Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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LOL LOL, how the hell are we avoiding the mods in here?! *hides*

I didn't mind S6, some greeeat GC eps imo. Bodies in Motion with the phone action ;)

On that note...

Gil: I'll take Cath on the phone.
Cath: I'll take Gil with only the hat.

*sings* You can leeeeave yoooo hat owwwwn ;)
SSSSHHH don't tell anyone :devil:

Continuing with Bodies in Motion

Cath: I'll take Gil as a pervert
Gil: I'll be a pervert for Cath :lol:
I wont tell anyone if you don't ;) *runs away from mods*

Bodies in Motion, jeez even the titles suggestive. I love the bit when he alters his height and he sorta jigs.

Catherine: I'll jig for Gil...

And we all know what kinda "jigging" Cath does :devil:
Gil: I'll take Catherine with her glasses on

You know, Ams, I've been wondering the same thing about how the mods haven't been in lately. Not that I'm complaining.

Boy is it getting hot in here! ;]
GLASSES! I love the glasses.

BTW, purejoylove, the one about taking Cath all night long - made me think of the song...

"You shook me all night long...."

Now there's some ideas...
^ Translation: Anne's got new stuff for fics. :D Speaking of that, there has been a lack of good PureJoy fics lately. Even LemonJelly hasn't updated for a while. I'd be in a withdrawal if Anne wasn't there feeding me her fics and ideas. lol. Anyone got any good stuff to recommend?

rebec, I love the back idea. :devil: Let's see...we've had shower, tub...oh how about this...

Gil: I'll take Catherine in my pool.

Btw did you guys see the season 8 pics in TV Guide? Obviously our duo don't just share glasses now. The share hats. LMAO.
Erica , I'm sure our duo share a lot of stuff, like the bed for instance...I hope they'll sharing an office soon

Love the new ideas! Glasses, pool and phone sex :D

Gil: I'll take cath in my shirt
Cath: I'll take gil in every room
LemonJelly is GSR...i'm confused? :s About the lack of good fics, it's probs cuz we ain't had anything to really inspire us this year, apart from that kiss. But that wasn't on CSI so yeah, I blame always lol. I've posted a new one on GYS, it needs finishing.

And no I haven't seen the pics *is excited* I'm running over to BTA to check 'um out! ;)
Well this season could turn out to be ... better

First the Billy/Marg kiss, then the glasses sharing of C/G and now the HAT??

They really do need each other don't they?

ams it's a different LemmonJelly :D
Yeah ams there's a LemonJelly on who ships Catherine and Gil and writes great PureJoy fics. Her current WIP is titled Zwischenzug. Go check out her stuff. I think you'll like it. :)

rebec I really like the sharing idea. Hehe maybe they're sharing a bed behind our back. :D So...

Gil: I'll take Catherine in our bed. :lol:
Brass' office? Aren't Sofia and Brass using it.

*slaps hand* BAD ANNE

That's very bold, Gil.

Erica - of course they're sharing a bed - they share everything else ;)

Fic ideas? Who me? Why, yes indeed *grins evilly*

Cath: I'll take Gil in a hot tub.
Been AWOL for awhile........just sick of the same old arguments. Anyway, did a TeeHee over Catherine in what has to be one Grissom's hats! Do you suppose she grabbed it on the way out the door? Hopefully, someone will put up some screencaps that really show it!
Been AWOL for awhile........just sick of the same old arguments. Anyway, did a TeeHee over Catherine in what has to be one Grissom's hats! Do you suppose she grabbed it on the way out the door? Hopefully, someone will put up some screencaps that really show it!
What a timing, I just combined Gil in a straw hat w/ the new Cath pic :lol: Theyre wearing matching hats, shirt, vest...

(The TV Guide article with Cath in a hat is posted on the "Season 8 Spoiler Lab" thread.)
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