Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Right. I'm the smuthead.
*sings* 'Welcome to the gutter, we got fun and gaaaames, we got everything you waaaaant' Ahem, i'll stop. :D It's fun down here.

Cath, and his reply 'Do they?!' as in, I don't. Oh god the scene from Pledging Mr Johnson, oh jeez when he sticks his tongue out, damn, you know he's loving that. :devil:
19ams87 said:
Cath, and his reply 'Do they?!' as in, I don't.
and i'm pretty sure she already noticed that ;)
i also love their hidden suggestiveness...for example in Assume Nothing (i think) in the hotel room, when he winks at her and her smile...*sighs* that says it all.
or in TGTBTD 'I'd slap you but I think you'd enjoy it too much'...she thinks??? i'm sure she KNOWS he'd enjoy it :devil:
and i'm pretty sure she already noticed that
Yeah yeah I know, I just like to tell myself that lol. Gil doesn't need 'leverage' :D

I know this isn't GCR, but yeah, Gil can be a right smut head, from Jackpot, "I hear you got some head?" LMAO! Dirty dirty boy.

Yum, the wink is to die for. He winks at her in Bite Me aswel. I really liked that ep, the first part of S6 is pretty damn good despite the slaughtering it sometimes gets. Imo anyways.
oh boy, i really need to watch Bite Me again! just the words 'Bite Me' and PureJoy together in one sentence are hot ;)

i just watched Spark of Life and it is kinda cute how excited Grissom is when he finds out that Catherine's case is connected to his, he has that smile on his face he always has when it comes to Cath :D
*waves to Erica* .. thanks, its good to be back! :D

i like the suggestive talking.. makes things interesting. ;) hahaa.

oooo cathwillows ! .. im with ya, bite me + purejoy = happy me. :D
he he he
Bite Me = PureJoy love

Cath and Gil invented I think the suggestive talk.
They do it so well :D

he has that smile on his face he always has it when it comes to Cath :D
^^That is so true my friend, so true
^^ yeah isn't it?! :D

usually Grissom is so good at hiding his feelings and not showing any emotion on his face, but when it comes to Catherine he can't hold back any longer. he starts to smirk or smiles or winks at her or tells others she's his wife ;)

i just watched the scene of 'Cross Jurisdictions' where Catherine returns and comes into Grissom's office. isn't it great when he says 'I knew you were coming back so i dressed up' :D and then they smirk and she stares at him and says 'It's just unusual to see you dressed...' :devil: she only added the ' that' to make us believe she never saw him without his clothes on ;)
YAY newbies and not so much yay for not being able to be here for a while. I don't think y'all missed me much I suppose but I'd like to think you may have. Haven't been able to work on my FF because I'm at a summer camp at Stanford and doing loads of work thanks to that.

So how is everyone else? Other than absolutely lovin' purejoy of course.

one extra question for Erica...which videoclip is your av from? I've seen the Grave Danger ad with the music and the dancing but I don't remember Billy looking like that at Marg (even if it is a manip). Thanks a bunch. :) Would quite like to check that out.
I'm waiting for a PureJoy scene in an episode the TPTB entitled "Take me". That's my little dream ;)

Welcome back Gravy! I missed you!

Haha "unusual to see you dressed"

You know, I bet that's why TPTB haven't put GC together yet - they know that if they did they'd have to air CSI on Pay-Per-View LOL
I love the ending scene from 'Cross Jurisdictions', you *know* shes oogling him right there. She can hardly string her words together :D

Welcome back [/b]CSIFanForver[/b], now I need to shorten your name lol. Can I call you CSI?! Call me Ams :D Love your avi btw.

Gravy, I was gonna ask where you were, I missed your banner. Glad t'see you haven't changed it :D Damn I could watch that all day. *stares*

You know, I bet that's why TPTB haven't put GC together yet
YET being the opperative word right? ;)
Hey ya Gravy! Sure you were missed. Duh. My avvie? PP uploaded caps of the dailies taken when they were dancing to WPAP, someone posted this particular cap to BTA and I thought it was screaming for an icon when I saw it. Therefore I made the avvie. LOL. To be short, you can find the cap on WPAP. :lol: And I love your avvie. Love is sharing glasses. <3

Btw, I'd love to see PureJoy on pay-per-view haha. Although I need to figure how to get it over here first. :D
Erica love the icon, did I say that already?
Gravey love your banner too, the Marg/Billy Kiss pt.2 is great along with the G/C glasses sharing
How cute is that????

All this talk of Cross-Jurisdictions reminds me I need to watch that episode again :eek:
Since I have it on DVD ;)
Well thank you Ams! :D And sure you can call me CSI .. either that, or Cassie if you can remember, it being my real name. hahaa. ;)

Ahhhh.. all this talk of Cross Juristictions makes me wanna watch it! wooo PureJoy love. :)

And speaking of PureJoy love, I must say that I absolutly love your banner Gravey ! How can I not? .. and by the way, I missed you! :D
You're all just saying that 'cause I felt unloved. ;P

But yeah, Erica I'll be sure to check that out. heheheheh I always love dailies.....(drool)
*slaps Gravy for slaps are love* :lol:

LMAO Gravy, you're always loved in here. You're one of our intelligent GC babies, remember that? :lol: Btw I just got to read your latest fic and I just have to say that you have done a great job. I love it! With such beautiful writing, no one will believe that you're in high school. A lot of authors who are over 30 can't write half as good as you do. Rock on, kiddo. I can't wait to read the new chapters.

It's a shame that WPAP only posts caps and not the actual clips now. I'd be in heaven if I got to see that clip. Can't blame them, though. :)
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