Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

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Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Of course Cath was referring to herself and how she's always there for him even if he doesnt seem to know it half the time.
I've just bought CSI S4 purely based on the fact that it has the Jackpot eppy and I can show it to my mate who doesn't seem to understand my obsession over Gil/Cath. I am soo going to show her it so she can "kiss my royal ass".

BTW Dardeile I luv ur avvy!
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Welcome CraneFalconGCR and 19ams87 :D

Catherine was definitely refering to herself, and I think he knew it too :)

I saw Jackpot for the first time 2 weeks ago and loved it. It was such a G/C episode, and also showed how well theyre relationship worked when Grissom was out of town, and how they were always in touch, so I have no doubt that they'll be in touch throughout his little hiatus.

ITA Dardeile it is probably the ultimate declaration of PureJoy, because it shows a different side to them, especially Gil, a more carefree and playful side imo, and shes the only one to have ever brought that out in him :D
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

ok then just wanted to clear that up :lol:

and yes it is the ULTIMATE in Cath/Grissom Shippness
and on the Grissom thread, it is the definative Grissom episode also :)

that along with Formalities, and Butterflied.. the 'lets go to the bedroom' line too
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I agree, Jackpot has such a great lines between these two, the pure joy is there and is real!
But one moment i'll never forget, and always comes to my mind when i tak about them, is just the look grissom gives to Catherine when she's leaving, in "Earlly Rollout" the final scene, its just... they have these looks between them, or in "Nesting dolls" at the end, those kind of looks make my heart go faster... such intensity... there's love!
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

talking about looks...i LOVE the look grissom gives catherine in the last scene of king baby when brass interrupts :mad: and asks "did i miss the punchline?" and cath answers yes....his look is just sooo great :D
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

*jigs wildly* I haven't had the plesure of either Jackpot or King Baby...season 4 should be here tmorrow sometime, i'm looking even more forward to it now! Is it also when Billy adopts the beard? OH. MY. LORD. ;)
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

YES it is!!! you can be looking forward to the beautiful times that will come with this (the 4th season AND the beard)...hope you'll enjoy it! :)
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

yes Grissom with the beard
my favorite MMMMMMMM

I have this image in my head of Cath and Grissom in a closet somewhere in the lab and she says to him..."I'm so glad you decided to grow a beard"
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

YEY, I think he's shaved again in S7, what a poof, looks much better with the beardness. Lol, still, illegally hot though. Just done my first g/c banner. Not that happy with it, had to change the fonts because we have to have them small lol. Dammit, well, heres the link for the original which is way better IMO, if anyone wants to check it out.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Newbies...Excellent *rubs hands together* The Terror Twins will corrupt you. Be prepared.

Continuing on my little GC jaunt through the years, I'm up to "Pledging Mr Johnson. First... "May I take your hand?"

And of course, who can forget the "Excuse me while I put my hands around your waist (also touching your butt) and lift you out of the boat" moment:

Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Gil is even the gentleman. He just HAD to help Catherine out of the boat. ;)

What is it with these two and water? Boats, tubs, showers...?

My favorite line from Butterflied:

Catherine: Now that we have some food in you, let's talk about a shower.

lol. Notice how she said 'let's'? I'll bet that was on her mind while she was watching him eat the peanut butter. I could just see them taking a shower together, with the water and the steam...

Those two never stop. They're like the energizer bunny.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

NEWBIES! Yay! Welcome to the Greatest Ship There Ever Was
AKA GCR. :D (And no, we do not think highly of ourselves at all ;P ) Hope you decide to stay with us. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A T

*discovers thread* OMFG!

My favorite pairing! = love :D
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Has anyone noticed what Gil's eyes are looking at as he helps Cath down from the boat?
The positioning of his head is slightly downwards wich you wouldn't get if he was looking into her eyes and if you follow his eyeline you can see he is admiring her two :ahem: assets and loving every minute of it.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

oh man I totally noticed that. I thought it was adorable. Not to mention how gently he helped her out. It was sweet :)
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