics on the list!!! :confused: :wtf:
I remember watching a TV show where two characters ended up doing it underneath a waterfall...

Hey Gil...Cath...want to go on a vacation??

*chokes on her apple juice* I think you just made the PureJoy population faint just now... but I love that idea. Someone should definitely write a scenario for that... I vote for Anne too. There's been a shortage of good fanfiction lately and we need something to add to our PureJoy archives.

It's a shame TPTB went the way they did with 'the relationship'. Gil and Cath have such great chemistry, they can turn any situation into something fun to watch.

*pokes TPTB* Does my doing that have any effect on you guys at all? *snatches away special brownies* NO! Bad TPTB! *glares at new intern* Quit giving them those... here, give 'em these. *whips out her home made triple chocolate chunk cookies* That ougtha last them for the season...
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