Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

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Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

How do you think Grissom will react when he gets back finds Keppler and the team turned against Catherine? Will he come to his lady love's rescue?
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Actually, there have been a couple of CG rollercoaster fics I've read. There was the Bugman one you mentioned, Anne, and I think another one was "9 years 34 days", and there might have been another one or two. I can't remember them all. I do know that Cath seems to always be smiling at the end of the coaster ride!

My favorite CG episode for today would be PMJ, because I just watched it a few days ago and it's fresh in my mind.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

i like "shooting stars", their walk through the desert! and the scene from "still life" where he tells her about his father...that shows how close they are!
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

My favorite will always be Jackpot. Its closely followed by Fur and Loathing.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

All this F&L talking is making me think about coolc again. :D

My all time fav will always be Formalities. No way it could ever be replaced.
But Inside The Box is close.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Jackpot is the DEFINATIVE Cath/Gris episode where their whole relationship is summonded down to a line.."My wife, she hates it when we are apart."

it's also the definative Grissom episode (check out the Grissom thread :0 )
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

You know, I really think Catherine and Grissom are different when they're apart. Grissom goes all broody (Season 6) and Catherine (Season 5) goes all nutty. When they're together (Locomotives, Season 1), they seem to calm down just a little.

I think it's because they balance each other out so well and they can take care of the other's faults without it even really seeming like they're doing so.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I too enjoy when the girls get along. My favorite interaction between Sara and Cath was the beer scene.

CG to balance each other. They always have. So obviously, now that Gil's gone, Catherine's gonna go a little nutty.

Fav gc ep? Right now it's table stakes "Shall we do the room too?"...honesty, do i need to say anymore?

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? If we got that much gc and hints to gc having more than just a proffessional relationship back in s1, what was it the writers never showed us? Did Gil and Cath really have a "thing" in the immortal words of Eddie? How did Gil know Ed was a cheat? Under what circumstances did Lindsey tell the spider joke to Gil?

It's interesting.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I heard that last night that Catherine went a bit "Grissomy". I find that highly amusing, considering that when one of them is without the other they go a bit odd. She's obviously entered her: Grissom isn't here, going a little nutty now phase.

Shall we do the room too. I LOVE that scene. Caroline had some fantastic fics based on that scene.

I still think that Catherine and Grissom are currently having a secret relationship.

As for Gil knowing Eddie was a cheat, I think that may have something to do with the idea that Grissom and Eddie were friends, although that suggestion by TPTB seems widely exaggerated considering the two men and their differences.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Drumchik said:
I still think that Catherine and Grissom are currently having a secret relationship.
Ah, so I'm not the only one... I did think it interesting that in Leaving Las Vegas, they showed us Gil saying goodbye to Nick, Warrick and Sara. We know Catherine rushed back but we weren't shown what transpired between them. So it must have been done off-screen. I really like that thought. Raises all sorts of possibilities :devil:

Drumchik said:
As for Gil knowing Eddie was a cheat, I think that may have something to do with the idea that Grissom and Eddie were friends, although that suggestion by TPTB seems widely exaggerated considering the two men and their differences.
They had one thing in common though: Catherine. :D Plus, Gil being so interested in Catherine, he probably had his feelers out for whatever might be happening in her life.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Hey peoples, i'm new here, call me Ams. And as you guessed, I think Gris is WAY better suited to Cath than Sara. I don't think it'll ever happen but we can pray huh?! lol. I'm pretty new to CSI, i'm on S3 at the moment, just ordered S4.

Here are my reasons why they should SO be together: They tell each other everything, they talk by just looking at each other, they can laugh together, they trust each other, the're best friends, undeniable chemistry, shes the only one who really 'gets him' aaaand, he's always checking her out LMAO!

I like Sara, but Cath is better! Go Grillows!
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I dont think Gil and Eddie were friends per se they became friendly towards one another when Cath first began dating Ed after all the best friend and boyfriend would have to meet sometime. However over a period of time Gil noticed the bad effect Eddie was having over Cath what with the drugs and then the abuse that he started to detest the man until finally his pent-up emotions resulted in the shove and "Get off her Ed". (Which only served to prove that Gil was in love with Cath and needed to protect her at all costs.)
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

welcome Ams. I agree that gc are suited for each other and i liked ur comment about him checking her true! lol

Question, where did the whole Eddie abusing Catherine thing come from? Was it in the show or is it just infered because he's an ass?
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I think it came from the fact that in one episode he pushed her against a wall and got in her fact. Grissom pulled her off. After that he treated her like an ass. I suspect that's where the abuse idea came from.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

So...Catherine knew Gil before she knew Ed? Just checking.

Welcome Ams! As soon as someone can find it, we'll dig out the welcome basket for you :D

And, just cause I feel like it - GC back when we first met them:

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