Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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^^ Oh honey, I bet it led somewhere! TPTB were just too mean to show us! :devil: :lol:
The first one that comes to mind is
Swap Meet and the 'wife swaping' party
I can see Cath's look now... "Don't you DARE pimp ME out, Gil Grissom!"
:lol: rofl. That'll be hilarious. I can also see his eyebrow raise and then shaking his head: "Nah, I'll never do that."
I think the show would have been really fun to watch if Cath and Gil had been married from the start.
Not just because we ship GCR but I do think it woulda been an interesting angle to come from, to my knowledge no other TV programme has come from this angle. I woulda liked to have seen that.

LOL, 'Don't you DARE pimp ME out, Gil Grissom' that made me laugh!
I kinda think 'Gentle Gentle' would've affected them, Grissom got to pent up/angry/upset etc.
Feeling the Heat is a good episode too for what you mean Drumchik

Grissom has a 'thing' when kids are hurt and in that case a baby :(
I think that's why he 'bailed' on Cath and worked the case with Warrick. He knew Cath would work the case (although she is a mother) without her prejudice in the way, which, unlike himself sometimes, would.

Gentle, Gentle is anther example, good one ams of him getting 'too involved' when it comes to kids.

Funny, that even though Cath is the mother, she tends NOT to be prejudice when it comes to those kinds of cases.
And that is the bond they have that Grissom knows that Cath can work those kinds of cases and not have an impartial view.
Hey ya guys! How ya doin'? :D

I was reading yor posts about the CSI books and there's another shippy quote I'd like to mention... If you have Double Dealer, turn to page 42 and you'll know what I'm talking about. lol. And I absolutely love the last chapter of Sin City. Reading it is just like watching the last scene of Burden of Proof all over again -minus the plant part. :lol:

ams I made this icon a while back. Don't know if it's what you want, anyway...

like that icon Erica :)

it seems as if i need to buy CSI books. i don't have a single one and i have to admit, i haven't even read a PureJoy fanfic *hides*
i think i should go watch shippy episodes, i feel like seeing the good old times! where they used to work cases together...and somehow i'm in a 'Jackpot' mood. it's such a great PureJoy ep, though they didn't even work together. but the phone calls were enough to make me happy ;)
Jackpots a PureJoy classic! Followed by Fur & Loathing, perfecto.

Erica, do you have a HQ vers of that pic? PM me it if you do pleeease! Oh, and while you're at it, add the quote in if you don't mind?

Oooh Cath you sooo have to read some PureJoy fanfics, we have some extremly talented writers among us. Better than tptb LOL. ;)
i LOVE Fur and Loathing! i think it has to be one of the funniest episodes ever! and the PureJoy moments are way too great!
their comments are hilarious! when they talk about 'normal' sex :lol:
19ams87 said:
Oooh Cath you sooo have to read some PureJoy fanfics, we have some extremly talented writers among us. Better than tptb LOL. ;)
it is not too hard to be a better writer than TPTB! :rolleyes: i will see if i can find some PureJoy fanfics...any suggestions? ;)
I don't think Anne/Drumchik will mind me saying hers, its a crossover with Desperate Housewives, click and search for 'Mysteria Lane'. :D On Graveyard Shift there all organised into genre so it depends on what you're in the mood for :D

Grissom and Cath are always talkin about sex :devil: Seriously, a lot of eps have them talkin about it ;)
thanks! :D *rushes off to graveyard shift*

and yeah you're right, they do talk about sex very often. 'Butterflied' comes to mind cause i've seen it recently and the "Got silk?" scene was great! but the best sex talk scene ever was of course catherine: "write this down. i haven't had sex in seven months!" grissom: "how can i help?" oh we all know how he could :devil:
I'm sure he knew too :devil: ;) Why else would he of said it?!

Graveyard Shift rawks! Raaawr.

You know Billy randomly added the 'got silk' scene? It wasn't scripted ;)

I watched 'the kiss: part 2' earlier and my god, it's still so very nice. Hot hot hot. :D
19ams87 said:
You know Billy randomly added the 'got silk' scene? It wasn't scripted ;)
i don't think i knew that. what was he supposed to say otherwise? and for the fact that it wasn't scripted, marg's answer was pretty cool! there you see how perfect they work together, as cath and grissom AND as marg and billy! i wished i had that episode on my computer but unfortunately i haven't :( i'll have to watch single clips of it instead. better than nothing ;)

oh and i need to watch 'King Baby'! the last scene is worth millions. 'i even missed your tush' :lol: of course he did!
Erica: Thanks for the references on the books! Max Allan Collins sure is a D/L shipper! :)
Gentle, Gentle is anther example, good one ams of him getting 'too involved' when it comes to kids.
Ahh, that was a fantastic episode. It really showed how much he cares for the kids and how much GC rely on each other!

'i even missed your tush' of course he did!
Ahh! :lol: That's my favorite S5 GCR moment, because it was just so adorable, familiar and plain awesome! :D
I loved how she spat her drink out too! :lol: rofl

Here are some Grillows Love to brighten our day!:


And some Billy/Marg... just because! :D

Sorry about the quality, but who can resist G/C?
^^^ thanks for the pics kissy ( I like that btw)
who can resist Marg and Billy kissing????????
and who can resist Gris in a tux???? :devil:

and I knew the 'got silk' line was not scripted and so was the 'glasses sharing' moment in Living Doll that wasn't scripted either. At least according to Hottie
C/G have the off screen chemistry too :)
^^ Oh Hhunter: I'm not even going to try to resist! :lol: :devil: (Haha, I'm Kissy now!)

I didn't know about the the Glases Sharing thing in Living Doll. I don't think I caught that. When was it exactly?

I totally agree: C/G make natural chemistry! THey're magic!
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