Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Hahaha that pic is so cute. The way they look at each other and the way others look at them are just so interesting. :lol:

To me, Catherine is never the jealous type of woman. She'd definitely understand if Heather is in need of Gil's comfort, but I think she'd want Gil to talk to her before he goes to Heather instead of explaining the whole thing to her after. This way, if something happens, Catherine would know how to help Gil and Heather and get them out of trouble. :)
Hey guys. Haven't been here in a while. Stupid exams.

I think Catherine's reaction to Gil's revelation will depend on what happens to Sara. I hope that G and C will have a moment together before the team finds Sara where Catherine will call him on somethings and then leave the room with a "We'll talk about this later" moment.

And when later comes, Catherine's behavoiur woould be different for the two possible senarios. If Sara lives, I'd hope that Cath would really rip into Gil for being a hypocrite and for decieving her. A damaged friendship, but not a broken one. If Sara does die, however, Catherine isn't the type to kick a man while he's down. She'll comfort Gil and leave the arguement at that. It'd bring them closer.

At least that's what I'd hope. Either way, angst of fluff, I know that there should be GC in the season opener.
Cath would probably have gone over as well.
Mwahaha :devil: Sorry, it's my naughty mind.

Glad y'all liked that pic, I named it 'pounce' on my PB lol. ;)

then leave the room with a "We'll talk about this later" moment.
How wierd, I watched the last 2 episodes of S7 last night and I thought that. It'll depend on the situation but I think until they find Sara (dead or alive) that she'll be like 'we'll talk about this later...' definatly. I think it'll be dealt with in the 2nd or 3rd episode of S7.
I don't think it will end their friendship. They have known each other for about 20 years and they must have been through a lot together to get to this point. They fight at times, but they always make up eventually and I think that's what a true friendship is. I hope Cath will make Gil realize what kind of a big mistake he's made (not necessarily the relationship but his lectures about working ethics) and how much he's hurting the team. I really think she's the only person who's capable of doing this.
So true. God knows: Grillows has a fairshare of angst, but they always make up! They've been confidantes and best friends for years... Cath will be pissed, damn it--she will be (but we LOVE angry Cath now, don't we? ;) Remember The Good, the Bad and the Dominatrix[/b]) but she'll always forgive Grissom in the end. :)
They're too great of friends (and more than that) to not make up!

Ams: Cute promo! It's almost as if CathGil are discovering each other, LITERALLY with their little torches!
Ams: Cute promo! It's almost as if CathGil are discovering each other, LITERALLY with their little torches!
Oooh I like that idea, discovering each other *swoon*

Damn right we love angry Cath, I can imagine Grissom cowering in his office on his chair while Cath verbally assaults him! LOL. Nick's gonna be a moody lil moose too, but we love a bitta jealosy right?! Oops wrong thread ;)
ams I'm telling ya, there's a thread for your gutter mind :eek: :devil:

and your picture just turns so many thoughts in my head about Cath and Gil want all their sexual energy and wanting to pounce on each other... :D

yes, Season 1 :)
Haha, ams, you have a dirty mind.

And I love the idea for Grissom cowering in his office.

And talking of Season 1, here's my topic opener:

If Gil and Catherine were married in the pilot episode - what would have been different in the episode, or what would YOU have changed?
Drumchik said:

And I love the idea for Grissom cowering in his office.

:D I like it too!

Hmmm...what would have happened in the pilot if G and C would have been married... interesting...

You know how Catherine was late for work in Pilot? If Gil and Cath were married, I bet that they'd BOTH be late. :devil:

Plus I would like a little lovers quarrell in there just because they're cute when they fight. And then a nice family moment where Cath races home to be with Lindsey and finds Gil and Lindsey making breakfast of something. Then at the end of the ep where they find out Holly was shot, They could support each other.

Great. Now I wish that Gil and Catherine had been married since the pilot.
Haha, ams, you have a dirty mind.
But, no, but...I really have no defence, i'm guilty, so sue me! ;)

god I wish they hada been married since the pilot, woulda been a nice angle to come from. I think they woulda just taken things more personally, I like my angst so it woulda been nice to see them argue a lil more. Watched Weeping Willows again last night and I swear I just wanna strangle Grissom in that. Speshly after this season. ANGER! It makes me think she's gon whoop his ass. :D
HMMM if Gil and Cath were married since the pilot, then something could be different.

If Cath was late, I think it's because she was dropping Lindsey off at her sisters, so maybe Gil would have taken Lindsey so Cath wouldn't have been late to her shift. OR Gil would have taken Lindsey to school maybe (she was 6 right?)
And a whole lot of things would have been different over the seasons
if they were married, Cath wouldn't have been making out with Adam Novak in the first place????? So Weeping Willows would have a different turn ... That is just ONE of many many episodes that would be different if Cath and Gris were married since the pilot and... STAYED MARRIED
hhunter said:
HMMM if Gil and Cath were married since the pilot, then something could be different.

If Cath was late, I think it's because she was dropping Lindsey off at her sisters, so maybe Gil would have taken Lindsey so Cath wouldn't have been late to her shift. OR Gil would have taken Lindsey to school maybe (she was 6 right?)
And a whole lot of things would have been different over the seasons
if they were married, Cath wouldn't have been making out with Adam Novak in the first place????? So Weeping Willows would have a different turn ... That is just ONE of many many episodes that would be different if Cath and Gris were married since the pilot and... STAYED MARRIED

Oh I promise to get to Weeping Willows - I want to go right through the series and see what would have changed...

I think maybe it would have been cool to see Holly's reaction to Gil and Catherine being married. She's a newbie and would be seeing them in a different light - maybe wondering how they could possibly keep it going.

And I'd so love for Myra the liquor store lady to give Gil a lashing about his crazy wife. Then Gil could have gone over to Catherine and very blandly explained to her what Myra said - and they'd have both had a good chuckle over it.
I think maybe it would have been cool to see Holly's reaction to Gil and Catherine being married.
I don't think she woulda been suprised to be honest, I bloody wouldn't of been lol. I think PMJ woulda affected them both because of the topic, husband suspected of killing wife/affairs etc.

To back up me being a smutlady, I had an smutastic dream last night, honestly, I can't post any of it here :( LOL. Twas tres enjoyable lmao.
I love all these replies, guys. Very cool.

Here's another episode:

What about Cool Change?

I'm sure that if they had been married we would have seen the same level of support between Gil and Catherine, but perhaps we would have seen a bit of home life in this episode too - Catherine's determination to take the case, her attitude on Sara's arrival and the emotional ending of the case might have made for some interesting home viewing.
I don't think *that* much woulda changed in Cool Change apart from, like you ^^ said, a bit more of the home life. I can imagine Cath coming home and Gil having to comfort her, maybe Cath breaking down a lil. Like she implied, she felt a lil responsible and I think Gil woulda have to a reassure her a little more than he did (or didnt?) in CC.

Annnnd, I had ANOTHER smut dream last night, what is up with me atm?! :p lol :devil:
Hello! How's everyone? I can see that PJ is still up and going :D

If GC had been married from the very start, alot of things will had made even more sense. Episodes like jackpot, BOP....omg, I'm rusty, can't think of anymore right now :p Anyway, what I'm trying to say that all those moments fit perfectly into a husband/wife relationship, so they wouldn't have to change if GC were married.

I also think that their marraige will change the gil/eddie interaction, adding more sparks to it. Lindsey will be spending more time with gil and growing even closer to him, eddie will be giddy with jealousy :D
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