Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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I don't want to see anyone leave, but if they do, I'll understand. It's been a long time after all, and I don't think many people could work at the same place doing the same things for so long without any change, not to mention the writers' ideas may get old and not as interesting as when the show first started. :) With the direction the show is going ship-wise, I don't expect that they'll sail my ship anytime soon (I still have hopes, though), but if either Gil or Catherine is to leave, I'd like them to at least hold each other (not hug, but hold). Because they've been friends for so long, and they've been through so much together over the years. I simply don't think there's anyone who knows Catherine better than Gil does and vise versa even if they date other people. Just for that, I think their time together deserves to end in a tight embrace. Even if they can't become lovers, they'll still be BFF. :)
However, they'll always be the hottest couple on CSI to me. :D

Gil: I'll take Catherine on top. :devil:
EricaSJ said:
I don't want to see anyone leave, but if they do, I'll understand. It's been a long time after all, and I don't think many people could work at the same place doing the same things for so long without any change, not to mention the writers' ideas may get old and not as interesting as when the show first started. :) With the direction the show is going ship-wise, I don't expect that they'll sail my ship anytime soon (I still have hopes, though), but if either Gil or Catherine is to leave, I'd like them to at least hold each other (not hug, but hold). Because they've been friends for so long, and they've been through so much together over the years. I simply don't think there's anyone who knows Catherine better than Gil does and vise versa even if they date other people. Just for that, I think their time together deserves to end in a tight embrace. Even if they can't become lovers, they'll still be BFF. :)
However, they'll always be the hottest couple on CSI to me. :D

Gil: I'll take Catherine on top. :devil:

Gil: I'll take Catherine pinned to the mattress underneath me... :devil:
Ditto that, Erica. They pretty much ARE the hottest couple on CSI. :D

Gil: I'll take Catherine orally :devil: :devil: :devil:

*hides from mods*
LOL, Oh the mods are gonna shut us down if they come in here. *covers up GCR thread* nooothing to see here, move along mods... :devil:

They have always been, and always will (to me anyways) the hottest non couple on CSI. Booya. Go Team PureJoy.
*Oh my God! We have such a dirty thread! :)*

Catherine: I'll take Gil on his desk! :devil:

Ams & Rebec: Thanks guys! I love my avvie too!
He he he
dirty who us :devil:

Ok, here is one I thought up this morning while reading spoilers...

Gil: I'll take Cath out in the desert
Cath: I'll take Gil in the back seat of a car :)

Ahh the matching hats just got to me :D
Of course it's dirty. It's GC. They can't help themselves.

But at times the Terror Twins and RS productions help them along, naturally. We do what we can :)

Gil: I'll take Cath under the stars
ok more from the spoilers and pics about the HAT

Cath: I'll take Gil in my hat

Gil: I'll take Cath in my hat and nothing else :devil:
Hehe. Our ship is never innocent. Instead, it's DIRTY all the say. :lol: And yes, I think TT and RS are happy (and proud) to help you guys enjoy it. How can we not? Cath and Gil are such a hot couple after all. ;)

Anne, under the stars is a great idea. Love it.

Cath: I'll take Gil in the moonlight.
De-lurking for awhile here. :)

Ok, so I'm sitting here watching 'Bodies in Motion' and it finally occured to me why I have so many issues with other 'ships' - cannon or not. It's the complete and utter lack of chemistry. I hate that TPTB try to make us believe that there is an attraction between two people where, often obviously, none exists. Why don't they go for pairings where the connection is already there? It works so well. Like Bogart/Bacall, Hepburn/Tracy and (I have to mention) Petersen/Helgenberger.
Welcome back Luna. :)

I second your thought about the chemistry that already exists. I think that's the biggest reason why I don't mind Catherine/Novak (sorry, had to mention that :lol:) or Gil/Lady Heather although Novak wasn't so likable at first. IMO the chemistry between these actors in real life helps them a lot on the show. Watching the interaction between Marg and Billy, it's so easy to imagine the same scenes on the show. Even in a scenario that's supposed to be angsty, say, Early Rollout or Weeping Willows, you still see the sparks flying around and think there must be something between those two. Too bad the writers don't see what we see, but as I have said many times, I don't really care what's happening on the show anymore. In my tiny evil brain Cath and Gil are always messing around with each other. :D

ams, that was naughty. Very naughty. I love it. :devil:

Cath: I'll take Gil while rolling around in the hay. :D
Welcome back Luna, you read my mind gal I tell you. It's just so damn natural with Billy & Marg, not forced, a natural friendship between them both which translates so well on screen. Hence why I got so pissed that it went to waste this season. Grrr.

*SPLAAAT, throws mud at Erica* You love it :devil: That'd be so damn hot. Uff.

Re: the hay, riiiide 'um cowboy. I have nothing more to say. *walks away innocently*
Hi Luna , welcome back!

ITA with everyone about the natural chemistry. It's one of the main things, along with their friendship (on-screen and off-screen) and history, that sails our ship. I wouldn't mind gil/LH either because at least there is chemistry between these two.

Btw, the ideas are getting better and better.
To mods: we're dirty only because we roll in hay and mud :)

Gil: I'll take cath on the kitchen counter.
Cath: I'll take gil on the couch.

ETA: I was just watching Alter Boys and gil was taking advice from cath on what to say to the public about spa safety :lol: These two never stop having fun.
Thanks for all the welcome backs! :D

Erica I don't mind Cath/Novak and Gil/LH either. There's undeniable chemistry. It's as simple as that.

Ams said: Hence why I got so pissed that it went to waste this season. Grrr.
Oh you and me both, honey!

Errm okay how about:

Gil: I'll take Cath on a plane. ('Unfriendly skies' anyone?) ;)
^ I love how it could be absolutely innocent. *whistles* :devil:
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