Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Yes, but where would they have that *cough makeupsex cough*? In the car? At home? *giggle*

Kissy, those pics were awesome, I loved them :D

As for G and C and car journeys - I bet it would be funny:

Cath: Gil, where are you going?
Gil: I know exactly where we're going.
Cath: That's the third time I've seen that building.
Gil: There are a lot of buildings that look like that.
Cath: You're going around in circles
Gil: I am not

Etc, etc ;)
Drum: I can't help but go... awww when I read that conversation! How adorable! :D And yes they would go on and on (and we love them for it!).

You guys are all welcome for the pictures! They make us happy now, don't they?

Makeup sex? Hmmm, I'd say home for the first time... but in the car after! :D
Snigger, I like the car arguement :D I need to write a fic about that. One day i'll get around to it. lol.

As for making up, I say, wherever they have the arguement, they should, erm, "revisit" snigger. *cough* Grissom's office *cough* :devil:

I watched the repeat of SoLV last night, and the 'ying yang' scene :D I don't have time to go find a pic now but *squee* could he get any closer to her when they're putting the watch together?! I think not ;)
i love their arguments. and for making out i'll also go with where ever they have their argument...

oh right! i almost forgot about SoLV :eek: *hides*
thanks Ams for reminding me, i'll definitely rewatch it soon ;)
oh and, they have a pic of the ying yang scene at beyond imagination :D love it!
Oh Ams: How I love Slaves of Las Vegas!

Catherine: I just realized that you and I have a very healthy relationship.
Grissom: We do?
Catherine: When we have a problem, I don't paint Greg in latex and stick a straw up his nose.
Grissom: Good. He'd probably like it.
Catherine: You're supposed to say something revealing back to me.
Grissom: Okay. I never told anyone this, Catherine...

Hmmm, I wonder what he said to Cath! I bet it was something dirty! :devil: We love dirty!Grillows! :D

I also loved this bit:
Grissom: To get to the evidence, we may have to destroy the evidence.
Catherine: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you?
Grissom: Every time you find a body, you have to choose a path and when you take that path, Grasshopper, you risk destroying the evidence.
Catherine: We grab a trowel and some fine mesh screens and we just pretend like we're panning for gold...Master.

Heheh, they're just so cute and I totally agree: Grillows do have a very healthy relationship. And *cough sex life cough*. ;) :devil:
*did someone mention Slaves of Las Vegas ??*

We do love our dirty Grillows :devil:
Cath and Gris were SOOO great in that episode . I mean you can't go wrong with Cath, Gris and Lady Heather. :D
^^ Yes, I was about to point that out. About Cath/Gil/Lady H! I just wasn't sure if it was the right thread! :lol:... but C/G/LH = OT3!! :D

Yes, we do love our Dirty Grillows, now don't we? *Points to Drum's icon!*

Hmmm, where is my Erica darling?
Slaves of Las Vegas. And I love Dirty Grillows.

Talking of dirty Grillows and Erica, search for "Watching You Grissom/Catherine" at YouTube.

Erica and I came up with something that we think was pretty damn good :D
Ahhh, I just saw the "Watching You" video! It's so adorable! Oh, Grillows are so cute and dirty at the same time!

WOOOHOOO! Yey for smut! :D Oooh the master and grasshopper scene :D Hell yeah that is one helluva scene. :devil: At the end of SoLV, she just can't keep her hands off him I swear to god, fondles his arm first and them does it again :D Oh how she reads my mind :devil:

OMG! *bows* OMG! That video is immense! I pissed myself laughing at that. Awesome awesome. *adds to favs* Seriously, well done girls. Oh, I am definatly a RS!

Does anyone ever visit the GCR page on CSIWiki? I kinda run the artwork page there, I just did a big re-jig and it looks pretty damn good if anyone wants to take a peek the link is here.
Thanks Ams darling for fixing up the CSIWiki. I must say that it looks BRILLIANT! :)

Haha, yes--we sure love that master/grasshopper scene.

I don't know why... but I feel like dancing! *Turns on music*
What sort of songs do you guys see Grillows dancing to?
good for you ams I never go to the CBS wiki but now I might :D

Anne, I checked out your video. Hilarious :lol: Can I be an RS too ;)

You guys know that Slaves of Las Vegas is up there with my favorite episodes.
The end with the "Catherine, I've never told anyone this before...." is just classic !!!

kissy I think Grillows would dance to some oldies, slow dance :p
hhunter said:
good for you ams I never go to the CBS wiki but now I might :D

Anne, I checked out your video. Hilarious :lol: Can I be an RS too ;)

You guys know that Slaves of Las Vegas is up there with my favorite episodes.
The end with the "Catherine, I've never told anyone this before...." is just classic !!!
kissy I think Grillows would dance to some oldies, slow dance :p

Thanks for the gorgeous pics, guys - they're beautiful.

And I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Erica and I sure had a lot of fun making it.

As for what GC would dance to, I'm voting for a little of Michael Buble - something like "Everything" :D
Hmmm, I love the idea of Michael Buble and oldies songs! :D Awwww, I can just imagine Grillows dancing and all cute! :D

Question: what impact do you guys think the finale had on Grillows?
"Everything"... what a great song. :) I swear I was totally thinking the same thing when I was listening to it yesterday. Love it!

I hope the finale puts Grillows through some angst. I likeeee. :D

Woot for Ams. Checked out the page, it's gorgeous. Lovely work. ^^
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