Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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OMG! Talk about sharing!

They're so cute. Definitely old married couple. *hugs them*

Gil: I'll take Cath in my hat.
How cute! Love the pic, Hottie. Awwwwwww...

Gil: I'll take Cath slowly. :devil:
Cath: I'll take Gil loudly. :devil: :devil:

Long live purejoy.
ROFLMAO! Thanks for that, Rissa. We definitely found a match! So they share not only glasses, hats, beds and so on...they also share shirts and vests. :lol:

Great ones, Purejoylove. I love them. Great, great examples. :D

Gil: I'll take Cath roughly. *coughs*
Love the pic Hottie I was just saying that.. THEY EVEN DRESS ALIKE
and if you go into the SPOILER thread in the LV forum, the Mod Destiny wrote something really funny.

Something to the affect of, maybe they grabbed each other's hat on the way out the door...

HHHMMM someone might be a secret PureJoy shipper :lol:
I saw Destiny's post too, and I was like "did I just see what I just saw?" :lol:

Anyways yeah, they were probably in such a hurry that they mixed up their outfits. That's totally possible considering they like to be close to each other whenever they're not at work. :D

Catherine: I'll take Gil's hat. :lol:
^^ Ahaha, Erica... I'll be surprised if they even remembered to put on clothes since they wanted another spare minute. :devil: ;)

YAY! I'm back (sort of!). Glad to see you guys all PureJoy-ed up! :)

Hottie: Adorable straw-hat picture! :) Heheheh.
You're right, kissy. That's our couple. :D And glad to see you back! *hugs* You guys gotta see Hottie's sig banner at BTA. It's both adorable and hilarious. :lol:

Continuing with the game...

Gil: I'll take Catherine in MY hat. :D
LOL HottieCath, that pic made me laugh. Her wearing his shirt (and nothing else) would be uber sexy.

Gil: i'll take Cath while she wears my shirt. :devil:

Thanks for clearing that up heather, I got a tad confused then.

*runs off to read Destinys comment*
19ams87 said:
LOL HottieCath, that pic made me laugh. Her wearing his shirt (and nothing else) would be uber sexy.

Gil: i'll take Cath while she wears my shirt. :devil:

Thanks for clearing that up heather, I got a tad confused then.

*runs off to read Destinys comment*

OMG. Catherine in nothing but Gil's shirt. I have to write that in somewhere. *thud* :devil:

Marg looks good in nothing but a dress shirt. There's an awesome shot of her wearing one in China Beach...
ROFLMAO! Great pic, hottie :lol:

Destiny's comment really cracked me up, love the innuendo :D

I think we've forgotten a favourite location of our duo

Cath: I'll take gil in the suv
Erica: :) Thanks. What's BTA? I'm very clueless. :(

Oooo... Unfriendly Skies ! One of my fav in S1, there were really great gc scenes, the last scene was the most married couplish :D

BTA is short for Black Tie Affair. It's our purejoy cozy corner, you have to go take a look there
Ooo I gave Anne some food for thought. Cath in only Gil's shirt would be hot as hell. *fans self*

LOL at Destiny's comment, she's a closet PJ shipper, she just doesn't know it yet lol.

Was Unfriendly Skies where he calls her the people person and she shoves her chips into his hands?!
19ams87 said:
LOL at Destiny's comment, she's a closet PJ shipper, she just doesn't know it yet lol.
:lol: ITA

19ams87 said:
Was Unfriendly Skies where he calls her the people person and she shoves her chips into his hands?!
*nods* Yep, that's the one and that was the scene where he gave her his puppy eye look and she just had to give in.
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