Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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In the mud - that's a new one!

Welcome back, Luna - and I totally agree with you about chemistry. If it's not there, it's not a ship. At least not to me.

And innocent? Of course the are. Surely we couldn't mean anything naughty :D

You know ams, you hurling mud at Erica made a think of a new one...

Cath: I'll take Gil on in a mud fight...
Call me sick, but mud makes me think of chocolate and chocolate makes me think of fanfics... :D

Lunalove said:
Gil: I'll take Cath on a plane. ('Unfriendly skies' anyone?) ;)
^ I love how it could be absolutely innocent. *whistles* :devil:
LMAO! How true, and it gives me a new idea

Cath: I'll take gil on a ride
Totally innocent :)
*aims at ams* *throws mud* SCORE!

LMAO that's what you get when you throw mud at me, babe. :D But seriously, the image of Gil and Cath wrestling in mud is just sizzling. Me loves. Me loves.

rebec? Innocent? Gee I would never connect these two together! :lol:

Gil: I'll take Cath in body oil.

Hmmm I wonder what flavor he prefers.
haha! i'm loving the little quotes! so funny... so true! PureJoy's dirty... and adorable!

Gris: I'll take Cath in a furry costume. (Fur & Loathing..) :devil:
he he he

Gil: I'll take Cath AT Lady Heather's :devil:
Cath: I'll take Gil in Liquid Latex

Sorry, got off on the Lady Heather tangent.

You know I love the Chemistry between Gil and LH just like the Chemistry between Gil and Cath. The fun, flirty, sexy, banter is so great between them.

But I am looking forward to Season 8. Something about Billy and Marg kissing gives me hope for more fun C/G moments
Gil: I'll take Cath fast and hard.

Cath: I'll take Gil after an argument.

^^Angst equals love for me, when it comes to fanfics. And the best part is when they kiss and make up... :devil:
Hehe. PureJoy=Dirty.

Cath: I'll take Gil in a pool.

Here's a question: If there was one place you could send GC on holiday to, where would it be?
Damn I love mud fights :D And for good reason right!?

Luna, good t'know you on our side! Boo hiss at S7. *grumble*

I could easily accept Cath/Novack or Griss/Lady H cuz theres chemistry there, I mean natural, raw, chemistry. Undeniable chemistry.

*throws mud at every PJ fan out there* KABOOM! Now we all durty. :D

Oh Purejoylove, I adore your ideas hun! :D
If there is one place you could send GC on holiday to, where would it be

I think Mexico. They could lie on the beach together, rub sunscreen all over each other.... :devil:
have a small cabana for... you know ;)

Sleep whenever they wanted, eat whenever, etc.. that's what I see
*throws mud back* It is really dirty in here! I'm surprised we haven't got in trouble from the mods yet.

hhunter i was just thinking of the latex 'I'll take...' before I read ur post. Purejoy minds think alike.

If Grissom and Catherine went on vacation, where would they go? Interesting question. I think they'd go to a hot spring. Nice and simple cuz that's who Gil is. Plus it'd be very relaxing. Personally I'm tied between the hot spring and Gil whisking her off to New York (she's never been, after all).

Gil: I'll take Catherine in New York.
Catherine: I'll take Gil underneath the car. (Don't ask. My friend was telling us tales of his exploits.)
Gil: I'll take Cath anywhere, really.
Catherine: So will I... So will I. :)

*throws mud back*

I think that Grillows will go to someone exotic and beautiful in scenery and location. I'm thinking New Zealand. They can be all scientific and clever and look at the beautiful volcanoes and the incredible wildlife! :)
*throws mud up and makes it rain* Now we all (more) dirty :D

I like the idea of them going camping somewhere remote. All alone :devil:

Gil: I'll take Cath in my sleeping bag. ;)
I like them going to New Zealand. Cath would appreciate the beauty of the country while Grissom would be into the bugs and wildlife. Good one kissy :D

Speaking of vacations..

Gil: I'll take Cath on an airplane
Cath: I'll take Gil in the captains chair ;)
^^ Love it Hunter. Let him introduce her to the Mile High club riiight :p I'd like to hook them up to a nice desert island.

Gil: I'll take Cath on the beach.
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