Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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One of the things I love about the "Good Morning, Catherine" and the "Good Morning Gil" from Burked, is that they make it sound like "Oh, we have just had crazy sex at home but we're just pretending we haven't seen each other since we were at work yesterday"

The oogle in Strip Strangler is awesome, along with the words she utters and the way she says them "Gil. Be. More. Politic."

And there's not just hand porn in Burked. There's butt porn. When Catherine is swabbing the pyscho chick for DNA, Gil is totally checking out her butt.

Ahh, the many porns of G and C.

BTW, H - Tony Braun is the one who dies, Walt Braun is the one who did it. ;)
In fact, Anne, there's this icon made from that scene by Hottie. Lookie:


Isn't that just perfect? Not only Gil is checking Cath's tush, but the chick (Tony's girlfriend?) is so trying to grab either Tom or Bob. Everyone wants a piece of Catherine and I call it "a$$-checking-boobs-grabbing love". :lol:
"Oh, we have just had crazy sex at home but we're just pretending we haven't seen each other since we were at work yesterday"
LOL, you know I always think that. I think it's just the natural flirtaciousness of those two sexy mofos oozing out. :devil:

I love the bit in Strip Strangler when she walks into his 'townhouse' and scares him when he's lead on his sofa. I just think it's so cute. And I like watching her route around his house too, looking at all his books etc. Grissom actually has a cool house. Perhaps Cath was searching for his 'big screen tv' snigger.

Erica, damn right everyone wants a piece. I bet Gil was drooling to himself, slobber. And yup that is Tony's gf.
Haha. Everyone wants a piece of Catherine. So true, Erica, so true. And I love that icon.

And ams, I'm so with you about Catherine just poking around his house. It's like she's so familiar with it, and she's just putzing around and cleaning it up for him. LOL
Props to Hottie who made the fantastic icon. :D

I love that scene in Strip Strangler, too. It looks like Catherine is quite familiar with Gil's house and knows just where everything is. And if you look at the ending scene in Burden of Proof, you just see that she feels completely comfortable and content in his house. Also, remember when she picks up the bottle of pills from his table, knows he's having a migraine and says it's been a while? She definitely knows a lot about him, doesn't she? And she knows it when he isn't feeling well. There's no one who can take better care of him. :)
And she knows it when he isn't feeling well.
Yup she does, like in Night at the Movies when he's messing around with that ointment and she thinks his knees are giving him grief. She can read him like a book. :D

CarolineAmanda, hell yeah you are! *welcome hug* I believe we have another recruit for the PureJoy Faithful Army. Muchos welcome. Hope to see you back here soon ;)
Call me Ams. ;)

I think i'm right in saying that it's tradition that when we get a new PJ'er you haev to tell us your fav PJ episode and why?! :D
Excelent choice :D I love the look on her face when he says that, we think Billy added that, don't think it was scripted. :D Yey for Billy.

Welcome to the unorganized ship, CarolineAmanda. It's great to see another PureJoy fan join us. Heh. Btw shall we call you Caroline or Amanda? :D

Oh here's another tradition of our thread, every newbie gets this welcome basket from us. :)


The ending scene in King Baby is absolutely a great choice for favorite PureJoy scene. You've got great tastes. ;)
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