Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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I think Cool Change would have been different in that after Holly's death, we would have seen Cath and Gil at home and Gil comforting Cath some. It was Cath who convinced Holly to stay... and I'm sure she (and Warrick) were feeling some guilt.

The whole Eddie situation would have been different too.... same with Lindsey

Lady Heather's Box would have been very very very interesting....:devil:
Lady Heather's Box would have been very very very interesting....
hhunter , if gil and cath ere married, every ep with Lady Heather would be even more interesting than it already is (and I didn't think Lady H episodes could get any more awesome).

LOL can you imagine what kinds of situations could have come up in Slaves of Las Vegas if Gil and Catherine were married? As Lady Heather said, Catherine could make a great dominatrix... :devil:
LOL can you imagine what kinds of situations could have come up in Slaves of Las Vegas if Gil and Catherine were married? As Lady Heather said, Catherine could make a great dominatrix...
LOL! We could only imagine eh?!

I watched Choas Theory last night and the ending might of been different or caused a bit of a rift if they'da been married.
"Truth brings closure."
"Not always."

Surely that'd bring up some sort of Eddie situation right? I think that here Cath is still in love with Eddie but I doubt she would still be if she and Grissom were married. If that makes sense :confused:

I always wondered what they talk about when thier in the car together, if they have a long drive? Lol, I dunno why. Can you imagine them having a 'car arguement', speshly if Cath was driving LOL.
^^ Chaos Theory was pretty amazing. You could really see the way Cath/Gil interact with each other, with care, angst and just--chemistry!

Hey guys! I've been away for a while and I'm so happy to be back! *Hugs all Grillows lovers!* I hope you guys are doing well!

Can you imagine them having a 'car arguement', speshly if Cath was driving LOL.
I can, definitely! I can see them scowling and arguing and just having so much fun!
Grissom: It's there.
Cath: No, it's not Gil! It's on the right!
Grissom: Catherine...
Cath: I'm right. You know I'm right!
Grissom: I think I would know where my mother's house was!
Cath: (sighs) Fine, we'll go your way then. (bitterly, then softens) I'm sorry, Gil... I'm just nervous about meeting your mother for the first time!

Welcome back Kissy :) *hugs back*

I always forget which episode is which so it's nice to watch repeats cuz I remember all the little moments they had in earlier seasons.

I was thinking about writing a fic based on a car arguement, with bits of plot from Vacancy lol...bit of plagerism never hurt anybody right?! ;)
ams I think you've been watching TOO MUCH CSI
he he he jk :lol:
and about your car fights, think Fur and Loathing ooohhh how that episode would be totally different

On to Lady Heather... now in Slaves Heather did say that Cath would make a good Dom. I'm sure Gris would appreciate that, ;) and Cath did say that her job and Heather's job were... sort of similar but "the costumes are way cooler".

27dayz all the Lady H episodes are awesome ... just add Gil and Cath and....:devil: especially if they were married .... I'm sure there would be some 'tricks' they could learn ;)

*off to Gris/Cath/LH thread*
Welcome back, Kissy!

I loved Chaos Theory - particularly when the bucket falls down the chute and Cath goes "What the hell was that?"

But I digress - Catherine and Gil in Crate and Burial, anyone?

I also thought that cheating spouses would bring up an interesting situation if Cath and Gil were married - particularly with Eddie's betrayal of Catherine. I don't think Catherine or Gil would ever suspect each other - or would they?
I don't think that they'd suspect each other. Cath might be a little possesive of her man because of what Eddie did to her. In fact, she's a little possesive of Gil in the show, too. In Formalities, for example, when Sofia hands him the bow tie, Cath gets snippy and reminds Gil that Sofia is on Ecklie's team. Oh, and who can forget the mad scientist bit in Assume Nothing. The look on her face said it all.

Gil would probably be wary of other guys around Catherine, but he trusts her cuz Cath isn't the type of person to cheat after being on the worst end of two affairs.

Hmmm...crate and burial? There would have been a family bday party and Gil would've been at the park with Cath and Linds.
I don't think Catherine or Gil would ever suspect each other - or would they?
I don't think they would. Grissom just ain't the type of man to cheat and like you guys have said, Catherine wouldn't because of Eddie. Sure, they're human, they have eyes, they can look at others but not touch lol.

About the jealously thing, I think they've both shown it before, so if they had of been married, it would only of increased right? I think they both know the other is attractive to the opposite sex so they'd be very much aware of the attention the other one gets lol. Well, thats my two cents.
I really love the jealousy thing they've had on the show. It's been interesting that this has really been the only ship that they've ever shown jealousy over attentions the other has got - really quite interesting.
I see some jealousy like in Early Rollout when Gris bit down on his glasses after Cath told him she was going out.

And I asked this a while ago, now that Gris is in a relationship, do you think he would get jealous if Catherine started dating someone?
To the horror of the woman he's with - I think he would.

He's very protective of Catherine and as I said earlier, the only person he's ever really had a jealousy thing over is Catherine.

I also think that a lot of them time both Catherine and Gil hide their jealousy through anger, both at each other and at other people.
I also think that a lot of them time both Catherine and Gil hide their jealousy through anger, both at each other and at other people.

ITA Drumchik. That is totally evident throughout the show. Who Are you? is a good example. Catherine is working Eddie's case, despite the fact that Gil told her not to. Then there's his "You're not still in love with Eddie, are you?". She doesn't answer and you can see the jealousy on his face.

Just one of the many examples.
27dayz said:
I also think that a lot of them time both Catherine and Gil hide their jealousy through anger, both at each other and at other people.

ITA Drumchik. That is totally evident throughout the show. Who Are you? is a good example. Catherine is working Eddie's case, despite the fact that Gil told her not to. Then there's his "You're not still in love with Eddie, are you?". She doesn't answer and you can see the jealousy on his face.

Just one of the many examples.

Exactly. I also don't think he would have been nearly as bitter in Weeping Willows if he hadn't been jealous. When Adam said "ask the redhead" and Gil just looked at her, you knew what was ticking over in his mind...
I don't think Catherine or Gil would ever suspect each other - or would they?
I never think that would happen, because trust is the biggest thing about this ship. They really believe in each other.
I really love the jealousy thing they've had on the show.
So do I! No one does jealousy/angst the way Grillows can! They rock it so!
He's very protective of Catherine
That he IS. He cares for her and will never let her go. Vice versa. :D

*Enjoys the welcomes and offers everyone cake!*
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