Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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*nods* Yep, that's the one and that was the scene where he gave her his puppy eye look and she just had to give in.

Not that we blame her, that look is priceless :D

Btw Rebec, what pic is your avi from? Tis tres zexy. ;)
19ams87 said:
Btw Rebec, what pic is your avi from? Tis tres zexy. ;)
I seriously dunno :lol: *slaps self* but I think it should be around S4 since cath has longer hair and gil has the beard. The pic reminds me of how great they always are when they are working a case together :)
Shame on you, rebec. Shame on you. :lol: That pic was from a Butterflied scene where Gil found the butterfly pendant in a room at Debbie's house. Catherine came in, saw the pendant and smirked. :D There was so much chemistry between our duo in that episode. I'm sure every PureJoy shipper won't forget Catherine's "sexed up" line with Gil licking peanut butter off his finger, or the "got silk" scene in Debbie's bedroom. Not to mention how Catherine looked after Gil, fed him and took care of him. They so took that shower, by the way. :lol:

Hehe the conversation on the patio got me this idea...

Gil: I'll take Catherine with oil.
Hey! At least I got the season right :p The oil is making my mind slip further and futher....

ITA that Butterflied was a great episode, I just adore the "got silk" scene and considering it was a billy ad-lib, I love it even more. Marg's reaction to that line was awesome, just proves how much chemistry they have :D

Gil: I'll take cath with my finger
Haha, oh geez, rebec, that was a really good one!

I agree with you guys... "Butterflied" was a pretty sweet ep. The peanut butter and "got silk" scenes get me hot every time! ;]

This has probably been said before, but I'm too lazy to check all the previous posts...

Cath: I'll take Gil in the shower.
Gil: I'll take Cath with silk.
Butterflied, now thats an ep and a hal! I love how its suppost to be highly GSR and yet theres so much PJ hotness in it. Love the commentary too, 'we've never seen Grissom & Catherine like is one of the most erotic things that you can show on film.' :D God I miss Ann Donahue.

*sigh* heres hoping for some more Billy ad-libs in S8, I think 'I missed your tush' is probs my fave ever Billy ad-lib. Adore the look on Marg's face, shes shocked but carries on with the scene which I am *SO* glad she did. :D Bless you Marg & Billy.

Gil: I'll take Cath's tush :devil:
*thinks of G and C in the shower* Oy vey. It's getting warm in here.

He was also checking out her ass in Unfriendly Skies. Gotta love that.

And Butterflied was such a great PureJoy ep. That whole sexed up scene is awesome.

I also loved their conversation about leverage because Gil was so clueless, as if he was saying: "I don't understand.I never need leverage when we're in bed together"

*bows down to Ann Donahue*

And I love Billy's adlibs. I've missed 'em.

Catherine: I'll take Gil underneath the covers...
^ That would be a very hot scene. Too bad we can't see it on TV because it's CBS, not pay-per-view. :D Thank God there's this wonderful thing called fan fiction and we get to read/imagine those hot scenes whenever we like. :D

Gil: I'll take Catherine on pay-per-view.
And I love Billy's adlibs. I've missed 'em.

Blame it on my horrible, gutter-filled mind, but that would be a great Billy ad-lib "I've missed 'em". Right up there with the tush line. :devil:

I saw the pic with the hat! OMG! They're identical! Well, I have heard that after a while couples start to dress alike, so i guess its a normal progression...

Gil: I'll take Cath under my desk.

Catherine: I'll take Gil's attention OFF of his bugs.
*sneaks in* It's been way too long since I've dropped by the PureJoy thread. Sorry, I've just been mad at Gil all summer. Anyway, I was making up some icons and noticed an interesting cap (courtesy of Erica of course!) from Empty Eyes.

I don't think "empty" eyes is a good description for Gil here.
May I add a caption to the cap? :lol:

Gil: Well, hello boys! :D

You're right kay. His eyes certainly aren't empty. I can't see them from this angle, but I'm sure they're full of lust. :devil:

Gil: I'll take Catherine's boys.
*waves* PUREJOY!! haven't been here in the LONGEST time! i'm sorry, i'm sorry. :)

i'm LONGING the 'catherine-and-grissom-share-hats-and-glasses' thing going on!! haha:p so cute!

i hear at the end of season 8, Marg and Billy's contracts expire. IF they leave (don't want them to) but IF they do, i think it'd be SO cute to make it so that they got married and moved away together. that's what i thought'd be cute when George and Jorja got fired back in what... season 4, beginning of season 5? haha. but, it would resolve everything and make ALOT of people happy:)
Yeah, Emily I read that too... but I don't think that Grillows are going anywhere. They're the SUPERVISORS and the essence of the team after all, they won't be leaving anytime soon! But MORE JOY TO GRILLOWS if they do leave togehter.

Catherine: I'll take Gil's attention OFF of his bugs.
:lol: That's fantastic! I love that. I can actually imagine Cathy saying that... all the while seducing Grissom with her sexy stiletto boots! :D :devil:
^^ LMAO! cath in stiletto boots makes me think of lady heather :D and kissmesweet, your avi rocks!

Love the pic and the caption, better not let the girlfriend catch him in the act. ;)

gil: I'll take cath in her jumpsuit
Yo Kissy, I just love your avi :D Mwahaha.

I think i'm gonna definatly have to icon that pic of them being identical, it just screams 'ICON!'

Snigger, that pic is awesome. He just canna keep his eyes off, naughty, naughty boy.

Cath: I'll take Gil on top of the covers :devil:
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