Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Welcome CarolineAmanda

We love our Grillows/Purejoy !

Drumchik thanks for clearing up which Braun brother was the victim in Burked
King Baby was a fantastic Purejoy episode
the 'tush' scene is classic

and lastly... props to Hottie for the Icon :D

It's time they start filming for the new season. According to Carol Mendelsohn, the season premiere will continue from where they left off in Living Doll. I'm not sure I'm interested in the whole searching-for-Sara matter, but you bet I can't wait for seeing Cath and Gil work together again. :D And yeah, I'm still waiting for Catherine to call him on being such a hypocrite. LOL.
ITA with EricaSJ. I can't wait for Gil and Cath to work together again. And I also can't wait for Catherine to call him a hypocrite, maybe even slap him...since he enjoys her slaps so much, lol.

That was kinda lame but yeah, I'm kinda looking foreward to season 8. Its a switch from last year.
Damn right Erica, she better call him on it or it just won't be Cath at all. I think she will, heres to some more G/C scenes in S8. I'm kinda looking forward to it aswel, be ages till its in the UK but I might just watch it online, I just can't wait.

LOL, yeah we should get a slap shouldn't we. *makes slap sound* Have that Mr Grissom. Then they'd have to make up right? :devil:
Oh, Cath better call him on it. If she doesnt, then she isnt Cath. lol. .. It better be good. :) .. But I agree, im not into him looking for sara. I just want the Cath getting mad drama! :D Cant wait!
I can't wait to see that either. I want her to 'lay into him' so to speak ;)

I hope for Gil and Cath scenes in Season 8. Working possibly with Lady Heather again???? :) ;)
hhunter said:
I can't wait to see that either. I want her to 'lay into him' so to speak ;)

I hope for Gil and Cath scenes in Season 8. Working possibly with Lady Heather again???? :) ;)

I must say that when it comes to talking about GC we use a lot of suggestive things, don't we?

The past few have been illuminating:


Moaning in headquarters

Lay into him...

^^ I must admit that the first time I saw that phrase by Heather, "lay into him", the first thing that came to my mind was "nah...vise versa" :devil: Right. I'm the smuthead. :lol:

Haha we do use a lot of suggestive things. I don't mind being direct at all, but being suggestive is much more fun, ain't it? ;)

*waves to Cassie*

Yo, glad to see you back!
Drumchik said:

I must say that when it comes to talking about GC we use a lot of suggestive things, don't we?

The past few have been illuminating:


Moaning in headquarters

Lay into him...


ITA. We do talk suggestively about GC. Maybe its because they are so suggestive on the show? Table Stakes anyone?

Gil: Shall we do the room too?

Or how about PMJ?

Gil: Pull it again. Harder. Again. Harder.

Or is it because we all live in the gutter? :devil: ;)
I think it's a bit of both. I mean, we do have some of the smut royalty here, plus both members of RS productions, but yes, they are VERY suggestive with each other.

*giggles at the PMJ reference* God, Gil is so dirty...
it's Pledging Mr. Johnson... 'Pull it again!' *giggles* and the way he lifts her off that boat, it seemed as if he didn't want to let go of her again.

and yesss, they are suggestive!
i remember Butterflied - Gil: Got silk? ;) and their talk about some guys needing leverage...
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