Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Pledging Mr. Johnson was the one that reeled me into the G/C relationship.

He did help her out of the boat, the 'hermetically sealed townhouse' discussion I don't think would have been a whole lot different except Cath might have said, OUR townhouse ;)

*long live the smut queen, the romantic smuthead and the new smut princess
hhunter said:
Pledging Mr. Johnson was the one that reeled me into the G/C relationship.

He did help her out of the boat, the 'hermetically sealed townhouse' discussion I don't think would have been a whole lot different except Cath might have said, OUR townhouse ;)

*long live the smut queen, the romantic smuthead and the new smut princess

Now that you mention townhouse and hermetically sealed, it makes me think how amusing them living together would be. The state of the house. ROFL
I think Gil would be pretty messy, just makes me think of Strip Strangler when he just dumps his shoes off onto the floor. I think Cath would be cleaning up after him a lot lol.

*bows* Loving my new name, I may have to change my sig to put that in somewhere :devil:

Pledging Mr Johnson will always hold a nice place in my heart, twas my first CSI episode and obviously when I fell in love with Mr Grissom & Miss Willows ;)
I don't think Grissom would be too much of a slob. He's a scientist and a man, but I think 'mess' would ruin something. Especially the comment about the hermetically sealed townhouse. That to me says he is neat and tidy and likes order.

Cath, on the otherhand, I can see being more messy. Not a slob, things to her don't have to be 'all in the exact same place'. She's a mother so as long as you know where something generally is, then she'll be able to find it.

I see Gil picking up after HER more than Cath picking up after him.
I think they'd both be cleaning up after each other lol. I can just imagine him leaving his forensic journals etc littered around in random places, her sighing, picking them up and moving them. And, Lindsey would live with them so she's bound to be messy lol. What teenager isn't!?! I know I am.

I don't think they could live in that 'townhouse', it's too Grissomish if you get me lol. Not really a family place, with a bit of home decorating it could be more homish lol. Maybe Grissom could have his own room for his wierd stuff lol.

Ladies, look down there *points to sig* I changed it :devil:
I love your sig, ams :D

I think they'd move to Cath's. Or her new place, not the old one where she lived with Eddie. Because Grissom's house isn't really a family house, and I think the other house would be all good :)

And I agree with you, h. I definitely think Catherine is a bit like me as in - it's here. It's just somewhere not right in that place.
ams the new smut princess :p

I'm like Catherine too, "it's in this general area...
Grissom sighs... Catherine you have to be more organized"
And I agree, they would all live in Cath's house. He would sell the townhouse of course, :) so Lindsey and Cath wouldn't have to move their stuff into Gils small space
I like the convo about GC cleaning up after each other. I think that while Gil does like order, he can be a bit messy. Remember the stack of papers on his desk in Jackpot? (BTW Do you think Cath ever actually did his paperwork for him in that ep?) And I can't imagine all of his experiments are tidy. Remember that ep where Gil had a meaty experiment in the breakroom fridge and it spilled and Sara got pissy about it?

Plus we know Grissom's organizational skills are lacking whenever Cath isn't around to "help" him or remind him.
Lol I can't remember what the eps called (its where Cath/Sara investigate that fairground ride thing?) and she's coming out of Gs office as he's walking in and he says 'Oh, you clean it up while you were in there?!' LOL cracks me up.

I think that while Gil does like order, he can be a bit messy.
I think he's just not too organised, not particularly messy. There is a difference lol. Love Cath's expression when he asks her to do his work (snigger) And nope, I don't think she did it, I think when Warrick stopped and talked to her that it was still there?

I love my new name ;) :devil:
Lol i know that when Warrick came in, she said that she was trying to avoid the paperwork...but that doesn't mean that she couldn't have helped Gil with it when he came back :devil:

Bad thoughts.

LoL ams the way you described Grissom is how I describe myself: I'm not messy...I'm just disorganized
Pledging Mr. Johnson was the one that reeled me into the G/C relationship.
*Cough Jealousy again cough* :D Oh but I can never get enough of Grillows jealousy! He was jealous that she had "personal stuff". :lol:

How cute! Here are some pictures to cheer us up!


I love their body movement! :lol: SO adorable!



And 'Formalities'... because it rocks! :D
27dayz said:
Plus we know Grissom's organizational skills are lacking whenever Cath isn't around to "help" him or remind him.
Hehe... I'm sure a lot of Grissom's skills lack when Catheirne isn't around. :devil:

Love the pics. They're great. I can't get enough of G/C! :D
LoL ams the way you described Grissom is how I describe myself: I'm not messy...I'm just disorganized
Lol, i'm like that too. I basically know where everything is, sometimes it's jsut hard to locate though lol.

I watched Caged last night and I laughed at the end when he's talking to Erin in his office, he says 'I like order.' lol, twas just fitting for what we were talking about.

Something else I was thinking about was, sometimes Cath/Gil would have 'car journeys' together, I wonder what they'd talk about? I'm still loving the idea of a 'car arguement'. ;)

Nice pics Kissy.
^^^ great pics kissy (that's your new nickname too ;) )
I think a car fight would be hilarious :lol:

Fur and Loathing opened a whole new scenario with the car fights and their relationship
Heheh, I'm Kissy now! :D I like it!
Something else I was thinking about was, sometimes Cath/Gil would have 'car journeys' together, I wonder what they'd talk about? I'm still loving the idea of a 'car arguement'.
I imagine GC just arguing about where to go! :lol: They'd get so angry and eventually have... *cough makeupsex cough* :devil:
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