Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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even writers can't deny their connection
Yep, actually... there's been numerous occasions where the writers/producers have emphasized how Grillows is the essence of CSI! :D I totally agree!

Ams! Thanks! ;) I'll PM you now, sweetie!
Ooh! OOH! Can I have shippy quotes. I LOVE shippy quotes.

kissy. It fits. I think we shall all call her kissy :D

Okay I have a topic. Someone was saying that when they first watched CSI they thought G and C could have been divorced. IF they were, chart through their relationships to see what the other would have thought ;)
Well if they were divorced, then when Cath met Chris (I can't think of his last name) the owner of the Acid Drop in Early Rollout Grissom did get jealous. Ok, I thought he did. He bit the end of his glasses with a very particular look.

And then when she told him she hadn't had sex in ... "6 no wait... 7 months" and he replied, "how can I help?"
(I forget what episode that is from :eek: )

Those to me are all signs that he cares for her (or in the case of them being divorced) still cares for her and wants to know what is going on in her life :)
Ooh! OOH! Can I have shippy quotes. I LOVE shippy quotes.
Definatly, i'll PM you. Just sent them to Kissy, hope ya love them as much as I did lol. Seriously, the last chapter is shiptastic ;)

^^ the sex quote is from Evaluation Day if i'm correct?

Ok, so, jelous Grissom, how about Weeping Willows, explains why he was so assy with her. And when she meets that music guy? Arrrgh I can't member his bloody name. And he's stood inbetween them and he looks like 'wth? stop lookin at each other like that!' *pouts*
i know i haven't been in this thread for a very long time, but i couldn't resist to come back. i am desperate! i need new CSI and i wouldn't mind to read those shippy quotes :D if you could pm me ams that would be awesome.

oh and the sex quote is from "Early Rollout" ;)
Early Rollout, thats it, didn't think I was quite right. Welcome back Cath, now don't ever leave again! PureJoy needs you *points finger at Cath* Oh I am so tempted to do like a poster of that. Anyone got a pic of either Billy or Marg pointing a the camera?!

I'll PM them to ya Cath, man I am spreading the wealth :D
hum... i don't know. i know George Eads has. haha.

i'm in a rather PUREJOY-y mood today so i thought about posting some pics of the hot couple!!


^sad Grissom

^Cath: You like that Gil?

^Sneaking a peek. what she doesn't know can't hurt her! :devil:

LOVE PureJoy. hope we get more of it in season 8 then we did in season 7.
OH! "Assume Nothing" was such a great PureJoy episode. when they were in that motel room with the vibrating bed :devil: i thought/hoped catherine would lie down next to him and....well i'll leave the rest up to your imagination ;)

and the scene in the beginning when grissom and catherine are examining the body of alice dominguez, when he tells her that her phone is vibrating and she says "you're back" and then his "huh?" and the wink :D really cute.

oh and thanks ams i'll try to come here more often, promise!
omgoodness, i know!! the vibrating bed. ooh... grissom was practicly SCREAMING at cath to come join. and... who knows what would of happened at that. your couple lets like experiment!! :devil:

that first scene was so cute. his little wink. *thud* that was hot. and when that dancer girl was trying to get grissom to come with her or something and cath like... PULLED Grissom away. no one, except her, touches grissom! haha
That vibrating bed was awesome.
Although, I have to wonder whether they'd even need it. LOL. I'm sure they could make their bed vibrate very well on their own.

I think the show would have been really fun to watch if Cath and Gil had been married from the start. I can just imagine psycho chick from the liquor store in the pilot episode coming in and complaining to Grissom that "your wife is out of control!" LOL.
lmao!! i'd love to see that. the show would be twice as better. because, then they could have the crazy couple cases and then they have to look into their own marriage and possiblly find an explaniation. then they have some agruments at work but then end up making up by making out in the break room, the team having to seperate their lips so they can get their cases from them. << I'd LOVE that!!
ha ha ha :lol: that is great. Both great scenes csiemily and Drumchik
^^^^ I'd Love that too!

So, let's throw this out there....
Cath and Gris are married, what episodes would affect their marriage the most? Per what csiemily stated above about cases and their marriage.

The first one that comes to mind is
Swap Meet and the 'wife swaping' party
I can see Cath's look now... "Don't you DARE pimp ME out, Gil Grissom!"

Anyone else ?
ROFLMAO!!! I love that, "don't you DARE pimp ME out!" *dies laughing*

I think that Assume Nothing could be funny: "You really think we NEED extra vibrations from a bed?"

More seriously, I think "Invisible Evidence" would have affected them as a couple.
Invisible Evidence with the 'too much, not enough' statement? Catherine saying, "You need to be more consistant with our team" sort of thing? Is that where you were going with that?

Assume Nothing and the vibrating bed. Maybe Grissom did need a break :lol: :devil:
hhunter said:
Invisible Evidence with the 'too much, not enough' statement? Catherine saying, "You need to be more consistant with our team" sort of thing? Is that where you were going with that?

Assume Nothing and the vibrating bed. Maybe Grissom did need a break :lol: :devil:

Now I've forgotten what I meant! I think I got the episodes mixed up. I meant Feeling the Heat.

But yes, Invisible Evidence - in that interrogation window where our couple were chatting - that could SO have led somewhere.
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