Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Thanks Ams darling for fixing up the CSIWiki. I must say that it looks BRILLIANT!
It does a lot better all organised doesn't it Kissy? I like perfection and order (even though theres not much of that in my life lol), I blame the Virgo in me. It took forever but looks much much better. Hunter, sometimes I go on the CSI forum just for giggles, CSI:Wiki is ok though, coupla nice pages.

As for what music I see them dancing too, I always imagine 'Still The One' by Shania Twain. Now this is kinda wierd, I had an idea for a fic using this song and a slow dance and someone had already wrote one *exactly* like my idea. Freaky. Was a good fic btw lol. I always think 'If I Ain't Got You' By Alicia Keys too, now that is such a sweet song.

The finale, well, I think she's gonna be both upset/pissed. Not particularly jelous just upset he couldn't tell her something so big. I think it does depend on what happens to Sara, say if she dies, she can't really jump down his throat because he'll be all :( and Catherine isn't the kind of woman to add insult to injury.
19ams87 said:
Thanks Ams darling for fixing up the CSIWiki. I must say that it looks BRILLIANT!
It does a lot better all organised doesn't it Kissy? I like perfection and order (even though theres not much of that in my life lol), I blame the Virgo in me. It took forever but looks much much better. Hunter, sometimes I go on the CSI forum just for giggles, CSI:Wiki is ok though, coupla nice pages.

As for what music I see them dancing too, I always imagine 'Still The One' by Shania Twain. Now this is kinda wierd, I had an idea for a fic using this song and a slow dance and someone had already wrote one *exactly* like my idea. Freaky. Was a good fic btw lol. I always think 'If I Ain't Got You' By Alicia Keys too, now that is such a sweet song.

The finale, well, I think she's gonna be both upset/pissed. Not particularly jelous just upset he couldn't tell her something so big. I think it does depend on what happens to Sara, say if she dies, she can't really jump down his throat because he'll be all :( and Catherine isn't the kind of woman to add insult to injury.

I agree with you completely, ams.

What's more, I think she's going to be hurt. And if he has any heart, I think that is what will upset him the most.
Maybe i'm just being harsh but I kinda want him to be upset. I mean I don't want him to moap around for all of S8 if Sara does die, I mean, I want him to see how it's gonna effect the rest of the team. I always think he knows/knew it was going to hurt the team so it was easier not to tell them. But he must've known it was going to come out sooner or later. Lets just say it's going to be an interesting season...I hope.

*ANYWAY* lol. Another song I can see them dancing to is one thats just randomly come onto my iTunes (I think it senses when i'm on the GCR thread lol) 'Because You Loved Me' by Celine Dion. Yes, I know, it's immensly cheesy but it works :D See, i'm not all smut, i'm a huge fluff fan too.
I hope he's upset because he's the one who got himself into this mess in the first place.

That said, as far as Grillows goes, their relationship will largely depend on Sara's fate. I've said it before.

If Sara lives, there will be GC angst. If Sara does live, I hope Catherine gives him another hypocrite speech, and maybe a snide comment of her own to match Gil's "That's why I don't go out" at the end of Weeping Willows. It would set the groundwork for a very sngsty season.

If Sara dies, however, it could be the groundwork for a Grillows cannon or at least a restoration of their friendship. If Sara were to die, it is the most logical thing to have Catherine helping him deal with that loss all through Season 8.

Either way...
Lets just say it's going to be an interesting season...I hope.

ITA ams
Ams: Hehehe. I like order too and Gil said that in one episode as well! :lol:

Got to jet off to Champagne & Paris tommorow, guys! Have fun while I'm gone! (Well not TOO much fun, since I won't be here! :p) Then I'm going to Thailand, so miss you guys and I'll be back in more than a month! :) *waves to everyone and skips off, thinking of OTP, PureJoy!*
Oh, I want him to be upset about CATH, but not about Sara. I really, really don't want moping, depressed, angst-filled Gil. Only if he's mourning his relationship with Catherine do I want that. LOL

kissy, have fun in Champagne, Paris and Thailand. I can't believe you're leaving us for over a month!! Have a great time, though!

I only have two concerns about what could happen in the season if Sara dies and GC became canon:

1. Extra ammunition for Cath haters

2. I wouldn't want it to be like Catherine was second choice. We all know she's first choice in his heart - and I fear that if they make GC canon later, it'll look like he's just making his way through the women he works with. And I wouldn't want that for Catherine.

If GC were to become canon, I would rather that Grissom had an epiphany of his own in a big way, and moved from Sara to Catherine without having to kill her off.
maybe a snide comment of her own to match Gil's "That's why I don't go out" at the end of Weeping Willows
OH YEAH! Word's can't express how much i'd love that to happen. I hated Grissom so much at the end of that episode lol. Took me a while to forgive him after that lol.
it is the most logical thing to have Catherine helping him deal with that loss all through Season 8.
*wipes eyes* oh I hope so, that'd be so sweet. I ain't asking for a Grillows cannon ship (realistically, I don't think it'll ever happen) just a revisit back to thier original friendship and chemistry.

Anne, I couldn't agree more, i'd hate that it was like Cath was having Sara's leftovers. Still, I don't think i'd give a flying monkey if they were cannon. And screw the Cath haters, seriously, how can you hate Cath?!
I'd say that perhaps in Weeping Willows, Gil was really hurt. Okay, I was VERY peeved with him for saying what he did to Catherine, but perhaps his point of view was that look at all the guys chosen in the past - could she get any further from him than that?

But I do think that he was wrong there, and he deserves to have Catherine come back at him for what he's doing now. That being said, I don't think they'll write it that way, unfortunately.
LOL I wanted to come and pimp the video, but I see Anne has done that. Shame on me, my name is now linked with Dirty!Grillows...NOT! :devil: I love that video. It's just so dang funny. In case you don't know yet, Anne did the captions to the clips. There is a reason why she gets to win the caption contests so often. She's got talent! :lol:

I'm not a fan of the CSI wiki (although it was me who created the main C/G page with coolcatz and Hottie's help. LOL). I hadn't been there since the first week the whole wiki thing was set up. Couldn't stand the arrogant GSR people over there. Now I know not all GSR fans are arrogant, but just a few could ruin it all. I went there last night because the new vid's page on YouTube showed that the vid was posted on the wiki. I took a glance and thought it was much better than before I left. At least people have to register to post a comment now. I doubt I'll go back there, though. No offense to anyone who maintains any pages there, but I think the whole wiki idea was bad, and the wiki site is quite a mess in general. Makes one wonder whether the mods are doing their job. :rolleyes:

But hey, that's just me.
I agree Anne, I think Gil was both hurt and jelous. Perhaps him acting such a prat was his way of showing he cares right?! I definalty Cath would benefit from dating someone like Gil, the guys she goes for fit into one category, she needs somebody like Griss!

I lurves that dang video, honestly it's one of the best i've seen, hilarious.

I watched Still Life for the first time last night, I really liked how Gil opened up to her about his dad, looked like he needed a hug though :( Cath shoulda gave him a big strong hug.

Erica, I only ever go onto the GCR Artwork page on Wiki to keep it looking nice, apart from that I don't venture round that area much. There is one GSR fan over there that is just plain rude, we've had our 'heated debates'. It's all childish and stupid imo. I was the one who posted you're vid btw. Hope you don't mind? ;)
Absolutely she needs someone like Grissom. And what is more, he needs someone like her. She encourages him to live - really live.

Haha, we love the vid too.

*tackle hugs* ERICA!! About damn time you're in here. and your icon totally rocks :D
ams, great job maintaining the fan art page. It looks great. And thanks for posting the video there. I don't mind at all. In fact, I thank you for that. I'm sure Anne does, too. :)

LOL Anne, I know I'd been gone for a while. Work sucked, but I survived. :D Regardless of how little time I dedicate to PureJoy recently, my love for this pairing never changes. They're too hot to ignore. ;)
How did we get onto page 2? That's blasphemous people!

The fanart page does look beautiful, ams, and I'm just as happy as Erica to see the vid there. I'm damn proud of that vid :)

It's nice having you back in the fold, Erica. We miss our Lady E when she's not around ;)
hey, I haven't been here in a while. ;)

Let me jump right in...
Yes, Grissom needs Cath. She brings him into the world he hides in.
She is there for him and they have known each other for the longest.
Their fun, flirty, back-and-forth rapport is great to watch
Somehow, the show forgot that..... :(

I think they need each other in their lives and I hope the show does address that at some point.
hhunter said:
hey, I haven't been here in a while. ;)

Let me jump right in...
Yes, Grissom needs Cath. She brings him into the world he hides in.
She is there for him and they have known each other for the longest.
Their fun, flirty, back-and-forth rapport is great to watch
Somehow, the show forgot that..... :(

I think they need each other in their lives and I hope the show does address that at some point.

H!! Welcome back :D
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