Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Haha, Ams, on the beach, huh? I think that's one of my favorite ones so far! Haha...

And I like the New Zealand idea, too. They could get a hotel suite with a great view, so they could keep the windows open at all times and see, but not be seen.

Gil: I'll take Cath with the windows open. :eek:
Cath: I'll take Gil all over the room.
oooo more naughty-ness :devil:

Cath: I'll take Gil at a crime scene
Gil: I'll take Cath and the evidence too :p

I love them on vacation together. Somewhere warm and sunny :cool: where they could relax and enjoy each other...

ok, there is a fic in there somewhere...
I think they should come to Australia. Like teh Great Barrier Reef.

Or even like in the mountains in a log cabin. Warm to the fire...

Gil: I'll take Catherine in front of a fire.
Geez, guys, these ideas are just getting better by the second. :] Maybe they should go for an all around the world tour?

^^Drumchik, your by the fire idea got me thinking...

Gil: I'll take Cath on a bearskin rug.
haha, you guys... i'm LOVING the quotes!! as for where they'd go on vacation.. i'm like New Zealand too. some where.. romantic!! haha

Gil: i'll take Catherine in a science museum. :D
Mmmmm bearskin rug sounds pretty erotic. A very good idea. :D

They could come to my island. We've got nice food and great people here. Hehe. But really, they could go anywhere as long as they're together. Ooooh apart from New York, Gil could also take Catherine to Egypt. She's never seen a pyramid before. Remember that?

Gil: I'll take Catherine on a yacht. (Don't ask. lol)
Erica you stole my idea! Sorta. I was gonna say, they could go on a cruise. World Tour baby!
Gil: I'll take Cath on a cruise ship.

Purejoylove, hell yeah on a beach, be one of the hottest PJ "crime scenes" ;)

I watched the repeat of Precious Metal last night, S3 ep and one of Cath's lines to Grissom kinda stuck with me.

Cath: All you need is moisture and a little time.

:devil: Wonder why that stuck in my head. *whistles* Dirty? Me?! Naaaah.
lmao. these are great:p i thought of a quote last night.

Gris: *is talking to Greg* if we wanted to be entertained, you should see catherine dance. *looks at her with a lustful gaze*
Catherine: *smiles at him* wanted me then...
Gris: want you NOW. :devil:
Cath and Gris could come here to the Northwest. We have great food, wonderful scenery and the Oregon Coast. They could go and rent a small 'little' cabin that's only good for eating and .... (well you know ;) )

Gil: I'll take Cath on the beach
Cath: I'll take Gil on the Oregon Coast
Oregon Coast? So pretty! That would be cool.

Gil: I'll take Catherine in the hot tub.

Hot tubs are great. They have jets, and bubbles, and... :devil: Well, they're just great.
ams we share the same dirty brain. :D A cruise sounds just great. They can take one another anywhere in the world. :devil:

Cath: All you need is moisture and a little time.
That's definitely one of the best lines ever. So dirty. :lol: And hot tubs are great. All the hot tubs talk reminds me of a smut fic written by Caroline. It's hawt, guys. You've got to read it. :lol:

Catherine: I'll take Gil with moisture and a little time.

Yes I'm innocent like that.
You know, the stuff that Gil and Cath say on this show - I swear they make it dirtier. I mean seriously - it's like they WANT the show on Pay-per-view.

Gil: I'll take Cath with a little moisture and a little time.

Among other things, I'm sure.

Ooh, what about Gil and Cath on a safari? That'd be cool.
All these vaction suggestions are conjuring up very nice images in my head :devil:

How about a road trip? They could have a couple of car fights and plenty of making up sessions, then they could end up in Jackpot.

Cath: All you need is moisture and a little time.
LMAO! Love it!
Yes I'm innocent like that.
*nods* Me too dear, me too. :p

They do seem to make things dirtier don't they, bless you Marg & Billy. I wuv you both :D

Nice idea Rebec, me likes, me likes. I had an idea for a fic where he takes her back to Jackpot and...things happen ;)

Gil: I'll take Cath in Jackpot. :p
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